voir aussi: Albert Arsenault - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, 2003-02-05, pg A5.
voir aussi: Adrice N. LeBlanc - obituary, Salon Frenette, www.salonfrenette.com, 2002-10-21.
voir aussi: Catherine Bourque - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, June 17, 2003.
voir aussi: Anita LeBlanc - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet NB, 26 janvier 2004, pg 30.
voir aussi: Mrs. E. Leger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, June 13, 1977, pg 2.
voir aussi: Edna Marie Gould - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, February 21, 2004
voir aussi: Edna Marie Gould - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, February 23, 2004.
voir aussi: Yvon Vienneau - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, NB, 2005-03-28.
voir aussi: Edmée Léger - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, 2004-02-11.
voir aussi: Marie-Louise Landry - obituary, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, NB, 1997-04-11 pg 39.
voir aussi: Délima Boudreau - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet NB, 2005-04-20.
l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB
Lundi, 14 mai 1990
Adéodat Thériault
À l’Hôpital régional Chaleur de Bathurst, le jeudi 10 mai 1990, à l’âge de 74 ans, est décédé Adéodat Thériault, domicilié à Paquetville. Il était fils de feu Alexandre Thériault et de feue Marie-Anne Léger.
Il laisse dans le deuil trois soeurs: Andrée (Alfred Fréchette), de Montréal, Corinne Robichaud, de Marathon, Ont., et Simone (Jim McComb), de Thunder Bay, Ont., ainsi que plusieurs neveux et nièces.
La dépouille mortelle fut exposée au salon LeGresley de Paquetville. Les funérailles ont eu lieu le dimanche 13 mai à 16h en l’église Saint-Augustin de Paquetville. L’inhumation a eu lieu au cimetière de l’endroit.
La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire LeGresley de Grande-Anse.
l'Evangéline Moncton, NB
Jeudi, 3 janvier 1974 pg 4
M. Henri Léger
Est décédé à l'hôpital Chaleur de Bathurst, le premier janvier à l'âge de 57 ans, Henri Léger époux de dame Annonciade Haché de Paquetville.
Il laisse dans le deuil outre son épouse, deux fils: Clarence de Fredericton et Jean-Guy de Kingston, Ont.; une fille, Mme Albert Morehouse (Marie-Reine) de Halifax; un frère, le Rev. Père Félix Léger, Foyer Saint Camille de Bathurst; deux sœurs, Mme veuve Nazaire Albert de Caraquet et Mlle Anna Léger de Paquetville.
La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée au salon funéraire LeGresley de Paquetville d'où le convoie funèbre partira à 6h45 vendredi soir pour se rendre en l'église Saint-Augustin de Paquetville pour la messe de funérailles à 7 heures.
La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la maison funéraire LeGresley de Paquetville.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Tuesday, March 30th, 1993 pg C3
Mackenzie, Douglas Sherman -
56, Spruce Grove, Alta., died March 21, 1993, at home. Born in Eastern Passage, he is survived by his wife, the former Louisa Santucci; son, David, Spruce Grove; two brothers, Reginald, George (Sinc), both of Dartmouth; three sisters, Mrs. Helen Legere, Mrs. Viola Lively, both of Halifax; Mrs. Alma Brand, British Columbia. Funeral was held March 24 in Spruce Grove.
l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB
Mercredi, 16 décembre 1992 pg 29
Philias Plourde
ALLARDVILLE - Aux Résidences Mgr Chiasson de Shippagan, le lundi 14 décembre 1992, à l'âge de 102 ans, est décédé Philias Plourde, époux de feu Julie Anne Roussel, domicilié aux résidences, mais autrefois d'Allardville. Né à Caraquet, il était fils de feu Patrick et de feu Olive (Légère) Plourde.
Il laisse dans le deuil un fils, Georgie (Judith) de Shippagan; cinq filles: Léontine Mallet de Shippagan, Emilienne (Alex Noël) d'Allardville, Alfredine (Turcotte Chiasson), Jeannine (Roger Chiasson) et Georgine Gionet, toutes de Hamilton, Ont.; deux belles-soeurs: Olive Roussel et Henriette (George Roussel), toutes deux de Shippagan, ainsi que 41 petits-enfants, 64 arrière-petits-enfants et 27 arrière-arrière-petits-enfants.
Deux fils: Patrick et Alyre; une fille, Albertine, ainsi que deux petits-enfants; Martial et Valmond, l'ont précédé dans la tombe.
M. Plourde était l'un des fondateurs de la paroisse d'Allardville.
La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Maison funéraire Elhatton de Bathurst. Les funérailles auront lieu en l'église Christ-Roi d'Allardville, le jeudi 17 décembre à 16h. L'inhumation aura lieu au cimetière paroissial, au printemps.
La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Elhatton de Bathurst.
l'Evangéline Moncton, NB
Vendredi, 10 juin 1977 pg 4
M. et Mme Henri Roy
M. et Mme Henri Roy (Winniefred Légère) de Trudel, N.-B., ont perdu la vie, le 8 juin, dans un accident de la route (collision frontale entre deux voitures) à Notre-Dame-des-Erables. Ils étaient âgés respectivement de 71 et 66 ans.
Tous deux originaires de Trudel, il était fils de Jim et Vitaline (née Cormier) Roy, respectivement originaires de Petit Rocher et de Maisonnette. Elle était fille de Pierre et Elise (née Boudreau) Légère, respectivement originaires de Trudel et de Paquetville. (Pierre avait épousé en secondes noces Marie Noël).
Ils laissent dans le deuil trois fils et cinq filles: Ernest, de Grande-Anse; Jean-Paul et Odilon tous deux de Trudel; Mme Richard Thériault (Rose-Anna), de Bertrand; Mme Thérèse Saucier de Van Buren, Maine; Mme Isidore Cormier (Adrienne), de Moncton; Mme Lorenzo Cormier (Emilienne) d'Anse-Bleue; mme Emile Albert (Evangéline), de Saint-Jean, 30 petits-enfants et un arrière-petit-enfant.
M. Roy laisse aussi un frère: Léon de Juniper, N.-B., et deux soeurs: Mme Marianne Haché, de Robertville et Mme Patrice Vautour (Ida), de Trudel. Mme Roy laisse quatre soeurs: Mme Gérard Dumont (Laura), Mme Raymond Thériault (Léontine), toutes deux de Montréal; Mme Omer M. Thériault (Léda), de Trudel; mme Léonard Thériault (Stella), de Burnsville, N.-B.; cinq frères: Livain, Aimé, Albert, Victor, Alban; une demi-soeur; Argentine.
Les dépouilles mortelles sont exposées au salon funéraire LeGresley, à Paquetville, à partir de 14h00 aujourd'hui. Les funérailles auront lieu, dimanche, avec départ du cortège funèbre à 10h45 et service à 11h00 en l'église Saint-Augustin-de-Paquetville. L'inhumation aura lieu dans le cimetière paroissial.
Les visites au salon sont de 14 à 17 heures, puis de 19 à 22 heures. Dimanche, elles seront à 9h00.
voir aussi: Elizabeth Goguen - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, September 29, 2003;Elizabeth Goguen - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, September 30, 2003.
voir aussi: Death of W. L. Leger, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, May 21, 1968, pg 5; William L. Leger - funérailles, Evangéline, Moncton, NB, 11 juin 1968, pg 2.
voir aussi: Yvonne Boudreau - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet NB, 14 novembre 2003, pg 48.
l'Evangéline Moncton, NB
Lundi, 29 avril 1968 pg 3
Mme Marie-Claire Thériault
BERTRAND - Mme Marie Claire Thériault, de Bertrand, est décédée, samedi à l'âge de 98 ans et 9 mois. Elle avait été précédée dans la tombe par son époux en premières noces, Joseph Léger, et Villa Thériault, époux en 2e noces.
Elle laisse dans le deuil trois fils, Omer, de Prospect, Conn.; Albert et Elie, de Paquetville, N.-B.; 4 filles: Mme Théodore (Dorina) Comeau, de Beresford, N.-B.; Mme Armand (Ella) Desbiens, de Montréal; Mme Charles (Josephine) Roy, de Bertrand, N.-B.; et mlle Exilia Léger, de Montréal.
Elle laisse en plus 20 petits enfants et plusieurs arrière petits enfants.
La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la résidence de son fils, Elie, de Paquetville. Le convoi funèbre quittera cette résidence mercredi le 1er mai à 9h45 a.m. pour se rendre en l'église St-Augustin de Paquetville où une messe de funérailles sera chantée à 10h. La dépouille sera déposée dans le charnier en attendant l'inhumation plus tard.
l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB
Jeudi, 4 octobre 1990
Jean Légère
À l'hôpital l'Enfant Jésus de Caraquet, le mercredi 3 octobre 1990, à l'âge de 79 ans et neuf mois, est décédé Jean Légère, époux de Lina Landry, domicilié à Caraquet. Il était fils de feu Henri Légère et de feue Madeleine DeGruchy.
Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil feux frères: Léon (Mimi)de Floride, et Philippe (Amanda Doiron) de l'Ontrario, ainsi que cinq neveux et quatre nièces.
M. Légère était un vétéran de la Deuxième guerre mondiale et membre de la Légion canadienne de Caraquet.
La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Maison funéraire Racicot de Caraquet d'où le convoi funèbre partira ce vendredi 5 octobre à 15h45 pour se rendre en l'église Saint-Pierre aux Liens de Caraquet où le serivce sera chanté à 16h, et de là au cimetière de l'endroit.
À la demande de la famille, un don à la Fondation des maladies du coeur du N.-B. serait apprécié.
La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Racicot de Caraquet.
voir aussi: George Jérôme Landry - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet NB, 2004-06-11, pg 41; George Jerome Landry - obituary, Telegraph Journal, Saint John NB, 2004-06-10.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Tuesday, June 30th, 1987 pg 26
J. Pacifique A. Leger - Truro -
J. Pacifique A. Leger, 82, of 198 Picto Road, died Sunday in Colchester Hospital. Born in Haute Aboujagane, N.B., he was a son of the late Frank and Josephine (Richard) Leger. He was employed with CN Railway in Truro for 40 Years until his retirement in 1970. He was also associated with the Truro Raceway. He is survived by his wife, the former Elzia Babin; a daughter , Janet (Mrs. William Lester), Dartmouth; six sons, Eddie and Laurie, Stouffeville, Ont.; Norman, Toronto; Alex (Euclide), Dartmouth; Reginald (Reggie) and Robert, Truro; three sisters, Marceline (Mrs. M. Sears), Sackville, N.B., Flora (Mrs. M. St. Pierre), Shediac, N.B.; Justine (Mrs. C. Landry), Haute Aboujagane; four brothers, Leo, Vital and Alphonse, all of Haute Aboujagane; Yvon, Cape Ball, N.B. He was predeceased by a brother, Romual; a son, Paul E. ; a daughter, Andrea; and a grandson. The body is in Mattatall's Funeral Home, Truro. Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Wednesday in Immaculate Conception Church, Rev. John Driscoll officiating. Burial will be in Robie St. Cemetery, Truro. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the canadian Cancer Society.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Thursday, May 26th, 1966 pg 8
Gerald D. Legere - Amherst -
Gerald D. Legere died Tuesday in the Victoria Public Hospital, Fredericton. He was the son of Mrs. Rosie Legere and the late Hippolyte Legere.He was born in New Brunswick in 1910 but had spent the greater part of his life in Amherst. He moved to Oromocto, N.B.a year ago. He was a member of St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Amherst.His wife Winnifred died in 1959. Surviving are two sons Alphonse in Amherst and Reginald in Oshawa, Ont.; his mother; five brothers, Father Gregory of Aroostook Junction, N.B.; Romeo of Lewisville, N.B.; Alvan of Burlington, Ont.; Lionel and Anthony of Amherst; three sisters Reta (Mrs. John Belliveau) St. Paul, N.B.; Juliette and Loretta both of Amherst;and five Grandchildren.The body is at Campbell's Funeral Home.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Friday, December 3rd, 1993 pg A14
LEGERE, Juliette Mary -
87, The Gables Lodge, Amherst, formerly of 12 Spring St., Amherst, died December 2, 1993, in the lodge. Born in Cap Pele, N.B., she was a daughter of the late Hypolyte and Rosalie (Richard) Legere. She had worked for the Maritime Pant Factory in Amherst. She is survived by a sister, Rita (Mrs. Johnny Belliveau), Saint Paul, N.B.; brother, Anthony, Amherst; many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by two sisters, Viola, Laurette; six brothers, Gonzaque, Romeo, Alban, Gerald, Lionel, Rev. Gregory. Visitation will be 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today in Campbell's Funeral Home, Amherst. A Mass of the Resurrection will be 9 a.m. Saturday in St. Charles Roman Catholic Church. Burial will follow in St. Charles Cemetery.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Tuesday, April 26th, 1994 pg C9
LEGERE, Anthony Leonard (Tony) -
80, 10 Ralston Place, Amherst, died April 24, 1994, in Highland View Regional Hospital, Amherst. Born in Memramcook, N.B., he was a son of the late Hypolite and Rosalie (Richard) Legere. He graduated from Nova Scotia Teachers College in 1933 and taught school in Cape Breton, Halifax and Digby counties. In 1942, he was appointed to the teaching staff of Amherst Regional High School; in 1943, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, returning to the Amherst teaching staff in 1945. He attended Mount Allison University from 1947-50 and was awarded a BA in modern foreign languages and in 1962 received a B.Ed. from Mount Allison University. He was awarded CD (military) for service with Cadet Services of Canada (20 years) and retired from Amherst Schools in 1972, subsequently teaching on Grand Manan Island, N.B. and Boiestown, N.B. He served for 20 years on the Atlantic Provinces Examining Board, retiring in 1972 as chief reader of the Modern Foreign Language Group. During his years at Mount Allison University he served on the teaching staff; was a regular at Aldershot Cadet Camp for many years; attended several summer semesters at Dalhousie University and Mount Allison University and also did substitution instruction work at both Dorchester and Springhill institutions. He is survived by his wife, the former Eva McManaman; daughter, Marilyn (Mrs. Bill Conlin), Belleville, Ont.; three sons, Leonard, Mississauga, Ont.; Paul, Calgary; David, Amherst; sister, Rita (Mrs. Jonnie Belliveau), Saint Paul, N.B.; five grandchildren. He was predeceased by six brothers, Rev. Gregory, Romeo, Alban, Gerald, Lionel, Alphonse; three sisters, Viola, Loretta, Juliette. Visitation will be 2-4, 7-9 p.m. Wednesday in Campbell's Funeral Home, Amherst, where prayers will be 8 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral will be 10 a.m. Thursday in St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Rev. David MacDonald officiating. Burial to follow in St. Charles Cemetery. No flowers by request. Donations may be made to any charity.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Tuesday, December 15th, 1964 pg 23
50-year Amherst Resident, 66, Dies Amherst -
Maxine J. Legere, 66, of 11 Fullerton Street, Amherst, died Friday morning at Highland View Hospital following a lengthy illness. Although he entered hospital only last
Wednesday he had been in poor health for the past number of years. He was the son of Ambroise Legere of Amherst. He was born in Shemoque, N.B. and lived in Amherst for about 50 years. He also spent a few years in Sackville, He was a member of St Charles Roman Catholic Church. Surviving are two daughters, Lorraine (Mrs. Alfred Brine) and Nita (Mrs Edgar Brian) both of Sackville; three sisters, Mrs. Della Cormier and Miss Rosie Legere, both of Amherst; and Miss Irene Legere of Halifax; one brother, Napoleon Legere, Amherst and 12 grandchildren.The funeral mass was held from St Charles R. C. Church Monday morning.The commital was in the Saint Charles receiving vault. Burial will be in Saint Charles Cemetery in the spring.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Friday, December 30th, 1977 pg 18
Napoleon J. Legere - Amherst -
Napoleon Joseph Legere, 72, of 64 Havelock Terrace, Amherst, died Thursday in Highland View Regional Hospital. Born in Cape Bauld, N.B., he was the son of the late Ambrose and Elizabeth (Brine) Legere. He was an employee of Robb Engineering Limited for 42 years before retiring in 1969, and was a member of the company's 25 year club. He was also a member of St. Charles Roman Catholic Church and the Golden Year Society. Surviving besides his wife, Irene Rhindress, are four daughters, Ona (Mrs. Harold Sears), and Helen (Mrs. Frank Cawlega), both of Port Credit, Ont.; Irene (Mrs. Joseph Mumford), Cheltenham, Ont.; Rita (Mrs. Lloyd Hoeg), Truro; two sons, Billy, Mississauga, Ont.; Donald, Aulac, N.B.; five step-daughters, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Watt), Arnprior, Ont.; Mary (Mrs. Harold Alexander), Cambridge, Ont.; Caroline Rhindress, Leona (Mrs. Allan Costin), and Cathy (Mrs. Roger Roberts), all of Amherst; three step-sons, Jimmie, Charlie and Terry, all of Amherst; two sisters, Mrs. Della Cormier, East Amherst; Irene, Beaverbank; 23 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and 15 step-grandchildren. The body is at the Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst. Funeral mass will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. in St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Rev. Bernard Landry officiating. Committal will be in the Amherst cemetery receiving vault for spring burial in St. Charles cemetery.
voir aussi: Gerard P. Leger - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, 2005-01-01.
voir aussi: Viola "Vi" Arsenault - nécrologie, www.frenettefuneralhome.com, Moncton, NB, 2002-10-14;Viola "Vi" Arsenault - nécrologie, www.salonfrenette.com, Moncton, NB, 2002-10-14.
Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB
Wednesday, November 4th, 1959 pg 2
Death Mrs. G. Legere
Amherst (Special) - The Death occurred at Highland View Hospital Monday Evening of Mrs. Gerald Legere of Amherst. She had been in failing health for the past three years. She was 45 years of age. She was the former Winnifred Mary Dupuis, Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Philias Dupuis of Amherst. For the past few months she had made her home with her sister, Mrs. Roy Legere, 20 Mill Avenue. The deceased was a lifelong resident of Amherst. She was a member of St. Charles Roman Catholic Church. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Alphonse and Reginald, both of Amherst; two sisters, Mrs. Roy Legere of Amherst and Mrs Clarence Legere of Cormier Village, N.B. four brothers Frank, Adolphe, Fred, and Clovis all of Amherst, and two grandsons.
The body is resting at furlongs funeral home. The funeral service will be held Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock from St Charles church, interment will be in St. Charles Cemetery.
The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS
Wednesday, March 25th, 1998 pg B8
LeBLANC, Euphemie Mary (Phemie) -
82, Amherst, died March 23, 1998, in Highland View Regional Hospital, Amherst. Born in Sackville, N.B., she was a daughter of the late Phelicien and Leonie (Arseneault) Landry. She was a member of St. Charles Church, Amherst, and the ladies auxiliary. She was a member of Golden Years Society and enjoyed bowling. Surviving are daughters, Lorraine (Mrs. Fred Lister), Montreal; Brenda (Mrs. Bill Hurlbert), Joanne (Mrs. Cliff Rose), Amherst; sons, Ralph, Riverview, N.B.; Richard, Halifax; Larry (Ernie), Amherst; sisters, Rosalie Legere, Margaret Moor, Amherst; Josephine Belanger, Winnipeg; 12 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Raymond; brothers, Blair, Earle, Alphie, Gerald; sisters, Arzelea, Anita (Tina). Visitation 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today, parish prayers 8 p.m. today, both in Campbell's Funeral Home, Amherst. Funeral 11 a.m. Thursday in St. Charles Church, Amherst. Reception to follow in the church hall. Burial at a later date in St. Charles-Nativity Cemetery, Amherst. Donations to the Lung Association of Nova Scotia, Canadian Cancer Society or Highland View Regional Hospital Foundation.
voir aussi: Mrs. L. Pellerin - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, February 24, 1969, pg 5.
Times & Transcript Moncton, NB
Thursday, April 17th, 1997 pg A5
Béatrice Léger (1923 - 1997)
Mrs. Beatrice Leger, 73, widow of the late Eloi Leger, of St-George Street, Moncton, passed away Tuesday, April 15, 1997, at the Dr. Georges-L. Dumont Hospital.
Born in Moncton, she was the daughter of the late Theophile Melanson and the late Jennie Petitpas.
She is survived by a daughter, Jean Kelly of Moncton; two sisters, Lina Wright (Oscar) of Moncton, Bernadine Wilson of Calgary; two brothers, Adelard of Moncton, Joe (Jill) of Lakeburn; two grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband Eloi; four sisters, Laura Melanson, Doris Meunier, Corinne Lane, Mable Roberts and three brothers, Andrew, Albert, Edmond.
Remains resting at Frenette Funeral Home, 88 Church Street, Moncton with visiting hours on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The funeral service will be held Friday, April 18, 1997 at 2 p.m., from Frenette Funeral Home, Moncton. Interment will be in St-Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Shediac.