[S13001] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Vautour, Léon & Thériault, Jeannette, 15 Oct 1957; digital images (F23686-4445), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 17 Oct 2015.)
[S13002] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Robichaud, Joseph & Léger, Justine, 10 Jan 1888; digital images (F13380-13), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 17 Oct 2015.)
[S13003] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, LeBlanc, Anselme & Leger, Azelie E, 13 Feb 1888; digital images (F13380-16), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 17 Oct 2015.)
[S13004] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Leger, Jean & Cormier, Osithe, 9 Apr 1888; digital images (F13380-21), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 17 Oct 2015.)
[S13005] United States Border Crossings from Canada to United States, 1895-1956.
[S13006] "MA Death Index", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 18 Oct 2015), Legere, Augustin M (1987).
[S13007] US Census 1930, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 18 Oct 2015), Bourgeois, Mary L (Shirley, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States).
[S13008] US Census 1940, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 18 Oct 2015), Legere, Augustin (Shirley, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States).
[S13009] Mary Madeleine Boegemann - obituary, Sentinel & Enterprise, Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 15 Mar 2014.
[S13010] David E. Raboin - obituary, Lowell Sun, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States, 22 Oct 2012.
[S13011] "obituary," Conway Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home (ccbfuneral.com... : accessed 22 Oct 2015), Joseph J LeGere, 29 Nov 2003.
[S13012] Information fourni par Léger, Luc (Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada), reçu par Gilles Pinet, 23 Oct 2015. ..
[S13013] Recensement du Canada - 1911 - ménage de Legere, Joseph, household of Legere, Joseph, Microfilm: T-20358, NS, 3 (Amherst), 42 (Cumberland), page 19, line 9-12, dwelling, household 193, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Joseph Legere (32a), Elizabeth (27a), Erica (4a), Eleonor (1a.)
[S13014] US Census 1920, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 24 Oct 2015), Legore, Joseph (Everett Ward 2, Middlesex, Massachusetts). Joseph Legore (42a), Elizabeth Legore (38a), Ericka (13a), Eleanor (10a), Vernez (6a), Albert (4a.)
[S13015] US Census 1920, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 24 Oct 2015), Legore, Joseph (Everett Ward 2, Middlesex, Massachusetts). Joseph Legore (42a), Elizabeth Legore (38a), Ericka (13a), Eleanor (10a), Vernez (6a), Albert (4a.)
[S13016] US Census 1930, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 24 Oct 2015), Legire, Joseph (Everett, Middlesex, Massachusetts). Joseph Legire (52a), Elizabeth (46a), Evelyn (22a), Ellena (20a), Vernie (16a), Albert (14a.)
[S13017] US Census 1940, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted (201510-24)), Legere, Joseph (Ward 4, Everett, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States). Joseph Legere (66a), Elizabeth (59a), Elinor (30a), Verne (27a), Albert (25a.)
[S13018] "MA Vital Records", database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 24 Oct 2015), Legere (19 Dec 1917).
[S13020] Marie Louise Pacillo - obituary, Portland Press Herald, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine, United States, 12 Dec 2012.
[S13021] Donald G. Legere - obituary, Portland Press Herald, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine, United States, 25 Apr 2007.
[S13022] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Legere, Louis, Microfilm: C-13184, NB, D2 (Botsford), 33 (Westmorland), page 49, line 9-13, dwelling 178, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Louis Legere (38a), Toinaite (28a), Edemond (3a), Marie Exida (1a), Vitaline William (10a Domestique.)
[S13023] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Legere, Lois, Household of Legere, Lois, Microfilm: T-6311, NS, C2 (Amherst Shore), 30 (Cumberland), page 34-35, line 22-25;1-6, dwelling 165, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Lois Legere (47a), Toinette (40a), Edmund (13a), Adolph (8a), Exida (10a), Minnie (5a), Paul Burke (24a), Andrew Goodwin (28a), Alfred Burke (27a), Vitaline Leblanc (28a.)
[S13024] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Léger, Louis, ménage de Léger, Louis, Microfilm T-6442, NB, L1 (Rogersville), 19 (Northumberland), page 10, ligne 37-45, domicile 78, ménage 59, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Louis Léger (Chef 56a), Antoinette (50a), Edmond (22a), Exelda (20a), Adolphe (17a), Félonise (15a), Alice (8a), Euloge Henri (22a Logeur), Martin Léger (21a Logeur.)
[S13025] US Census 1920, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 4 Nov 2015), Lagere, Dolph (Portland Ward 7, Cumberland, Maine, United States). Dolph Lagere (Head 45a), Julia A (Wife 33a), Arthur (Son 13a), Annie (Daughter 11a), Jennie (Daughter 9a), Nena (Son 6a), Eddie (Son 1a), Anna (Mother 68a), Lazold? (Sister 42a.)
[S13026] Recensement du Canada - 1921 - ménage de Leger, Louis, household of Leger, Louis, NB, 25 (Rogersville), 44 (Northumberland), page 21B, line 17-18, dwelling, household 176, Ancestry (interactive.ancestry.c...). Louis Leger (Chef 77a), Antoinette Leger (Epouse 70a.)
[S13027] "ME Marriage Index," database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 5 Nov 2015), Foey, Thomas J;Legere, Anna M (1929).
[S13028] "ME Marriage Index," database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 5 Nov 2015), Small, Arthur;Legere, Evelyn M (1939).
[S13029] US Census 1930, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 5 Nov 2015), Legere, Adolphe P (South Portland, Cumberland, Maine, United States). Adolphe P Legere (Head 47a), Julia M (Wife 43a), Arthur J (Son 24a), Edward J (Son 11a), Evelyn M (Daughter 9a), Raymond (Son 8a), Louise V (Daughter 6a), Donald G (Son 4a.)
[S13030] US Census 1940, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 7 Nov 2015), Legere, Aldolph P (Ward 2, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine, United States). Aldolph P Legere (Head 57a), Judith (Wife 53a), Edward (Son 21a), Raymond (Son 18a), Louise (Daughter 16a), Donald (Son 14a.)
[S13031] "ME Marriage Index," database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 7 Nov 2015), Legere, Donald G;Bonville, Pauline (1953).
[S13032] "US SSDI", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 7 Nov 2015), Foley, Anna M (1993).
[S13033] "US SSDI", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 8 Nov 2015), Maki, Jane M (1995).
[S13034] "US SSDI", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 8 Nov 2015), Small, M Evelyn (2001).
[S13035] "US SSDI", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 8 Nov 2015), Legere, Edward J (1998).
[S13036] Nélida Bastarache - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 23 Sep 2014.
[S13037] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Anselme & Léger, Marguerite, 18 Jun 1888; digital images (F13380-36), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 11 Nov 2015.)
[S13038] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Cormier, Anselme, Household of Cormier, Anselme, Microfilm: T-6300, NB, G2 (Sainte Marie), 15 (Kent), page 16, line 23-25, dwelling 56, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Anselme Cormier (Chef 26a), Marguerite (Epouse 23a), Alphé (fils 2a.)
[S13039] Cormier, Alphée, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-22-858, (3 Apr 1889), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13040] Cormier, Alphée, Provincial Returns of Deaths. 1447. (24 Aug 1893). F14886. archives.gnb.ca....
[S13041] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Cormier, Pierre, ménage de Cormier, Pierre, Microfilm T-6441, NB, G2 (Sainte Marie), 17 (Kent), page 10, ligne 32-38, domicile 71, ménage 83 & 84, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Pierre Cormier (Chef 38a), Constance (Epouse 51a), Anselme (Chef 36a), Marguerite (32a), Hector (Fils 9a), Alyre (Fils 5a), Honoré (Fils 4a.)
[S13042] Recensement du Canada - 1911 - ménage de Cormier, Anselme, household of Cormier, Anselme, Microfilm: T-20351, NB, 17 (Sainte Marie), 28 (Kent), page 5, line 2-9, dwelling, household 36, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Anselme Cormier (Chef 46a), Marguerite (Epouse 43a), Hector (Fils 19a), Alyre (Fils 15a), Honoré (Fils 14a), Azélie (Fille 9a), Donat (Fils 7a), Marie (6a.)
[S13043] Recensement du Canada - 1921 - ménage de Cormier, Anselme, household of Cormier, Anselme, NB, 12 (Sainte Marie), 43 (Kent), page 14B, line 42-46, dwelling, household 123, Ancestry (interactive.ancestry.c...). Anselme Cormier (Chef 56a), Marguerite (Epouse 52a), Arzelie (Fille 19a), Donat (Fils 17a), Marie (Fille 15a.)
[S13044] Cormier, Louis Hector, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-62-438, (23 Oct 1891), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13045] Cormier, Louis Hector, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-98-371, (18 Jul 1893), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13046] Cormier, Honoré, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-159-269, (27 Sep 1896), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13047] Cormier, Osite, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-2-3-221, (7 Aug 1898), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13048] Cormier, Donat, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F19000, Registration number: 2203, (21 Jul 1903), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13049] Cormier, Marie Emma, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F19006, Registration number: 2272, (30 Jul 1905), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13050] Cormier, Clément, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F19012, Registration number: 1974, (4 Nov 1907), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Nov 2015.
[S13051] Cormier, Clement, Provincial Returns of Deaths. 1564. (30 Nov 1907). F18718. archives.gnb.ca....
[S13052] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Hector & LeBlanc, Madeleine, 16 May 1921; digital images (2221-F19678), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 11 Nov 2015.)
[S13053] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Allyre & Babineau, Marie Adele, 19 Nov 1923; digital images (F19683-2083), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 11 Nov 2015.)
[S13054] Nouveau-Brunswick, Nouvelles Locales et Provinciales, Weymouth, Digby, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 30 Jun 1898, pg 3, col 3.
[S13055] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Leger, Ludger & Morais, Mary Celeste, 17 Apr 1888; digital images (F13380-40), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 11 Nov 2015.)
[S13056] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Lanteigne, Jean P, Household of Lanteigne, Jean P, Microfilm: T-6299, NB, C3 (Caraquet), 14 (Gloucester), page 19, line 9-18, dwelling 78, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean P. Lanteigne (Chef 28a), Dina (Epouse 41a), Elizabeth (Fille 1a), Henry Lanteigne (Logeur 18a), Alma (Domestique 15a), Honore (Logeur 14a), Mary (Logeur 11a), Phillip (Logeur 9a), Victor (Logeur 7a), Philomène (Logeur 5a.)
[S13057] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Lanteigne, Jean P., ménage de Lanteigne, Jean P., Microfilm T-6440, NB, C5 (Caraquet), 16 (Gloucester), page 5, ligne 1-10, domicile 28, ménage 30, (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean P. Lanteigne (Chef 39a), Marie D. (Epouse 51a), Henri (Beau-Fils 27a), Honoré (Beau-Fils, 22a), Marie (Belle-Fille 21a), Philippe (Beau-Fils, 18a), Victor (Beau-Fils, 16a), Philomène (Belle-Fille, 15a), Elisabeth (Fille, 11a), Antoine (Fils, 9a.)
[S13058] Recensement du Canada - 1911 - ménage de Lanteigne, Jean, household of Lanteigne, Jean, Microfilm: T-20350, NB, 14 (Caraquet), 27 (Gloucester), page 17, line 11-14, dwelling, household 150, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean Lanteigne (Chef 48a), Marie (Epouse 61a), Antoine (Fils 19a), Eugenie Landry (Servante 30a.)
[S13059] Recensement du Canada - 1921 - ménage de Lanteigne, Jean, household of Lanteigne, Jean, NB, 21 (Caraquet), 42 (Gloucester), page 6B, line 35-42, dwelling, household 42, Ancestry (interactive.ancestry.c...). Jean Lanteigne (Chef 54a), Marie Dina (Epouse (69a), Antoine (Chef 30a), Helenne (29a), Albert (Fils 8a), Marie Yvonne (Fille 7a), Marie Emelie (Fille 5a), Marie Madeleine (Fille 2a.)
[S13060] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Antoine Lanteigne & Hélène Poirier, 13 Feb 1912; digital images (F15948-2405), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 12 Nov 2015.)
[S13061] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Lanteigne, Honoré & Lanteigne, Marguerite, 19 Nov 1918; digital images (F15976-2241), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 12 Nov 2015.)
[S13062] e-mail "Courriel - Durocher, Kim - November 12, 2015", Durocher, Kim (email address) to Gilles Pinet, 12 Nov 2015 .
[S13063] Recensement du Canada - 1871, Household of Lanten, Honary, Microfilm: C-10388, NB, F1 (Caraquet), 183 (Gloucester), page 68, line 8-13, dwelling 173, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Honary Lanten (26a), Mary Lanten (20a), Mary Lanten (74a), Mary Lanten (19a), Garvey Lanten (18a), John Lanten (16a.)
[S13064] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Lanting, Henery, Microfilm: C-13186, NB, F2 (Caraquet), 36 (Gloucester), page 57, line 15-22, dwelling 147, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Henery Lanting (37a), Mary Dina Lanting (30a), Philomone (9a), Henry (7a), Alma (5a), Henry (3a), Philip (2a), Mary Salome (1a.)
[S13065] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Lanteigne, John & Leger, Mary Dina, 10 Apr 1888; digital images (F13380-49), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 14 Nov 2015.)
[S13066] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Barriault, Adolphe & Legere, Eulalie Virginie, 12 Nov 1888; digital images (F13380-83), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 15 Nov 2015.)
[S13067] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Barrieau, Adolphe, Household of Barrieau, Adolphe, Microfilm: T-6300, NB, F2 (St Louis), 15 (Kent), page 16, line 12-14, dwelling 60, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Adolphe Barrieau (Head 37a), Virginie (Wife 23a), Marguerite Anne (Daughter 1a.)
[S13069] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Barrieau, Adolphe, household of Barrieau, Adolphe, Microfilm: T-6441, NB, F1 (St Louis), 17 (Kent), page 12, line 28-36, dwelling, household 97, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Adolphe Barrieau (Chef 45a), Anne M (Epouse 31a), Marguerite (Fille 11a), Alida (Fille 9a), Delina (Fille 7a), Edouard (Fils 4a), Armand (Fils 2a), Denise (Fille 11/12 a), Marie Robichaud (Servante 31a.)
[S13070] Recensement du Canada - 1921 - ménage de Barrieau, Adolphe, household of Barrieau, Adolphe, NB, 22 (St Louis), 43 (Kent), page 17B & 18B, line 49-50;1-7, dwelling, household 135, Ancestry (interactive.ancestry.c...). Adolphe Barrieau (Chef 66a), Marie Anne (Epouse 50a), Amand (Fils 22a), Auguste (Fils 17a), Arthur (Fils 14a), Camille (Fils 12a), Martin (Fils 7a), Apauline (Fille 19a), Marie Robichaud (pensionnaire 50a.)
[S13071] Barriault, Ann Margaret, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-27-1031, (30 Aug 1889), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 18 Nov 2015.
[S13072] Barrieau, Marie Osithe Alida, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-77-214, (6 Apr 1892), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 18 Nov 2015.
[S13073] Barriault, Marie Delina, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-100-442, (28 Apr 1893), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 18 Nov 2015.
[S13074] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, LeBlanc, Pierre & Barrieau, Marguerite, 12 Aug 1924; digital images (F19685-2019), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 18 Nov 2015.)
[S13075] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Daigle, Lazare & Barrieau, Marguerite, 6 May 1918; digital images (F15975-1541), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 18 Nov 2015.)
[S13076] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Blanchard, Edmond & Barieau, Alida, 27 Jul 1914; digital images (F15956-1224), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 19 Nov 2015.)
[S13077] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Barieau, Hubert & Barieau, Délina, 27 Jul 1914; digital images (F15956-1120), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 19 Nov 2015.)
[S13078] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Blanchard, Philorom & Legere, Mary Jane, 23 Apr 1888; digital images (F13380-86), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 20 Nov 2015.)
[S13079] Blanchard, Marie Alice, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-118-320, (13 May 1894), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 20 Nov 2015.
[S13080] Blanchard, Marie Diana, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-75-148, (22 Mar 1892), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 20 Nov 2015.
[S13081] Recensement du Canada - 1871, Household of Leger, Pacifique, Microfilm: C-10390, NB, C2 (Richibucto), 185 (Kent), page 22, line 4-12, dwelling 59, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Pacifique Leger (37a), Marie (37a), Genevieve Marie (4a), Anne Marguerite (4/12a), Joseph Arceneau (35a), Domitile (34a), Joseph (12a), Charles (2a), Thérèse Carwray (7a.)
[S13082] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Legere, Paciphique, Microfilm: C-13184, NB, D1 (Richibucto), 34 (Kent), page 40, line 8-12, dwelling 159, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Paciphique Legere (49a), Marie (48a), Marie J (14a), Domitile Richard (46a), Thérèse Arseneau (17a.)
[S13083] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Légère, Pacifique, Household of Légère, Pacifique, Microfilm: T-6300, NB, E1 (Richibucto), 15 (Kent), page 19, line 18-22, dwelling 69, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Pacifique Légère (Veuf 58a), Philorome Blanchard (26a), Marie Jeanne (24a), Arthur (7/12a), Evangeline McIntyre (7a.)
[S13084] "NB Provincial Marriage 1789-1950," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 21 Nov 2015), McKinnon, William;Blanchard, Amelia (1887).
[S13085] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de McKinnon, William, ménage de McKinnon, William, Microfilm T-6441, NB, E1 (Richibucto), 17 (Kent), page 7, ligne 11-21, domicile 65, ménage 65, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). William McKinnon (Head 55a), Amelia (Wife 41a), Alice B (Daughter 12a), Charles (Son 10a), Mary (Daughter 8a), Jennie (Daughter 6a), Leo (Son 5a), Josephine (Daughter 3a), Alma (Daughter 2a), Margaret (Daughter 1a), Arthur Blanchard (Nephew 10a.)
[S13086] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Barrieau, Hidulph, ménage de Barrieau, Hidulph, Microfilm T-6441, NB, F1 (St Louis), 17 (Kent), page 8, ligne 16-26, domicile 54, ménage 61, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Hidulph Barrieau (Chef 55a), Ester (Epouse 45a), Camille (Fils 25a), Marie (Fille 21a), Jean B (Fils 19a), Antoine (Fils 14a), Josephine (Fille 11a), Arthur (Fils 8a), Fidelle (Fils 5a), Edmond (Fils 4a), Alice Blanchard (Fille Adoptée 6a.)
[S13087] "NB Births and Late Registrations," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 21 Nov 2015), Blanchard, Joseph Edmond Arthur (1890).
[S13088] "MA Births 1841-1915," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 22 Nov 2015), Blanchard, Marie Alma (1889).
[S13089] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Legere, John & Thibodeau, Mary, 30 Jul 1888; digital images (F13380-86), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 22 Nov 2015.)
[S13090] Recensement du Nouveau Brunswick - 1861, Household of Légère, Jean T, Microfilm: C-1001-1002, NB, 1 (Caraquet), Gloucester, schedule I, page 7, line 271-280, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean T. Légère (37a), Sarah (Wife 42a), Orélie (Daughter 13a), Marie (Daughter 12a), Sarah (Daughter 10a), Rachel (Daughter 9a), Henriette (Daughter 6a), Joseph (Son 4a), Jean T (Son 3a), Justine(Daughter 3 months.)
[S13091] Recensement du Canada - 1871, Household of Légère, Jean T., Microfilm: C-13888, NB, F2 (Caraquet), 183 (Gloucester), page 12, line 7-16, dwelling 30, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean T. Légère (47a), Sara (51a), Orélie (23a), Marie (22a), Sara (20a), Rachel (19a), Henriette (15a), Joseph (14a), Urbain (13a), Justine (9a.)
[S13092] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Légère, J. Toussaint, Microfilm: C-13186, NB, F1 (Caraquet), 36 (Gloucester), page 26, line 17-25;1, dwelling 90, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). J. Toussaint (58a), Sara (62a), Henriette (25), Justine (20a), Sara (27a), Joseph (24a), Marie (29a), Jean U (23a), Emelie (29a), Alma (9/12a.)
[S13093] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Légère, Jean Urbain, Household of Légère, Jean Urbain, Microfilm: T-6299, NB, C1 (Caraquet), 14 (Gloucester), page 48, line 1-7, dwelling 168, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean Urbain Légère (36a), Emélie (Epouse 36a), Alma (Fille 10a), Augustin (Fils 9a), Anastasie (Fille 6a), Henrie (Fils 4a), Madelaine (Fille 11/12a.)
[S13094] "NB Deaths", database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 29 Nov 2015), Legere, Henriette (1921).
[S13095] Thomas J. Legere - obituary, Boston Globe, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States, 28 Nov 2015.
[S13096] US Census 1940, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 29 Nov 2015), Legere, Thomas (Ward 7, Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States). Thomas Legere (Head 30a), Rita (Wife 25a), Thomas (Son 2a.)
[S13097] "MA Death Index", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 29 Nov 2015), Legere, Rita (2003).
[S13098] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Albert, Agapit & Léger, Vitaline, 27 Nov 1888; digital images (F13380-87), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 4 Dec 2015.)
[S13099] Albert, Joseph Emery, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F18060, Registration number: 1020, (21 Mar 1902), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13100] Albert, Joseph Marie Emile, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14031, Registration number: 15-1-38-1378, (6 Sep 1889), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13101] Albert, Joseph Ernest, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14031, Registration number: 15-1-120-872, (28 Dec 1892), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13102] Albert, Ernest, Index to County Death Registers. C1j1-Page 191-Line 219. (2 Nov 1918). F16256. archives.gnb.ca....
[S13103] Albert, Marie Flavie Corine, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F19005, Registration number: 1026, (5 Oct 1905), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13104] Albert, Joseph Jean Egbert, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14033, Registration number: 15-2-76-345, (3 Jun 1898), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13105] Albert, Marie Anne Alice, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14033, Registration number: 15-2-115-638, (15 Jul 1899), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13106] Albert, Jean Baptiste Amédée, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14031, Registration number: 15-1-92-836, (26 Oct 1891), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13107] Albert, Joseph Emile Isadore, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14033, Registration number: 15-2-11-244, (16 Apr 1896), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13108] Albert, Joseph Erma Theodore, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14031, Registration number: 15-1-164-595, (1 Jul 1894), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Dec 2015.
[S13109] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Albert, Agapit P, Household of Albert, Agapit P, Microfilm: T-6299, NB, C3 (Caraquet), 14 (Gloucester), page 11, line 9-11, dwelling 46, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Agapti P Albert (30a), Vitaline (Wife 27a), Emile (Son 2a.)
[S13110] Albert, Joseph John Baptiste Amadeus, Provincial Returns of Deaths. 1015. (4 Sep 1892). F14021. archives.gnb.ca....
[S13111] Albert, Joseph Mary Emile, Provincial Returns of Deaths. 1010. (17 Jan 1893). F14886. archives.gnb.ca....
[S13112] Albert, Joseph Edgebert, Provincial Returns of Deaths. 1020. (27 Jul 1898). F18700. archives.gnb.ca....
[S13113] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Albert, Albert [sic], ménage de Albert, Albert [sic], Microfilm T-6440, NB, C5 (Caraquet), 16 (Gloucester), page 9, ligne 37-41, domicile 59, ménage 63, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Albert Albert (Chef 40a), Vitaline (Epouse 36a), Ernest (Fils 8a), Alice (Fille 1a), Joseph Chiasson (Instituteur 33a.)
[S13114] Albert, Joseph Gérard Jean Paul, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F19014, Registration number: 1021, (4 May 1908), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 5 Dec 2015.
[S13115] Recensement du Canada - 1911 - ménage de Albert, Agapit P, household of Albert, Agapit P, Microfilm: T-20350, NB, 14 (Caraquet), 27 (Gloucester), page 22, line 9-14, dwelling, household 189, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Agapit P Albert (Chef 50a), Vitaline (Epouse 46a), Ernest (Fils 18a), Alice (Fille 11a), Corine (Fille 5a), Jean Paul (Fils 3a.)
[S13116] Recensement du Canada - 1921, database with images, Ancestry (interactive.ancestry.c... : consulted 5 Dec 2015), Albert, Agapit (Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada). Agapit Albert (Chef 60a), Vitaline (Epouse 48a), Corine (Fille 15a), Jean Paul (Fils 13a.)
[S13117] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Blanchard, François & Albert, Corinne, 12 Jul 1932; digital images (F19754-3996), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 5 Dec 2015.)
[S13118] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Lucien & Leger, Marie, 1 Oct 1888; digital images (F13380-90), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 11 Dec 2015.)
[S13119] Cormier, Antoine, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-30-1155, (2 Aug 1889), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Dec 2015.
[S13120] Cormier, Joseph A, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-119-362, (11 Mar 1894), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 11 Dec 2015.
[S13121] "NB Births," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 11 Dec 2015), Cormier, JOseph Alfred (1894).
[S13122] "MA Vital Records," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 11 Dec 2015), Cormier, Joseph Alfred;Dowdall, Isabelle Agnes (1916).
[S13123] "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918", database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 12 Dec 2015), Cormier, Joseph Alfred (From 1917 to 1918.)
[S13124] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Cormier, S Lucien, Household of Cormier, S Lucien, Microfilm: T-6301, NB, J4 (Wellington), 15 (Kent), page 7, line 18-21, dwelling 33, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). S Lucien Cormier (Chef 41a), L Marie (Epouse 32a), Edouard (Fils 7a), Marie Elise (Fille 8/12a.)
[S13125] Cormier, Elise, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-41-301, (25 Aug 1890), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 13 Dec 2015.
[S13126] Cormier, Anselme François Xavier, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-164-454, (10 Jul 1896), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 13 Dec 2015.
[S13127] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Cormier, Lucien, ménage de Cormier, Lucien, Microfilm T-6441, NB, Wellington (sous district), Kent, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, J2 (Wellington), 17 (Kent), page 14, ligne 32-38, domicile 116, ménage 135, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Lucien Cormier (Cehf 48a), Marie (Epouse 40a), Edouard (Fils 16a), Elise (Fille 10a), Ferdinand (Fils 6a), Anselme (Fils 4a), Cyrille (Fils 4/12a.)
[S13128] Cormier, Marie Rose Alma, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F18061, Registration number: 2241, (18 Aug 1902), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 13 Dec 2015.
[S13129] US Census 1920, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 13 Dec 2015), Cormier, Joseph (Ward 5, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States). Joseph Cormier (Head 56a), Mary (Wife 50a), Ned (Son 25a), Alice (Daughter 19a), Fred (Son 16a), Sam (Son 14a), Sarah (Daughter 8a), Mary Myers (Boarder 25a), Isaac Collet (Boarder 20a.)
[S13130] "NB Births," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 14 Dec 2015), Cormier, Albert (1892).
[S13131] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Edouard & Collet, Olive, 26 Feb 1906; digital images (F15921-1499), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 19 Dec 2015.)
[S13132] US Census 1920, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 19 Dec 2015), Cormier, Fred (Ward 5, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States). Fred Cormier (Head 25a), Isabel (Wife 27a), Rose (Daughter1 11/12a), Agnes (Daughter 6/12a), Cyril Cormier (Brother 19a.)
[S13133] "MA State Vital Records," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 19 Dec 2015), Cormier, Samuel;Boudreau, Grace (1917). voir aussi: "Massachusetts State Vital Records, 1841-1920,” database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : accessed 2015-12-19), Samuel Cormier et Grace Boudreau (1917).
[S13134] "US SSDI", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 19 Dec 2015), Cormier, Samuel (1971). voir aussi: "Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003”, database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : accessed 2015-12-19), Samuel Cormier (1971).
[S13135] US Census 1930, database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 20 Dec 2015), Cormier, Fred (Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States). Fred Cormier(Head 35a), Isabel (Wife 35a), Rose (Daughter 12a), Agnes (Daughter 10a), Robert (Son 9a), Virginia (Daughter 6a), Theresa (Daugther 4a), Mary Cormier (Mother 70a.)
[S13136] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Leger, Marcel & Bourque, Marguerite, 26 Nov 1888; digital images (F13380-96), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 20 Dec 2015.)
[S13137] R. L. Bastarache - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 28 Jun 1978, pg 3.
[S13138] e-mail "Courriel - Couture, Sylvie - December 12, 2015", Couture, Sylvie (Bathurst, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada) (email address) to Gilles Pinet, 12 Dec 2015 .
[S13139] Recensement du Nouveau Brunswick - 1851, Household of Casey, Thomas, Microfilm: C-996, NB, 84 (Dorchester), Westmorland, schedule I, page 33, line 15-25, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Thomas Casey (Head 44a), Jane (Wife 40a), Phebe (20a), Osit (18a), Margaret (15a), Rosella (13a), Celest (11a), Morris (9a), Martin (7a), Maltin (5a), Michael (3a.)
[S13140] Forest, Odile Mary, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F18762, Registration number: 1873-F-15, (25 Jan 1873), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 4 Jan 2016.
[S13141] "Nova Scotia Births, Marriages, and Deaths", database and images, Nova Scotia Archives (www.novascotiagenealog... : accessed 4 Jan 2016), digital image, marriage &, Book:1810 , Page:223 , Number: 96.
[S13142] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Leger, Eustache, Microfilm: C-13184, NB, E1 (Shediac), 33 (Westmorland), page 30, line 18-23, dwelling 118, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Eustache Leger (38a), Joseph (9a), David (7a), Maise (5a), Jacob (3a), Millien (5/12a.)
[S13143] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Légèr, Ustache, Household of Légèr, Ustache, Microfilm: T-6306, NB, G4 (Shediac), 24 (Westmorland), page 62, line 16-25, dwelling 294, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Ustache (Chef 44a), Natalie (Epouse 31a), Joseph (Fils 19a), David (Fils 17a), Moise (Fils 14a), Jacob (Fils 12a), Marie (Fille 5a), Julienne (Fille 4a) , Placide (Fils 3a), Domitil (Fille 1a.)
[S13144] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Leger, Eustache, ménage de Leger, Eustache, Microfilm T-6445, NB, G7 (Shediac), 24 (Westmorland), page 13, ligne 30-40, domicile 100, ménage 100, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Eustache Leger (Chef 52a), Modeste (Epouse 49a), Pelagie (fille 20a), Marie (fille 15a), Julienne (fille 14a), Anne Marie (fille 12a), Placide (fils 11a), Domitilde (fille 10a), Joseph (fils 29a), Catherine (Belle fille 24a), Hypolite Cormier (logeur 68a.)
[S13145] Recensement du Canada - 1911 - ménage de Lejer, Eustache, household of Lejer, Eustache, Microfilm: T-20354, NB, 38 (Shediac), 35 (Westmorland), page 8, line 3-10, dwelling, household 56, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Eustache Lejer (Chef 64a), Modeste (Epouse 58a), Placide (fils 23a), Anny (bru 22a), Marie (fille 25a), Julienne (fille 24a), Domithilde (fille 21a), Eustache (petit fils 4a.)
[S13147] Recensement du Nouveau Brunswick - 1861, Household of Brian, Nicholas, Microfilm: C-1006, NB, Botsford, Westmorland, schedule I, page 49, line 1956-1963, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Nicholas Brian (Head 50a), Barbara (Wife 50a), Philemon (Daughter 19a), Fabion (Son 14a), Maxim (Son 12a), Julian (Son 10a), Elizabeth (Daughter 8a), Matilda (Daughter 6a.)
[S13148] Recensement du Canada - 1871, Household of Brine, Fabien, Microfilm: C-10393, NB, D4 (Botsford), 186 (Westmorland), page 17, line 2&3, dwelling 49, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Fabien Brine (23a), Galique (18a.)
[S13149] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Brain, Fabien, Microfilm: C-13184, NB, D2 (Botsford), 33 (Westmorland), page 28, line 7&8, dwelling 97, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Fabien Brain (37a), Gelique (30a.)
[S13150] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Brun, Fabien & Cormier, Dina, 17 Apr 1888; digital images (F13654-54), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 18 Jan 2016.)
[S13151] "New Brunswick Birth," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 19 Jan 2016), Brun, Joseph Adelard (1893).
[S13152] Brun, Charles, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-1-134-153, (19 Jan 1895), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 19 Jan 2016.
[S13153] Brun, Joseph Anselme, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F14035, Registration number: 8-2-2-172, (2 Sep 1898), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 19 Jan 2016.
[S13154] e-mail "Courriel - Melanson, Rosella - January 23, 2016", Melanson, Rosella (email address) to Gilles Pinet, 23 Jan 2016 .
[S13155] Recensement du Canada - 1871, Household of Légère, Stanislas, Microfilm: C-10388, NB, F2 (Caraquet), 183 (Caraquet), page 64, line 6-13, dwelling 166, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Stanislas Légère (Chef 62a), Emilie (57a), Valerie (19a), Daniel (16a), Antoine (13a), Hector (27a), Emilie (21a), Narcisse (11/12a.)
[S13156] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Légère, Hector, Microfilm: C-13186, NB, F1 (Caraquet), 36 (Gloucester), page 25, line 11-18, dwelling 86, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Hector Légère (39a), Emelie (31a), Narcisse (11a), Joseph (9a), Octave (7a), Marie (5a), Alphonse (3a), Agnès (1a.)
[S13157] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Legere, Hector, Household of Legere, Hector, Microfilm: T-6299, NB, C2 (Caraquet), 14 (Gloucester), page 34, line 8-18, dwelling 122, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Hector Legere (Head 48a), Emélie (Wife 42a), Narcisse (son 20a), Joseph (son 18a), Parmela (daughter 14a), Alphonse (son 12a), Albertine (daughter 10a), Richard (son 8a), Henry (son 6a), Prospere (son 2a), Emelie (Mother 78a.)
[S13158] Recensement du Nouveau Brunswick - 1861, Household of Niles, Lawrence, NB, Botsford, Westmorland, schedule I, page 69, line 2792 - 2799, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (data2.collectionscanad...). Lawrence Niles (Head 45a), Matilda (Wife 37a), Simon (son 17a), Susan (14a), Peter (son 11a), John (son 8a), David (son 5a), Lawrence (son 3a), Johanna (?) (69a.)
[S13160] Mme Frank Forest - obituary, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Apr 1964, pg 3.
[S13161] "US SSDI", database, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 26 Jan 2016), Rich, Alice M (1993).
[S13162] Edmond Cormier - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 22 Jan 1973, pg 4.
[S13163] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Joseph Edmond & Travers, Rose de Lima, 20 Jul 1926; digital images (F19689-1046), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 27 Jan 2016.)
[S13164] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Edmond & Godin, Marie Christine, 28 Jul 1942; digital images (F20027-29348), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 27 Jan 2016.)
[S13165] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Joseph Basilide & Cormier, Marie Therese Edmonde, 22 Jul 1948; digital images (F20050-3129), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 27 Jan 2016.)
[S13166] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Paulin, Sylvio & Cormier, Margaret Gerarda, 13 Apr 1953; digital images (F22225-1683), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 27 Jan 2016.)
[S13167] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Cormier, Gérard Edmond Joseph & Gionet, Marie Mona, 20 Nov 1956; digital images (F23408-5270), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 27 Jan 2016.)
[S13168] Georges-Édouard Godin - nécrologie, L'Évangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 May 1977, pg 4.
[S13169] Therese G. (Leger) Marble - obituary, Sentinel & Enterprise, Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 25 Oct 2012.
[S13170] Béatrice LeBlanc - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Jun 2015, pg 30.
[S13171] Theresa I. (Anderson) Gallant - obituary, Sentinel & Enterprise, Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 5 Nov 2012.
[S13172] Theresa I. (Anderson) Gallant - obituary, Sentinel & Enterprise, Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 5 Nov 2012.
[S13173] Recensement du Canada - 1871, Household of Légère, Jean Baptiste, Microfilm: C-10388, NB, F2 (Caraquet), 183 (Gloucester), page 54, line 2-12, dwelling 141, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean Baptiste Légère (60a), Louise (28a), Judith (27a), Charles (19a), Octavie (17a), Marcel (34a), Madeleine (34a), Marie (10a), Henri (6a), Judith (4a), Jérémie (10/12a.)
[S13174] Recensement du Nouveau Brunswick - 1861, Household of Léger, Jean Baptiste, Microfilm: C-1001-1002, NB, 1 (Caraquet), Gloucester, schedule I, page 32, line 1267-1277, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Jean Baptiste Léger (49a), Geneviève (50a), Louise (23a), Charlotte (21a), Aline (18a), Judith (12a), Charles (9a), Octavie (7a), Marcel (27a), Madeleine (25a), Marie (7 months.)
[S13175] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Légère, Charles, Microfilm: C-13186, NB, F1 (Caraquet), 36 (Gloucester), page 24, line 15-18, dwelling 84, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Charles Légère (30a), Charlotte (30a), M. Josephine (1/2), Louise Légère (40a.)
[S13176] Recensement du Canada - 1891 - Ménage de Legere, Charles, Household of Legere, Charles, Microfilm: T-6299, NB, C2 (Caraquet), 14 (Gloucester), page 36, line 15-23, dwelling 128, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Charles Legere (Chef 39a), Charlotte (Epouse 39a), Alice (fille 10a), Lazarine (fille 8a), Geneviève (fille 6a), Marie Anne (fille 4a), Henry (fils 1a), Juste Poirier (logeur 33a), Claire Poirier (logeur 28a.)
[S13177] Donald E. Lawrence - obituary, Sentinel & Enterprise, Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 15 Nov 2012.
[S13178] David A. Barney DiBella - obituary, Old Colony Memorial, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States, 16 Nov 2012.
[S13179] e-mail "Courriel - St Pierre, Lionel - February 3, 2016", St Pierre, Lionel (email address) to Gilles Pinet, 3 Feb 2016 .
[S13180] e-mail "Courriel - Bouchard, Jessica - February 4, 2016", Bouchard, Jessica (email address) to Gilles Pinet, 4 Feb 2016 .
[S13181] Recensement du Canada - 1901 - ménage de Légère, Charles, ménage de Légère, Charles, Microfilm T-6440, NB, C4 (Caraquet), 16 (Gloucester), page 3, ligne 15-26, domicile 15, ménage 15, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Charles Légère (Chef 49a), Charlotte (Epouse 49a), Alice (Fille 20a), Nazarine (Fille 18a), Jeneviève M (Fille 16a), Marie Anne (Fille 14a), Henrie J (Fils 11a), Wilfred J (Fils 9a), Agnès M (Fille 6a), Sara Boudreau (Belle-soeur 56a), Euphémie Boudreau (Nièce 14a), George Poirier (Logeur 24a.)
[S13182] Recensement du Canada - 1911 - ménage de Légère, Charles, household of Légère, Charles, Microfilm: T-20350, NB, 15 (Caraquet), 27 (Gloucester), page 7, line 18-26, dwelling, household 58 & 59, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Charles Légère (Chef 58a), Charlotte (Epouse 58a), Nazarine (Fille 28a), Henrie (Fils 20a), Willefrid (Fils 18a), Agnès (Fille 16a), Sara Boudreau (Chef 66a), Ufemie Boudreau (Fille 24a), George Poirier (Fils 35a.)
[S13183] Recensement du Canada - 1921 - ménage de Legere, Charles, household of Legere, Charles, NB, 20 (Caraquet), 42 (Gloucester), page 8B, line 8-12, dwelling, household 66, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (search.ancestry.ca...). Charles Legere (Chef 69a), Charlotte (Epouse 69a), Henri (Fils 31a), Agnès (Fille 24a), Cecile Doucet (Petite-Fille 16a.)
[S13184] "NH Marriage Certificates," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 14 Feb 2016), Metivier, Maurice George;Courtemanche, Doris (1957).
[S13185] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, West, Godfrey-James & Cormier, Marie Alice Thérèse, 20 Sep 1951; digital images (F21262-4013), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 14 Feb 2016.)
[S13186] "MA Births," database with images, FamilySearch (familysearch.org... : consulted 14 Feb 2016), Leger, Celia (1909).
[S13187] e-mail "Courriel - Rejean Leger - February 13, 2016", Rejean Leger (email address) to Gilles Pinet, 13 Feb 2016 .
[S13188] Recensement du Canada - 1871, Household of Légère, Pierre, Microfilm: C-10388, NB, F2 (Caraquet), 183 (Gloucester), page 63 & 64, line 13-20;1-5, dwelling 165, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Pierre Légère (58a), Agathe Légère (50a), Tranquil Légère (18a), Vénérande Pinet (90a), Octavie Blanchard (18a), Christine Blanchard (16a), Joseph Blanchard (14a), Luce Blanchard (10a), Raphaël Légère (28a), Vitaline Légère (22a), Pierre Légère (2a), Sarafin Légère (8/12a), Sara Boudreau (24a.)
[S13189] Recensement du Canada - 1881, Household of Légère, Pierre, Microfilm: C-13186, NB, F1 (Caraquet), 36 (Gloucester), page 23, line 1-11, dwelling 78, Bibliothèques et Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca...). Pierre Légère (71a), Agathe (50a), Raphaël (35a), Vitaline (32a), Pierre (12a), Séraphin (10a), Eustazade (8a), Délima (6a), Théophile (4a), Victorine (2a), Philip Godin (Domestique 22a.)
[S13192] New Brunswick, Official Notice of Marriage, Galland, Jacques & Leger, Elizabeth, 9 Apr 1888; digital images (F13380-103), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Vital Statistics from Government Records (RS 141), (archives.gnb.ca... 20 Feb 2016.)
[S13193] Léger, Joseph Albini, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4995, (1 Jan 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13194] Leger, Leyond Joseph, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4992, (11 Jan 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016 voir aussi: Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick, "SD141 Statistiques de l'état civil," base de données, index d'enregistrement des naissances de la province (archives.gnb.ca...): consulté le 2016-02-21, Microfilm: F25345, No. d'enregistrement: 5016, Leond Joseph Leger, (1918-01-11).
[S13195] Léger, Joseph Raymond Léandre, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5019, (15 Jan 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13196] Léger, Joseph Hector Yvon, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5012, (31 Jan 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13197] Léger, Marie Malthilde, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5047, (11 Feb 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13198] Léger, Joseph André Louis de Gonzague, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4998, (15 Feb 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13199] Léger, Marie Hélène Thérèse, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5041, (27 Feb 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13200] Légère, Marie Esther, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5035, (1 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13201] Léger, Joseph Alfred, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4997, (14 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13202] Léger, Marie Emma, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5034, (16 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13203] Magee, Joseph Paul Auguste, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5221, (16 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13204] Léger, Joseph Dominique, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5005, (18 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13205] Léger, Joseph Dominique, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5005, (18 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13206] Léger, Marie Dorothée Françoise, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5031, (22 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13207] Léger, Marie Frances Adeline, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5039, (22 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13208] LeBlanc, Marie Philomène, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4905, (23 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13209] Léger, Marie Florence Graziella, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5037, (31 Mar 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13210] Léger, Marie Jeanne Thérèse, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5043, (19 Apr 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13211] Léger, Marie Anne Nélida, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5024, (23 Apr 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13212] Léger, Marie Aurélie, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5032, (26 Apr 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13213] Léger, Marie Gertrude, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5040, (28 Apr 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13214] Léger, Joseph Emery, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5009, (29 Apr 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13215] Léger, Marie Anne Marguerite, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5025, (30 Apr 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13216] Légère, Marie Alice Elmire, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5023, (3 May 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13217] Léger, Joseph Rodolphe Arthur, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5020, (4 May 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13218] Léger, Mary Leona, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5045, (17 May 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13219] Léger, Joseph Pierre, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5018, (18 May 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13220] Léger, Joseph Arthur, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5001, (20 May 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13221] Léger, Joseph Alban, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4994, (28 May 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13222] LeBlanc, Joseph Alonzo Dismas, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4730, (6 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 21 Feb 2016.
[S13223] "obituary," Passage Funeral Co-operative (www.funerairepassagefu... : accessed 21 Feb 2016), Michel Léger, 5 Oct 2015.
[S13224] "obituary," Passage Funeral Co-operative (www.funerairepassagefu... : accessed 21 Feb 2016), Ralph Leger, 29 Dec 2015.
[S13225] "nécrologie," Salon Frenette (www.frenettefuneralhom... : accessed 22 Feb 2016), Réginald Légère, 24 Dec 2013.
[S13226] Léger, Joseph Alfred, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4996, (11 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13227] LeBlanc, Marie Gabrielle Bernadette, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4868, (16 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13228] Léger, Léandre, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5013, (16 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13229] Léger, Joseph Francis, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5011, (18 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13230] LeBlanc, Joseph Hector, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4767, (20 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13231] Léger, Marie Eugénie, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5036, (25 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13232] Léger, Marie Alfreda, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5022, (29 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13233] Léger, Joseph Aurèle, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5004, (30 Jun 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13234] Léger, Joseph Adelard, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4993, (2 Jul 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13235] Léger, Joseph Aurèle Dominique, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5003, (7 Jul 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13236] Léger, Joseph Ulysse, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5007, (18 Jul 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13237] Léger, Joseph Antoine, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4999, (27 Jul 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13238] Léger, Marie Jeanne Huberte, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5044, (7 Aug 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13239] Léger, Marie Dorilla, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5030, (11 Aug 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13240] LeBlanc, Joseph Amédé Gérard, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4732, (13 Aug 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13241] Léger, Marie Anna Zita, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5026, (27 Aug 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13242] Léger, Marie Florida, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5038, (30 Aug 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13243] Léger, Marie Clara Imelda, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5028, (21 Sep 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13244] Léger, Marie Imelda, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5042, (21 Sep 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13245] Léger, Marie Nelida Berthe, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5048, (22 Sep 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13246] Léger, Allain Octave Joseph, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 4991, (30 Sep 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13247] Léger, Joseph Emile, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5010, (30 Sep 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13248] Léger, Marie Emilia Geneva, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5033, (4 Oct 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13249] Léger, Joseph Louis Philippe, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5205, (4 Oct 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.
[S13250] Légère, Joseph Arthur, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F25345, Registration number: 5002, (8 Oct 1918), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (archives.gnb.ca...), consulted 23 Feb 2016.