Ma famille acadienne | My Acadian Family

Sources, page 13

  • [S3001] Dominick P. Legere - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 2 Jul 1887.

    voir aussi: Dominique P. Leger - obituary, Chignecto Post, Sackville NB, 1887-07-07.

  • [S3002] Nathalie Cormier Leger - obituary, Telegraph Journal, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 4 Nov 1887.

    Telegraph Journal Saint John, NB

    Friday, November 4th, 1887

    Globe, St. John, NB

    d. Memramcook (West. Co.) 24th Oct., Mme. Nathalie Cormier LEGER widow of Thaddee J. LEGER and sister of Rev. F.X. CORMIER, age 62.

  • [S3003] Emily Legere - obituary, The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Nov 1888.

    The Daily Telegraph Saint John, NB

    Thursday, November 15th, 1888

    d. Portage River (Glouc. Co.) 9th inst., Emily LEGERE w/o Isaiah LEGERE, post master, 36th year, left husband, five children.

  • [S3004] Marguerite Bonnevie Leger - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Nov 1889.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Friday, November 8th, 1889

    d. Little Cape, Shemogue (West. Co.) Sept. 23rd, Margaret Bonnevie LEGER relict of Francois Charles LEGER, age 93.

  • [S3005] Marguerite Bonnevie Leger - obituary, Telegraph Journal, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Nov 1889.

    Telegraph Journal Saint John, NB

    Saturday, November 9th, 1889

    d. Little Cape, Shemogue (West. Co.) 23rd Sept., Mrs. Marguerite Bonnevie LEGER relict of Francois Charles LEGER, age 93.

  • [S3006] Marguerite Bonnevie Leger - obituary, The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Nov 1889, pg 3.

    The Daily Telegraph Saint John, NB

    Saturday, November 9th, 1889 pg 3

    Leger - At Little Cape, Shemougue, Sept. 23rd, Mrs. Marguerite Bonnevie, relict of Francois Charles Leger, aged 93.

  • [S3007] Mrs. Amable Legere - obituary, Kings County Record, Sussex, Kings, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 Jun 1890.

    Kings County Record Sussex, NB

    Friday, June 20th, 1890

    Mrs. Amable LEGERE who died at Barachois near Shediac (West. Co.) last Friday and was buried at Shediac, Sunday, was nearly 101 years of age, having been born July 4, 1789. Pere LEBLANC, notary of Minas, immortalized in Evangeline, was her great grandfather and her father, Augustine LEBLANC was born on the ship which conveyed expatriated Acadians of Grand Pre to Boston in 1755.

  • [S3008] Marie Joséphine Elise Leger - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 Dec 1890, pg 4.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Monday, December 29th, 1890 pg 4

    LEGER - At Moncton, Sunday, Dec, 28th, Marie Josephine Elise, infant daughter of Eugene and Timothy Leger.

  • [S3009] Joseph Edmond Legere - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 28 Apr 1890.
  • [S3010] Mary Legere - obituary, Review, Richibouctou, Kent, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Feb 1891.
  • [S3011] Sam Leger - obituary, St Andrews Beacon, Saint Andrews, Charlotte, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Feb 1891.

    St Andrews Beacon St Andrews, NB

    Thursday, February 26th, 1891

    Halifax, N.S., Feb. 22 - Explosion in Springhill Mines. (see original) The following is a list of the dead so far recovered: William CARTER, John HUNTER, Allan McKINNON, Mal. NICOLSON, Ed. SMITH, Sam LEGER, James OVERS, Geo. BOND, John D. CAMPBELL, Chas. McNUTT, Neil McLEOD, Alonzo BUDD, James NAIRN, Sam DAVIDSON, John CRAWFORD, Sam MUCKLE, Robert McFADDEN, Jesse ARMISHAW, Andrew CARMICHEAL, Wm CARMICHAEL, John BOYD, Wm BURCHILL, Stephen RUSHTON, John MITCHELL, Wm McGILLIVRAY, 2nd, Thos. FLETCHER, A.J. McKAY, Frank LETCHER, John J. McDONALD, Donald McKAY, 2nd, Neil McPHEE, Alex. VANCE, Alex. CAMPBELL, Peter GALLAGHER, John FRANCIS, Angus McKINNON, 2nd, Richard DAWSON, James MILLER. sr., Jerry MURPHY, Rory McLEOD, James MORRIS, Joseph TATTERSAL, W.J. MADDEN, John McKINNON, 1st, Dan FINDLAYSON, John BENTLIFFE, Wm R, TURNER, R.A. SHERLOCK, single, Thomas MORRISON, Arthur ANDERSON, Ernest CHANDLER, Jas. PEQUINOL, Alex. BUNT, Jas. JOHNSON, Sam FURBROW, James McVEY, How. SIMMONS, Bruce RYAN, John DUNN, Frederick SMITH, Joshua McNEIL, Rogers NOILES, Laughlan McKINNON, Robert CLARK, Willie BROWN, James ROBBINS, Joseph PITT, Clarence CARTER, John HAYDEN, Rich. MURPHY, Rod. C. McNEIL, Peter HANNAGER, Henry LIVINSTON, J.D. McEACHRAN, Thos. ROGERS, Erastus HAYMAN, Ernest BRAINBRIDGE, Herbert ARMISHAW, Jas. SHARPLES, Jude CASEY, Thos. HALLET, Ernest MOTT, Wm KENT, Jas. CONWAY, Wm McKEE, Reid CARTER, Donald CAMPBELL, George WOOD, Malcolm NAIRN, Lazarus GUTHRO, John F. McNEIL, Hiram FIFE, Wm CARRIGAN,, Dan LOCKHART, John MARIN, Wm HYDE, Thomas WILSON, Arch. SHIPLEY, Norman McLEOD, John WILLIAMS, Chas. NASH, John CARMICHAEL, Phillip B. WHITE, Matt COLLINS, Rory B. McDONALD, Hugh ROBERTSON, Edgar WRY, David WATT, Henry McLEOD, Fred DILLON, Murdock ROSS, Andrew BUNT, Joseph DUPEE, Henry WRY, David McVEY, Roger ERNEST, George MARTIN, Peter REID.

  • [S3012] Nathalie Legere - obituary, Saint John Globe, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Mar 1891.

    Saint John Globe Saint John, NB

    Saturday, March 7th, 1891

    d. McGinley's Corner, 27th Feb., Nathalie LEGERE w/o Onesime LEGERE, age 42.

  • [S3013] Cecile Leger Renaud - obituary, Review, Richibouctou, Kent, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Mar 1891.

    Review Richibucto, NB

    Thursday, March 26th, 1891

    d. Cecile Leger RENAUD w/o Auguste RENAUD, customs collector of Buctouche (Kent Co.) Sunday 15th inst., 49th year, left family of six children and eight grandchildren.

  • [S3014] Pacific Legere - obituary, Review, Richibouctou, Kent, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 24 Sep 1891.

    Review Richibucto, NB

    Thursday, September 24th, 1891

    d. Lower Village, Richibucto (Kent Co.) 31st July, Pacific LEGERE, 60th year. He leaves one daughter, the wife of Philip BLANCHARD.

  • [S3015] Marie Elise Leger - obituary, Review, Richibouctou, Kent, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 2 Jun 1892.
  • [S3016] Dr. E. H. Legere - obituary, Review, Richibouctou, Kent, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 11 Aug 1892.

    Review Richibucto, NB

    Thursday, August 11th, 1892

    We have this week to record the death of Dr. E.H. LEGERE, M.P.P., which took place at the residence of his father in Cocagne last Monday morn. Deceased was a s/o Hypolite LEGERE, Cocagne (Kent Co.) and was born there 23rd April 1866. He received his elementary education at Cocagne after which he took a course at St. Joseph's College, Memramcook. He then entered the study of medicine at the office of Dr. E.T. GAUDET, Memramcook and afterwards graduated in Medicine and Surgery at Detroit, Michigan, U.S. in 1888. He established himself at Buctouche and soon gained a large practice. The same year he married Miss Elise MICHAUD, niece of Rev. F.X. MICHAUD, Buctouche. Dr. Legere soon turned his attention to politics and in the election of 1890, caused by the elevation of Hon. P.A. Landry in the County Court Bench, he announced himself a candidate in the Conservative interest. An Acadian convention called at Buctouche ratified his candidature and he was elected by a majority of about 400 votes over his opponents Geo. V. McInerney and John Jardine. He was only 24 years of age. He was re-elected at the last general election by a majority of 711 over Oliver J. LeBlanc, Esq. He went to Ottawa at the beginning of the last session, but sickness prevented him from taking his seat and before the session had far advanced he was forced to leave for his home. He was then taken to Cocagne where he contniued to grow steadily worse until his death. His funeral took place yesterday morn.

  • [S3017] Dr. Leger, M.P. - obituary, Carleton Sentinel, Woodstock, Carleton, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Aug 1892.

    Carleton Sentinel Woodstock, NB

    Saturday, August 13th, 1892

    Dr. LEGER, M.P. for Kent Co. died at his brother's residence, Grand Digue, 8th inst., age 27.

  • [S3018] Thos. T. Leger - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 Jan 1893, pg 4.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Friday, January 20th, 1893 pg 4

    Thos. T. LEGER, a prominent farmer of Memramcook (West. Co.) died at that place Thursday last, age 72 years and was interred last Saturday. Deceased was father of Messrs. P. LEGER and C. LEGER, McGinley Corner.

  • [S3019] Thomas T. Legere - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 Jan 1893, pg 4.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Friday, January 20th, 1893 pg 4

    Legere - At Memramcook, Jan. 12th, Thomas T. Legere, aged 72 years.

  • [S3020] Margaret Leger Cormier - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 5 Jan 1894.
  • [S3021] Marie Leger - obituary, Saint John Globe, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 10 Jan 1894. d. Memramcook (West. Co.) Jan. 7th, Maria LEGER w/o Benomie LEGER, 88th year, left husband, two sons, two daughters.
  • [S3022] Karly Legere - obituary, The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 10 Jan 1894.

    voir aussi: Karly Legere - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, NB, 1894-01-06.

  • [S3023] Mrs. Leger - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 12 Jan 1894.
  • [S3024] Olive Leger - obituary, Saint John Globe, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 14 Apr 1894.

    Saint John Globe Saint John, NB

    Saturday, April 14th, 1894

    d. Scoudouc (West. Co.) April 4, Olive LEGER w/o Thomas A. LEGER, age 29 years 8 mos., left husband, seven children.

  • [S3025] Christopher Legere - obituary, The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 18 Sep 1894.

    The Daily Telegraph Saint John, NB

    Tuesday, September 18th, 1894

    Henry T. LEGERE leaves Monday night for St. John where he will meet the corpse of his brother, Christopher T. LEGERE who died in Boston last week. The body is expected to arrive in Moncton tomorrow eve. - 'Transcript'.

  • [S3026] Christopher Legere - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 22 Sep 1894.
  • [S3027] Christopher Léger - obituary, The Daily Sun, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 24 Sep 1894.

    The Daily Sun Saint John, NB

    Monday, September 24th, 1894

    Moncton, Sept. 21 - The body of the late Christopher LEGER, who died in Boston last week of typhoid fever, was interred in the R.C. Cemetery at Fox Creek yesterday. Deceased was 33 years of age and was a brother of Henry LEGER, brother, of Moncton. He learned his trade in the Peters Combination Lock factory in Moncton and at the time of his last illness was foreman in the lock department of the Wm Hall Iron and Brass works in Boston.

  • [S3028] Jeanne Legere - obituary, The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Oct 1894.

    The Daily Telegraph Saint John, NB

    Monday, October 8th, 1894

    d. Moncton, Oct. 1st, Jeanne LEGERE d/o O.S. LEGERE, age 17 years.

  • [S3029] Félix C. Léger - nécrologie, Evangélne, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 May 1898.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 26 mai 1898

    Nous avons la douleur d'annoncer aujourd'hui la mort de M. Félix C. Léger, conseiller de la paroisse de Paquetville, arrivée à sa résidence, vendredi matin, après une assez courte mais douloureuse maladie.

    M. Léger était âgé de 33 ans et non-marié. Il jouissait de l'estime de tous ceux qui avaient eu le plaisir de sa connaissance.

  • [S3030] Luce Robichaud - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 10 Nov 1998, pg 3.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 10 novembre 1898 pg 3

    A l'Aboujagane, N.B., le 18 octobre, à l'âge de 47 ans, 5 mois et 8 jours, Dame Luce Robichaud, épouse de M. Pacifique J. Léger, s'éteignait dans le Seigneur après une maladie de 23 ans, soufferte avec une constante résignation, et fortifiée de tous les secours de la sainte Église. Elle était mère de treize enfants, dont onze lui survivent, ainsi qu'un époux éploré.

    Les funérailles ont eu lieu le 20 au matin au milieu d'un grand concours de parents et d'amis. Le service fut chanté par M. le curé Massé. - R.I.P.

  • [S3031] Mrs Girouard - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Mar 1904, pg 7.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Wednesday, March 9th, 1904 pg 7

    Death of Mrs. Girouard -

    The death occurred this morning at 4 O'clock of Mrs. Girouard, wife of Mr. Edouard Girouard, barrister. Deceased was 43 years old and leaves a husband and nine chldren to mourn their loss.

  • [S3032] Mrs. E. Girouard - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 10 Mar 1904, pg 2.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, March 10th, 1904 pg 2

    Mrs E. Girouard -

    Mrs. E. Girouard, whose death was announced in yesterday's Times, was a daughter of Joseph and Vivene Legere of Moncton. Nine children survive, four boys and five girls. The boys are Jules, Gilbert, Joseph and Henry, all at home, and the girls, Mary Marguerite, a Sister of Charity at St. John, Nelida, Edna, Yvonne and Mary Emma. One brother Mr. Phileas Legere, of the Peter McSweeney Co., Ltd., survives, and two sisters, Mrs. Fred M. Gaudet and Mrs Ephraim Landry, are in Massachusetts. The deceased was held in the highest respect and esteem by all of her aquaintances, and the bereaved family will have the sympathy of the whole community. The funeral will be held at 8 o'clock on Friday morning to St. Bernard's church, interement will take place in the R.C. cemetery on the Shediac Road.

  • [S3033] Joseph Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Jan 1906, pg 3.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 25 janvier 1906 pg 3


    À Port Elgin, le 17 janvier, M. Joseph Léger rendait son âme à son Créateur après sept mois de maladie soufferte avec une résignation édifiante et muni de tous les secours de l'Eglise. Répétant souvent ces paroles: Oh Dieu! que votre volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel. Il endura ses souffrances sans jamais murmurer contre les décrets de la Divine Providence. Il est mort comme il avait toujours vécu, en fervant chrétien, à l'âge de 77 ans et 7 mois. Il laisse pour pleurer sur sa tombe sept enfants, dont cinq garçons et deux filles. Le regretté défunt appartenait au Rosaire Perpétuel, à la ligue du Sacré Coeur et à la Société de l'Ange Gardien. Les funérailles ont eu lieu le 19 janvier au Cap Pelé au milieu d'un grand nombre de parents et d'amis. Que son âme repose en paix.

  • [S3034] Mrs. Adele Cormier - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 14 Apr 1932, pg 9.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, April 14th, 1932 pg 9

    Mrs. Adele Cormier

    Cormier's Cove, Westmorland Co., April 13 - Mrs. Adele (Leger) Cormier, widow of Vital B. Cormier, passed away recently after several weeks of illness. Mrs. Cormier was 89 years of age and had a wide circle of friends. She had lived for several years at the home of her son, Vital Cormier. Several other children reside in the United States.

  • [S3035] Mrs. Vital Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Apr 1932, pg 9.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Friday, April 15th, 1932 pg 9

    Mrs. Vital Leger

    Memramcook, April 14 - Mrs. Vital B. Leger, formerly Miss Adele Cormier, passed away recently at Cormier Cove. She is survived by the following children - Rev. Sister Ste. Agnes of the University of Ottawa; Etienne Leger of Summerville, Mass., Edward Leger Springfield, Mass.; Staislas Leger, also of the United States; Camille Leger of Hazardville, Conn., Mrs. John Legacey (Jeanne) also of the United Stated and Vital Leger of Cormier Cove, Rev. Sister Edward of the order of the Holy Family is a sister-in-Law of the late Mrs. Leger, Rev. Sister Maria of St. Laurent, Que., and a niece, Rev. Sister Bernadotte, also a neice. The late Rev. F. X. Cormier of St. Anselme was a nephew as was the late Rev. Rev. Donat LeBlanc pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Shediac. The late Rev. F. X. Cormier, Sr., pastor of the Sacred Heart Church, Upper Aboujagane, parish of Shediac, was a cousin. Many relatives, friends and members of religious orders attended the high mass of requiem at St. Thomas Church, St. Thomas. The celebrant of the mass was Rev. Father P. W. Gendreau C.S.C., Mrs. Adelard Belliveau was organist. Among those present were Rev. Sister Ste. Sophie, superior of the Little Sister of the Holy Family and Rev. Sister St. Leon of Rome, superior of the same order at St. Joseph. There were a very many mass cards and spritual bouquets.

  • [S3036] Mr. Cyril B. Léger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 22 Apr 1932, pg 9.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Friday, April 22nd, 1932 pg 9

    Mr. Cyril B. Leger Buctouche, N.B. , April 20 -

    The funeral of the late Mr. Cyril B. Leger, who passed away at his home here on April 8th, at the age of 80, was held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The deceased was a very highly respected and esteemed resident of Buctouche as he was always ready to lend a helping hand wherever needed. A host of friends and neighbors will deeply regret his death. he is survived by seven daughters, one son and two sisters. The daughters are: Rev. Sister Rose, of Lima, of the congregation of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Convent of St. Anne, Shediac, N.B., Mrs. Elie Girouard, New Bedford, Mass.; Mrs. Adeiard Millette, Fisherville, Mass.; Miss Adelfne Leger, New Bedford, Mass.; Mrs. Dan Bastarache, Lynn, Mass.; Mrs Andrew Hebert, Buctouche, N.B.; Mrs. Bedford Leger, Shenectady, N.Y. The son is Peter Leger, of Buctouche, The sisters are Mrs. Elzear Goselin, of Buctouche; Mrs. John Doucet of St. Anthony, N.B.. The service at St. John the Baptist Church and at the grave were conducted by rev. Father Phillip Hebert. The funeral was attended by a large gathering of relatives and friends. The pallbearers were Hon. A.A.Dysart, Andrew F. Hebert, Felix Michaud; Michel McLaughlin; Patrick McFadden, Lionide Maillet. A high mass of requiem was sung by Rev. Father Phillip Hebert Monday morning at 8 o'clock, and again were present many relatives and friends. The family received a large number of Mass offerings. Spiritual Bouquets, etc., including the following; Masses- Hon. A.A.Dysart, Mr and Mrs. A.F. Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. George Nowlan, Measrs, Lawrence Reinsborow and Rene Lemieux, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Michaud, Mr. Lionel Landry, Mr. and Mrs. John McFadden, Mrs. John Maillet. Spiritual Bouquets -The sisters of the Convent of St. Anne, Shediac, the Sisters of the convent of Buctouche, F.X. LeBlanc, Lionide Maillet and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallant, Mr. and Mrs. James Gallant, Mrs. Anselme Jaillet, Miss Aline Jaillet, Miss Pat Chiasson, Mrs. F.G.S. Richard, Mary, Mirlam and Robert Dysart, Lillian. Carrie and Emery Nowlan, Mrs. D. Richard, Miss Auore LeBlanc. Miss Eva Goguen. Miss Dora Collet, Miss Lea Poirier, Mrs. Fred Crossman, Miss Amanda Collet, M.Q. LeBlanc. M.C. Floral Tribut--Mr. and Mrs Walter Newcomb. Cards of Sympathy--Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deveau, Miss Margaret Carter, Miss Dora Bernard. Miss Maud Bourque, Mrs. Lemieux, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fougere.

  • [S3037] "Girouard Family Center"., worldconnect.genealogy.... Accessed.
  • [S3038] Anselme Léger - nécrologie, Evamgéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 30 Nov 1933, pg 4.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 30 novembre 1933 pg 4


    Les funérailles de Anselme Léger, qui a succombé lundi de la semaine dernière à l'Hôtel Dieu à une pneumonie, ont eu lieu mercredi dernier à l'église l'Assomption, au milieu d'une assistance très nombreuses. Une grand'messe solennelle de Requiem fut chantée par M. l'abbé Henri-D. Cormier, curé de la paroisse. Les porteurs étaient MM. Clovis LeBlanc, Eugène LeBlanc, Henri Dupuis, Ben Melanson, Aimée Boudreau et Roy Gould.

    Feu M. Léger, qui était inspecteur de wagons au C.N.R., laisse outre son épouse, neuf enfants. Ce sont: Rodolphe, Raymond, Ernest, Gerard, Louis, Paul, Valmond, Hubert et Jeannine, tous à la maison. Un frère et quatre soeurs lui survivent également: M. Albénie Léger, de Boston; Mlle Alvina et Annie et Mme Ben Melanson, de Lewisville, et Mme Jules Melanson, de Boston. Le défunt était membre de la G.M.B.A. et de la Société l'Assomption.

  • [S3039] Mme Veuve Hector Leger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 18 Jan 1934, pg 4.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 18 janvier 1934 pg 4


    A Caraquet, N.-B., le 1er janvier, s'éteignait paisiblement dans le Seigneur, Madame Veuve Hector Leger, née Emilie LeBoutillier, âgé de 85 ans. Elle fut malade quelques jours seulement.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil 9 enfants: Narcisse, avec qui elle demeurait, Joseph et Alphonse, de Caraquet; Mme Fred Paulin (Parmélia), de Timmins, Ont.; Mme Adolphe Teriault (Agathe), de Sanford, Maine; Richard, Propsère et Henri, de Sanford, Maine.

    Ses funérailles eurent lieu le 3 janvier, au milieu d'un grand nombre de parents et d'amis.

    Une prière pour le repos de son âme.

  • [S3040] Douglas E. Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Feb 1934, pg 7.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Monday, February 26th, 1934 pg 7

    Douglas E. Leger -

    The death of Douglas Evans Leger, 10 year old son of Dosithe Leger, Donald Place, occurred in the City Hospital on Saturday. He has been ill for a

    considerable period, pneumonia developing laterly and causing his death. Much sympathy will be felt for the family in their bereavement. The funeral will be held this (Monday) morning to St. Bernard's Church for requiem high mass at 7:45 o'clock, cortege leaving afterwards for Shediac Road cemetery.

  • [S3041] Joseph Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 27 Feb 1934, pg 7.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Tuesday, February 27th, 1934 pg 7

    Joseph Leger-

    Mr. Joseph Leger, son of Mr. Edgar Leger, Memramcook West. died suddenly in Saint John on Saturday, February 24th, at the age of 19 years. The body was taken to St. Joseph's on the morning train yesterday and burial took place in St Thomas Cemetery, Rev. Father A. St. Martin reciting the commital prayer. Requiem mass will be celebrated this morning at St. Thomas. His father and mother survive, also six sisters and three brothers.

  • [S3042] Obeline Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 27 Feb 1934, pg 7.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Tuesday, February 27th, 1934 pg 7

    Miss Obeline Leger -

    Memramcook West. Co., N.B., Feb 24 - The death of Miss Obeline Leger occurred here on Monday last at the age of 74. She died suddenly at the residence of her brother, Mr. Dominic Leger. Burial took place at St. Thomas cemetery, St. Joseph's following requiem high mass celebrated by Rev. Father J. Fiset, C.S.C., at 9 o'clock on Thursday morning. The pallbearers, all nephews, were, Hypolite, Narcisse and Ovila LeBlanc, Alfred Leger, Memramcook, also Ferdinand and Arthur Leger, of Moncton. There were many spirtual remembrances as well as several floral tributes received. two brothers survive, Dominic and Jude, of this place.

  • [S3043] Mrs. Ernest J. Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 2 Mar 1934, pg 7.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Friday, March 2nd, 1934 pg 7

    Mrs. Ernest J. Leger -

    The death of Mrs. Ernest J. Leger, nee Elizabeth Boudreau, aged 60 years, of Memramcook, N.B., occurred Wednesday evening. She had not been in the best of health for a few months but her death was unexpected. Her husband, a bridge contractor for the provincial government, survives, also three sons and five daughters. The sons are: Alfred, employed with T. & A. Leger, Moncton; Antoine , with the Irving Co., Ltd.; Alphonse, Student at St. Joseph's University; the daughters are Alice, an employee of T. Eaton Co., Ltd.; Andrea and Corinne, school teachers of Dupuis Corner; Salome, at home and Marie, student at the Sacred Heart Convent, St. Joseph's Westmorland county. Three brothers and two sisters also survive, Frederick Boudreau, of Gayton's Crossing; C.H. Boudreau, of Fredericton; Alphie, of Moncton, Mrs. Honore Leger, of Memramcook West, and Miss Melanie Boudreau, of Gayton's Crossing. Rev. Raymond Boudreau, curate of L'Assumption parish in this city is a nephew. The funeral will be held Saturday morning with service in St. Thomas Church, Memramcook. Interment will be made in St. Thomas cemetery.

  • [S3044] Denis Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Nov 1934, pg 6.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 8 novembre 1934 pg 6

    Nous apprenons avec regret la mort de M. Denis Leger, de Shédiac, décédé lundi soir après une maladie de trois mois. M. Léger, qui était né à Scoudouc, était âgé de 57 ans. Il avait passé la plus grande partie de sa vie à Scoudouc, mais il y a deux ans il vint demeurer à Shédiac. Le défunt avait été à l'emploi du C.N.R. comme chauffeur de locomotive pendant plusieurs années.

    Il laisse, outre son épouse, (née Rosalie Gallant), six fils: Léo, Emile, Jean, Edouard, Azarias et Roger, à la maison, et Yvon, qui se prépare à la prêtrise à Ottawa; et sept filles: Graziella, Bernadette, Marguerite, Alfreda, Patricia, Denise et Jeannette, toutes à la maison paternelle. Un frère, Jude, de Shédiac, et quatre soeurs: Mme Thadée Cormier, de Scoudouc, Mme Thomas Doucet, Lynn, Mass., Mme Blair LeBlanc, de Moncton et Mme Joseph LeBlanc, de Saint-Jean, lui survivent également.

    Les funérailles auront lieu ce matin à l'église St-Jacques-le-Majeur, de Scoudouc.

    Nous prions la famille en deuil d'agréer l'expression de nos sympathies.

  • [S3045] Mrs. Louis Leger - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 Apr 1940, pg 7.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Monday, April 1st, 1940 pg 7

    Mrs. Louis Leger Shediac March 30 -

    Word was received here on Friday by Hector Leger of the passing of Mrs. Louis Leger, nee Veronique Landry, in Portland, Maine, after a short illness at the age of 94 years. The deceased was a native of Little Cape and was a half sister of the late Henry S. Leger of Little Cape, Mrs. Leger had removed to Portland 40 years ago, and was predeceased by her husband 14 years ago in Portland. She leaves to mourn one son Sylvin and three daughters, Mrs. Caroline Bourque, Mrs. Daniel Wilkeson, and Mrs. Edward Fairweather, all of Portland, Maine. Burial will take place in Portland.

  • [S3046] Pacifique E. Bourque - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 May 1940, pg 7.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, May 9th, 1940 pg 7

    Pacifique E. Bourque

    Many friends and relatives in Moncton and other parts of the county learned with sorrow yesterday of the death in Harford, Conn., of Pacifique E. Bourque, formeer resident of this city. Mr. Bourque died Tuesday evening after a lengthy illness. He was 80 years of age and a former employee of the Stores Separtment , Canadian National Railways here. He had been on pension for considerable time. Mr. Bourque had made his home during the winter months in Hartford, and in Moncton and Shediac during the summer. He was a native of Cape Bald and was a school teacher in that district. Later he conducted a general store there until he entered the service of the railway here. He was twice married and is survivied by his wife, one son, J. Henry Bourque, of east Roxbury, Mass., and three daughters, Mrs. Willie Leger, Shediac; Mrs. L.P. Bourque and Mrs. C. W. McQuinn, of this city. The body is to be brought to Moncton for burial, though arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.

  • [S3047] Vital Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 Jun 1940, pg 7.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, June 20th, 1940 pg 7

    Vital Leger

    Fitchburg, Mass. June 19 - Vital Leger, 52, of 50 Overland St., well known in Franco-American circles, died on Saturday, June 8, at the Burbank Hospital after an illness of about six weeks. He had been employed for 22 years as electrical engineer by Crocker-Burbank and Co. Association. Mr. Leger was born in Barachois, N. B. He Resided in Fitchburg for 31 years and was president of the local council of the Canada Association, a trustee of Fitchburg Aerie, F.O.E., a member of the St. Camille Assumption, and St. Jean Baptist Societies, of the Cable Club, South End National Club, and Brook Mill Sports Club. Surviving Mr. Leger are his wife, Mrs. Bella (Belliveau) Leger; five daughters, Bertha, Irene, Pauline, Corinne, Joan, two sons, Edgar and John, all of Fitchburg; his mother, Mrs. Celina Leger, of Shediac; three sisters, Mrs. Philippe Landry, of Fitchburg; Mrs. Adelard Boudreau, of Shediac, and Mrs. George LeBlanc, of Barachois; three step-sisters, Mrs. Antoine Bourque, Mrs. Ben Leger, of Shediac, and Mrs. Leonie Cormier, of Upper Aboujagan; two brothers, August, of Fitchburg, and Philip, of Cocagne; one step-brother, Alfred, of Fitchburg. The funeral was held June 13 from Mr. Leger's home with a solemn high mass of requiem in Sacred Heart Church, Rev. John E. O'Toole was celebrant; Rev. John M. O'Brien, deacon and Rev. Armand Barrette, of Immaculate Conception Church, was in the sanctuary. The pallbearers were Leo Collette, Aidie Beauchemin, Joseph E. Laprade, Alfred harrison, Hilaire LeBlanc and Camille Belliveau, members of the various clubs and organizations of which Mr. Leger had been a member. Burial was in St. Joseph cemetery, where prayers at the grave were read by Father O'Toole and Daly.

  • [S3048] Frank Landry - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 12 Jul 1940.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Friday, July 12th, 1940

    Frank Landry Memramcook, July 11 -

    The death occurred Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock of Frank Landry, 54, for many years a respected member of this community. He had been in poor health for some years. A former telegraph operator, he had retired some 10 years ago. The late Mr. Landry was a single man, and is survived by his mother, Mrs. Margaret Landry, of College Bridge, and a number of brothers and sisters. The brother's are Henry, of Memrancook, and Camille, of Detroit, Mich., and the sisters are Mrs. Sarah Comeau, Rochester, N.Y. and Mrs. Edward Leger, of Memramcook. The funeral will take place Saturday morning at 9 o'clock.

  • [S3049] Patrick Phillip Legere - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Sep 1940, pg 9.
  • [S3050] Miss Corine Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 4 Jan 1941, pg 3.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Saturday, January 4th, 1941 pg 3

    Miss Corinne Leger

    The death of Corinne Leger occurred at the Hotel Dieu here yesterday morning. She was the daughter of Emil Leger, of Memramcook, and was 27 years of age. She had been in ill health for five months. Two brothers survive, Henry and Sylvere, both of Memramcook and three sisters, Mrs. Avile Leger, St. Antoine de Kent; Mrs. Rodolphe Landry, Cormier Cove, and Mrs. Theophile LeBlanc, also of Cormier's Cove. The funeral will be held in St. Thomas Church at Memramcook on Saturday morning.

  • [S3051] Ambroise Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Jan 1941, pg 7.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, January 9th, 1941 pg 7

    Ambroise Leger

    Word has been received here of the death ot Los Angeles, California of December 31, of Ambroise Leger, a former Main street shoe merchant. Mr. Leger, who died after only a few hours illness was a native of this city. In his younger days he managed a shoe business for a local concern and about 40 years ago he opened a shoe store on Main street on his own account. He retired from business about 20 years ago and removed to California. For a time he conducted a grocery business at Los Angeles but retired a few years ago. About three years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Leger spent some months travelling across Canada and visiting friends here. Mr. Leger's death will be learned with regret by a large circle of friends in Moncton and vicinity where he was very popular. He is survived by his wife, formally Miss Alvina Bourque, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Bourque, also of this city. A. P. Bourque of Moncton, now spending the winter in Los Angeles is a brother-in-law.

  • [S3052] Mme Maurice Thibodeau - nécrologie, La voix d'Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 24 Apr 1941, pg 5.
  • [S3053] Aldric Legere - obituary, Springhill Record, Springhill, Cumberland, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 25 Mar 1943.

    voir aussi: Aldric Legere - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, 1943-03-31, pg 7.

  • [S3054] Mr Adolphe Leger - obituary, News & Sentinel, Amherst, Cumberland, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 13 Dec 1946, pg 4.

    voir aussi: Adolphe Legere - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, December 10, 1946, pg 3.

  • [S3055] Agnès Lirette, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick , Microfilm: F18060, Registration number: 3345, (30 Sep 1901), Index to Provincial Registrations of Births (, consulted 20 May 2023.
  • [S3056] Delphine Cormier - obituary, News & Sentinel, Amherst, Cumberland, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 20 May 1947, pg 4.

    News & Sentinel Amherst, NS

    Tuesday, May 20th, 1947 pg 4

    Mrs. Dephine Cormier -

    The death of Mrs. Marie Delphine Cormier, who had been a resident of Amherst for over sixty years, occurred this morning at her home Chignecto Street. Although the deceased had been an invalid for seven years, she had only been seriously ill for the past week. Her keen mind and pleasant disposition was the delight of her family and friends. She kept in touch with local and world events and was a good conversationalist. She was the last member of a large family, daughter of the late Madeline and Maximin Legere of Memramcook, and was a devout member of the St. Charles R.C. Church. She was 86 years of age. The late Mrs. Cormier is survived by four sons, Capt. Nelson of Halifax; Frank in Amherst; Andy of Norwood, Mass., and Willis at home; also five grandchildren. Her husband, William Cormier, predeceased her five years ago. The remains are

    resting at the home of her son, Frank Cormier, 97 Church Street. The funeral with Requiem High Mass will be held from St. Charles R.C. Church Monday morning at 9 o'clock.

  • [S3057] Mrs. Simon (Olive) Boudreau - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Feb 1951, pg 2.
  • [S3058] Edmond "Nig" Gould - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 16 Feb 1951, pg 14.

    voir aussi: Edmond (Nig) Gould - FUNERAL, Daily Times, Moncton, NB, 1951-02-20.

  • [S3059] LeBlanc Dies, 77, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 27 Feb 1951, pg 2.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Tuesday, February 27th, 1951 pg 2

    LeBlanc Dies, 77 College Bridge, Feb 26 -

    (Special) - Mrs. Edmond LeBlanc, well known resident of this comunity, died at her home here this morning. She was 77 years of age and had been ill health for a number of years. Her death, however, was unexpected and came as a great shock to a wide circles of relatives and friends. She was born in Aboujagane, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sifroi (Gagnon) Leger. Surviving are her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Elderice Landry (Ida) of Dieppe, Mrs. Claudias Cormier (Annie) of Moncton, and Miss Alice at home; three sons, Edmond, Leo and Wallace, all at home; two brothers, Alderic Leger and Irenee Leger of Cormier Village, and one sister, Mrs. Souverain Cormier of Fitchburg, Mass. Funeral service will be held Wednesday morning in St. Thomas Church, St. Joseph, with interment in the parish cemetery.

  • [S3060] Mrs. Jack Williams - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 5 Mar 1951, pg 14.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Monday, March 5th, 1951 pg 14

    Last Rites for Mrs. Jack Williams

    Funeral services for the late Mrs. Jack Williams, of Dufourville, were held in the R.C. Church, Notre Dame, and were conducted by Rev. Emery Doucette. The pallbearers were six nephews of the late Mrs. Williams, Lea, Anthony, Clarence, Gerald, Vincent, and Leonard Myers. The death of Mrs. Williams occurred at the home of her son, Frank Williams, with whom she resided. Mrs. Williams was 97 years of age. Surviving are four sons, Frank, Notre Dame; Louis, Moncton; David, Georgetown and Angus, Harrisville, as well as four daughters, Mrs. Thomas Myers, Georgetown; Mrs. Joseph Conway, Guaningsville; Mrs. Henry Cormier, New Bedford, Mass. and Mrs. Joseph Tousscent, New Bedford, Mass., and Mrs. Edgar Allain, Dieppe.

  • [S3061] Madelaine Poirier - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Mar 1956, pg 16.
  • [S3062] "Acadian Roots"., Accessed.
  • [S3063] Trucker Killed at Pictou, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 6 Jul 1961, pg 11.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, July 6th, 1961 pg 11


    Pictou - Aquila Legere, 53, was killed early Wednesday when the large lobster truck we was driving left the road on the Sunrise Trail near Melville Corner, 15 miles west of here.Pictou RCMP said that he was alone at the time of the accident and that it is believed the left rear wheel came off the truck, causing it to leave the road. The truckman, from Cocagne, Kent County, N.B. was hauling a load of lobsters towards the New Brunswick line at the time.The accident was investigated by Constable Quinn andMacAllister of the RCMP.An inquest opened at MacLaren's Funeral Home last night. After the body was identified, it was adjourned until a later date.

  • [S3064] N.B. Senator dies at 67, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 29 Dec 1961, pg 21.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Friday, December 29th, 1961 pg 21

    N.B. Senator dies at 67

    Moncton (CP) - Funeral services will be held Saturday at Grande Digue, N.B. for Senator Aurele A. D. Leger, former Liberal member of parliament for Kent who died in hospital here Thursday after a long illness. He was 67. Senator Leger, a Roman Catholic, first elected to represent New Brunswick's smallest constituency in 1940, was twice re-elected in 1945 and 1949. He was appointed to the senate in 1953 by former Prime Minister St. Laurent. He was a quiet man who rarely spoke in Commons or senate debates. An electrical contractor by profession, in later life he was an old age pensions inspector.

  • [S3065] Décès de M. Olivier Léger, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, Nov 1965, pg 26.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 1 novembre 1965 pg 26

    Décès de M. Olivier Léger

    M. Olivier Léger, célibataire, âgé de 68 ans, fils de Mme André Léger de Pointe Rocheuse, décédait le 14 novembre à l'hôpital de Campbellton. Ses funérailles avaient lieu à Caraquet le 16 novembre.

  • [S3066] Tragique accident au jeune Julien Cormier, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, Dec 1965, pg 13.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Mercredi, 1 décembre 1965 pg 13

    Tragique accident au jeune Julien Cormier

    Dieu dans ses desseins insondables est venu choisir un adolescent pour peupler son ciel, ce qui doit consoler les parents de la jeune victime M. et Mme Arthur Cormier (Emma à Patrick Légère de Pointe Rocheuse).

    Depuis moins d'un ans que chez M. Cormier faisaient l'acquisition de l'ancienne demeure des Béland (actuellement à Montréal) et que Julien âgé de 16 ans était tout enthousiasmé à y faire des réparations se faisant ainsi le point d'appui du père malade depuis plusieurs années.

    L'auto qui le frappait était conduite par M. Adrien Gionet de Bas-Caraquet. La bicylette fut renversée et le jeune homme ne vécut que quelques heures.

    Pourrait-on dire qu'il pressentait sa more puisqu'il fit faire à sa mère ce jour là une chose inusitée en lui demandant d'ouvrir le cadeau de Noël qu'il lui avait acheté en disant: "L'année prochaine, ce ne sera pas un petit cadeau comme celui-là que tu auras, mais des chaises et une télévision car on n'a demandé pour travailler tout l'été prochain."

    Outre son père et sa mère, il laisse à la maison trois frères: Jean-Paul, Réginald et Gérard tous plus jeunes que lui, Nicolas mariés à Montréal et Alphonse marié à Petite-Paquetville; deux soeurs, Thérèse (Mme Jean Pinet) de Montréal et Rosa (Mme Gérard Haché) de Bertrand. Cet accident arrivait le 18 décembre.

  • [S3067] Décès de Mme Marcel Blanchard de Bas-Caraquet, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, Feb 1966, pg 15.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Mardi, 1 février 1966 pg 15

    Décès de Mme Marcel Blanchard de Bas-Caraquet

    Une jeune maman de 38 ans, Huberte Gionet, épouse de Marcel Blanchard de Bas-Caraquet faisait le sacrifice de sa vie devant une maladie incurable, le 28 février.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil outre son mari, deux fils: Jacques et André ainsi que deux filles: Jacqueline et Lucille; également deux frères, Normand et Simon de Bas-Caraquet et sept soeurs: Mme Donat Léger, Mlle Diane Gionet de Bas-Caraquet; Mme Paul Foulem, Mme Johnny Tremblay de Montréal; Mme Dr. Antonin Blanchard de Chatham; Mme Emmanuel Buraglia de Bathurst; Mme Roger Mainville de Toronto ainsi que ses parents M. et Mme Jos A. Gionet de Bas Caraquet.

  • [S3068] Soeur Saint-Joseph, r.h.s.j., Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 May 1966, pg 27.

    Soeur Saint-Joseph, r.h.s.j.

    Soeur Saint-Joseph, religieuse hospitalière de Tracadie décédait à l'âge de 90 ans après 69 ans et 6 mois de vie religieuse.

    Dans les différents postes qu'elle a occupés, soulignons 7 ans chez les Lépreux, 13 ans chez les malades, 10 ans à la pharmacie, maîtresse des orphelines durant 2 ans. En plus, elle fut employée comme sacristine et couturière. Combien d'ornements d'autel, de chasubles, de surplis n'a-t-elle pas confectionnés?

    De tous ceux qui ont passé par l'hôpital de Tracadie, c'est le petit nombre qui n'a pas connu Soeur Saint-Joseph, toujours là pour consoler, ou pour préparer à la mort ceux que le Bon Dieu voulait peupler son ciel.

    Ayant toujours des oeuvres en marche, elle avait toujours avec elle des billets et son plus grand désir avait été de voir une oeuvre des Hospitalières s'étbalir à Caraquet, spécialement un Hospice. Aussi, de passage à Montréal en 1932, elle eut le privilège d'aller voir le Frère André et quand il lui demanda quelle était sa demande, elle ne peut faire autrement que de lui dire: "J'aimerais voir un Hospice se bâtir à Caraquet". De lui répondre le Frère Andre: "Ma soeur, il y aura un hospice à Caraquet, peut-être le verrez-vous et peut-être ne le verrez-vous pas." Chose assez étrange, elle décéda le mois même que la première pelletée de terre fut levée pour le Foyer.

  • [S3069] M. Lévi Lanteigne de Manchester, N.H., Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 Jul 1966, pg 12.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Vendredi, 1 juillet 1966 pg 12

    M. Lévi Lanteigne de Manchester, N.H.

    M. Lévi Lanteigne, natif de Caraquet, décédait à Manchester, N.H. à l'âge de 64 ans. Fils de feu M. et Mme Lubain Lanteigne, il laisse dans le deuil outre son épouse, Rose Morin, quatre enfants: Maurice de Californie; Lawrence du Missouri; Rosalie du Texas et Arthur de New Jersey.

    Il laisse également ses frères, Ben (Urbain) de Manchester et Nazaire de Caraquet; ses soeurs: Marie (Mme Gervais Chenard), Joséphine (Mme Gustave parisé), Florida (Mme William Léger) de Rumford Maine.

    Ses neveux et nièces, M. et Mme Jean Brideau et leurs deux enfants Claude et Diane de Bathurst et Mme Léo Chenard de Caraquet, sa soeur, Mme Gervais Chenard et sa belle-soeur, Mme Nazaire Lanteigne de Caraquet assistaient à ses funérailles.

  • [S3070] Mme Elisée Poirier - nécrologie, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 Jul 1966, pg 11.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Vendredi, 1 juillet 1966 pg 11

    Mme Elisée Poirier

    Mme Elisée Poirier, née Jane Légère, anciennement de Caraquet, décédait à Saint-Césaire, P.Q. à l'âge de 82 ans.

    Elle avait épousé en premières noces, M. Joseph Doucet de Bas-Caraquet et laisse dans le deuil une fille, Cécile Doucet de St-Hyacinthe, P.Q. En deuxième noces, elle épousait M. Elisée Poirier, laissant dans le deuil, une fille, Hectorine (Mme Laurent Robert) de St-Césaire avec qui elle demeurait et deux fils Richard et Paul-Emile de St-Cécsaire également.

    Lui survivent également deux frères: MM. Henri et Wilfred Légère de Caraquet et deux soeurs, Mlle Agnès Légère de Caraquet et Marianne (Mme Alex. Thériault) de l'Ontario.

    Sa soeur, Mlle Agnès Légère et ses neveux et nièces, Mme Lionel Haché, M. Julien Haché, M. et Mme Audard Mourant, Mlle Hectorine Haché et M. Raymond Haché tous de Caraquet, assistaient à ses funérailles à St-Césaire.

  • [S3072] Mme Antoine D'Amours - nécrologie, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, Mar 1967, pg 26.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Mercredi, 1 mars 1967 pg 26

    Mme Antoine D'Amours

    Une famille bien connue vient d'être plongée dans le deuil par la mort de mme Antoine D'Amours survenue à l'Hôpital de Dalhousie, le 1er mars, à l'âge de 78 ans.

    Mère de 15 enfants vivants dont plusieurs sont bien connus dans notre région, ils sont: Mme Tony Léger (Maria) de Bas-Caraquet; le Rév. P. Cyrille D'Amours, du Petit Séminaire St-Charles de Bathurst; Sr. Julie D'Amours, enseignante à St-Isidore; François de Dalhousie; Charles, autrefois directeur du journal l'Evangéline et maintenant de Granby; Roméo et Ludger de Montréal; Maurice et Antonio de Chicoutimi; Albert de Paltimore, P.Q.; Julien de Gatineau; Mme Nelson Schofield (Geneviève) de Baie Ste Anne; Mme Emile Schofield (Thérèse) de Chatham; Mme Rémi Goudreau (Antoinette) de Cross Point, P.Q.; Mme Robert Nadeau (Albertine) de Québec.

    Son mari lui survivt également.

  • [S3073] M. Marcel Paulin - nécrologie, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, Apr 1966, pg 12.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Vendredi, 1 avril 1966 pg 12

    M. Marcel Paulin

    La mort de M. Marcel Paulin survenue à Montréal après une assez longue maladie laisse dans le deuil, son épouse née Yvonne Gallien et deux enfants: Rose-Marie et Rodrigue, de Montréal. Il est décédé le 24 avril.

    Agé de 59 ans, il laisse également dans le deuil sa mère, Mme Octave Paulin; un frère, le Dr. Ernest Paulin de Tracadie et huit soeurs dont Mme Alphonse Léger et Mme Jos Boudreau de Caraquet; Mme Amand Chiasson de Maisonnette et une belle-soeur, Mme Léo Paulin de Caraquet.

  • [S3074] M. Jean Sewell - nécrologie, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 Apr 1967, pg 22.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Samedi, 1 avril 1967 pg 22

    M. Jean Sewell

    A l'âge de 87 ans, décédait le 9 avril à Whitehorse, Yukon, M. Jean Sewell.

    Originaire de Caraquet, il avait laissé cette paroisse lorsqu'il n'avait pas encore 20 ans, et de poste en poste, s'est finalement rendu au Yukon où il avait un commerce, dépendant du gouvernement, pour ravitailler les Indiens.

    Il était célibataire et laisse dans le deuil ses neveux MM. Josie Sewell et Eddie Albert de Caraquet et une nièce, Mme Louis Légère de Bas-Caraquet.

  • [S3075] Madame Fred G. Chiasson - nécrologie, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 31 May 1967, pg 22.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Mercredi, 31 mai 1967 pg 22

    Madame Fred G. Chiasson

    La mort est venue ravir l'affection des siens, Mme Fred G. Chiasson (Lucienne Thériault), décédée le 2 mai à l'âge de 55 ans.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil, outre son époux, sept filles: Mme Albert Léger (Aline) de Caraquet; Francine de Ste-Anne de Bellevue, P.Q.; Mme John Connell (Yvonne) de Saint-Jean, N.-B. Thérèse, hôtesse à l'Expo, Montréal; Lina, Maria-Ange et Cécile à la maison paternelle; deux fils: Arthur et Edmond de Montréal.

    Elle laisse également sa mère, Mme Louis Thériault de Ste-Anne-du-Bocage et sa belle-mère, Mme Guillaume Chiasson de Caraquet. Aussi cinq frères: Frère Jean-Louis (Edmond) de Montréal; Paul de Ste-Anne-du-Bocage; Léo de North Woodstock, N.H.; Arthur d'Inkerman et Euclide de Montréal, ainsi que deux soeurs, Mme Roméo Moreau (Eva) de Montréal et Mme Jeanne Paré de St-Hyacinthe.

  • [S3076] Thaddy J. Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 21 Oct 1967, pg 7.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Saturday, October 21st, 1967 pg 7

    THADDY J. LEGERE, Amherst, 84, died Thursday at Lockharts Nursing Home. Born at Dupuis Corner, N.B., he had been a resisdent of Amherst over 50 Years. Surviving are two daughters, Evelyn, Arizona; Lillian, New Jersey; two sons, Alfred, Montreal; Vincent, Halifax; two sisters Mrs. Tillie Forest, Amherst; and Mrs. Jennie Arsenault, Moncton.The funeral mass will be held today at 9 a.m. at St Charles' Church. Burial will be at St. Charles Cemetery.

  • [S3077] Mrs. Zabina Leger - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 6 Nov 1967, pg 24.
  • [S3078] Lévis Albert - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Jan 1968, pg 3.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Mardi, 13 février 1968 pg 3

    M. Lévis Albert

    Est décédé à Caraquet le 12 février, à l'âge de 78 ans et six mois, M. Lévis Albert, époux de Victorine Albert.

    Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil ses fils: Francis et Jean, de Caraquet; Cajetan, de Sudbury, Ont., une fille, Mme Suzanne Boudreau, de Québec; un gendre, M. Raymond Boudreau, de Québec; ses brus: Mme Emilienne Comeau, de Caraquet, et Gilberte Haché, de Caraquet et Julia Léger, de Sudbury, Ont.; ses frères, M. Patrick Albert et Prosper Albert, de Caraquet; une soeur; Mme veuve Joséphine Landry, d'Inkerman, ainsi que 10 petits-enfants.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la maison funéraire Racicot, de Caraquet.

    La date et l'heure des funérailles seront annoncées plus tard.

  • [S3079] M. Donat Girouard - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 5 Mar 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: D. Girouard - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, March 5th, 1968, pg 2.

  • [S3080] Death Mrs. Clara Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Mar 1968, pg 5.

    voir aussi: Mme Clara Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, NB, 15 mars 1968, pg 3; Leger - funeral, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, March 16, 1968, pg 6.

  • [S3082] M. Alvarez Dugas - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 24 May 1968, pg 3.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Vendredi, 24 mai 1968 pg 3

    M. Alvarez Dugas

    GRANDE-ANSE - M. Alvarez Dugas, de Dugas Office, est décédé le 10 mai à Caraquet, à l'âge de 86 ans et 2 mois.

    Il laisse dans le deuil ses fils, Adelbert, de Dugas Office, Roméo de Gatineau, Québec et Alcide, de Dugas Office, avec qui il demeurait ainsi que ses filles, Sr. Amantine Dugas, f.m.a. Atholville; Mme Clifford Sullivan (Eugénie) et Mme Eddy Sullivan (Léontine), de Grande-Anse; Mme Arthur Boudreau (Lydia), Maisonnette; Mme Georges Chiasson (Valeda) de Village St-Paul; et Mme Patrice Frigault (Adrienne), de l'Anse-Bleue.

    Il laisse aussi ses frères, Arthur et Georges de Dugas Offices, et ses soeurs; Mme Veuve Fred Cormier (Marguerite), Mme Imelda Foulem, de Caraquet; Mme Irénée Léger (Malvina) de Bertrand; Mme Joséphine Cormier, de L'Anse-Bleue et Mlle Sara Dugas, de Dugas Office, de même que 68 petits enfants.

    Les funérailles ont eu lieu le 13 mai en l'église St-Simon et St-Judes de Grande-Anse. Le R.P. Aristide Légère, neveu et curé à Bertrand, officiait assisté des R.R.P.P. E. J. Savoie, curé et Robert Mathieu.

    les porteurs était MM. Arthur Boudreau, Clifford et Eddy Sullivan, Georges Chiasson, tous gendre, Isidore Dugas et Alyre Dugas, neveux. Le petit fils, Gérard Dugas, portait la croix.

    Le curé, le R.P. Savoie, récita les dernières prières au cimetière.

    Pour la cérémonie, on remarquait la présence de tous les enfants du défunt, de même qu'un grand nombre d'ais, qui ont tenu à lui rendre un dernier hommage soit par une visite au son, message de condoléances ou assistance aux funérailles.

    On voyait également des religieuses d'Atholville, des amis de Caraquet, Maisonnette, etc.

    La direction des funérailles avait été confiée à la maison funéraire LeGresley, de Grande-Anse.

  • [S3083] M. Emile Rousselle - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Jul 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Emile Angus Rousselle - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, July 8, 1968, pg 3.

  • [S3084] Death of S. Poirier - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 12 Jul 1968, pg 2.

    voir aussi: M. Sylvère Poirier - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, NB, 12 juillet 1968, pg 33.

  • [S3085] Death Mrs. A. LeBlanc - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Jul 1968, pg 3.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Saturday, July 13th, 1968 pg 3

    Death Mrs. A. LeBlanc -

    The death of Mrs. Antoine LeBlanc (Alice) of 167 Champlain Street, Dieppe, occurred at Moncton Hospital on Friday following a brief illness. Born in Rhode Island, she was the daughter of the late Pierre and Sara (O'Brien) Henri. She attended the St. Therese Roman Catholic church and was a member of the Christian Ladies. Survivors include her husband, Antoine LeBlanc; four daughters, Mrs. Jean Gallant (Blanche) of Moncton, Mrs. Lorraine Despres and Mrs. Alyre Leger, both of Dieppe and Mrs. Reginald Gallant (Anne Marie) of Montreal; four sons, Zoel of Moncton, Leo of Sudbury, Ont., Francis of Dieppe and Yvon of Toronto; four sisters, Mrs Hubert Cormier (Imelda) and Miss Susanne, both of Moncton. Mrs. Andre Diagle of New Bedford, Mass., and Mrs. Rubin Olson of Miami, Florida. The body is resting at Frenette's funeral home and funeral service will be held on Monday at 9 a.m. from St. Therese Roman Catholic church. Interment will be in Our Lady of Calvary Roman Catholic cemetery.

  • [S3086] Alyre Daigle - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Jul 1968, pg 5.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Monday, July 15th, 1968 pg 5

    Daigle Richibucto (Special) -

    The death of Alyre Daigle, well known Richibucto businessman occurred early Saturday in hospital in St. Anne following a week's illness. Born in St. Charles, he was 65 years of age. He was a son of John S. Daigle and Bridgette Daigle. He was proprietor of a jeweliry store and was a watchmaker. He is survived by four brothers, Isaac and Alex, both of St. Charles, Baptist of Bangor, Maine, and Arthur of Saint John; four sisters, Mrs. Gerard Leger of Port Arthur, Ont., Mrs. Susan Chevarie of St. Charles, Mrs. Emile Robichaud of Little Aldouane and Mrs Andrew Flory of St. Ignace. The body is resting at St. Aloysious Slumber Rooms at Richibucto with funeral mass to be celebrated today at 9 a.m. Interment will be in the adjoining cemetery.

  • [S3087] Delphis Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 18 Jul 1968, pg 3.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, July 18th, 1968 pg 3

    Funeral Today St. Antoine (Special) -

    Funeral mass for Delphis Leger of St. Antoine, Kent County will be held today at the Notre Dame Roman Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Mr. Leger died in the hospital following a lengthy illness. Among his survivors are Rev. Leonelle Poirier of Baie St. Anne, Sister Marie Theresa of St Basile and Sister Alphoncin of Bathurst, all cousins.

  • [S3088] Mme Honoré S. LeBlanc, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 14 Aug 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Death Mrs. H. LeBlanc, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, Augusty 14, 1968, pg 3.

  • [S3089] Edgar Melanson - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 3 Sep 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: E. J. Melanson - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, September 2, 1968, pg 2.

  • [S3090] M. Albert Ouellet - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 4 Sep 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Albert Ouellet - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, September 4, 1968, pg 3.

  • [S3091] Mme Simon LeBlanc - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 12 Sep 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Death MRs. S. LeBlanc, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, September 12, 1968, pg 5.

  • [S3092] Mrs. H. Legere - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 14 Sep 1968, pg 6.
  • [S3093] M. Alphée Boudreau - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 5 Oct 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Death of A. Boudreau, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, October 5, 1968, pg 3.

  • [S3094] mme Augusta M. Gaudet - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 27 Nov 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Mrs. D. M. Gaudet - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, November 27, 1968, pg 2.

  • [S3095] M. Arthur D. Cormier - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 Nov 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Death of A. D. Cormier - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, November 29, 1968, pg 3.

  • [S3096] Daniel Legere - obituary, Chignecto Post, Sackville, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 May 1886.

    Chignecto Post Sackville, NB

    Thursday, May 20th, 1886

    Daniel LEGERE, age 28, native of Shediac (West. Co.) was drowned while driving on the Penobscot River, Maine last Monday.

  • [S3098] Will Legere - obituary, Chignecto Post, Sackville, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 30 Aug 1894.

    Chignecto Post Sackville, NB

    Thursday, August 30th, 1894

    Will LEGERE was chopping in the woods at Maccan, N.S. with a companion Saturday morn. about 9 o'clock. He slipped and fell off a tree on which he was standing, striking his side on a small stump. His main artery was severed by the stump and before a doctor could arrive the unfortunate lad bled to death. He lived about an hour after the accident.

  • [S3099] Camille Leger - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Jan 1919, pg 7.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Tuesday, January 7th, 1919 pg 7

    Camille Leger

    The death of Camille Legere, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albany Leger, of Sunny Brae, took place on Saturday morning at 3 o'clock, at the Moncton City Hospital, following an operation for appendicitis. Deceased, who was eighteen years of age, had been ill for the past five days only. He was born in Lynn, Mass., and came to Canada with his parents about 8 years ago, and had been residing at Sunny Brae. He had attended St. joseph;s College, and at the time of his demise was a student at the Moncton Business College. Besides his parents he leaves 3 brothers to mourn their loss, Sifroid, Leo and Antoine all living at home. Funeral announcement will be made later.

  • [S3100] M. Thomas Mallet - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 3 Dec 1968, pg 3.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Mardi, 3 décembre 1968 pg 3

    M. Thomas Mallet

    ST-SIMON - M. Thomas Mallet, de St-Simon, est décédé hier à sa demeure, à l'âge de 78 ans.

    Outre son épouse, née Léocade Lanteigne, il laisse dans le deuil neuf filles, Mme Edgar Foulem (Céline) de St-Simon; Mme Jean Carrier (Cécile), Montréal; Mme Wilfred Doiron (Hélène), St-Simon, Mme Aurèle Albert (Pauline), St-Simon; mme Emilien Sénécal (Rita), Montréal; Mlle Thérèse Mallet, de Montréal; Mme Evangéliste Frigot (Rosanna), St-Paul; Mme Eddie Légère (Leocade) et Mme Doniase Chiasson (Marie) de Montréal; deux fils, Xavier de St-Simon et Thomas, Montréal; et deux soeurs, Mme Joseph Frigot et Mme Prime Chiasson.

    La dépouille mortelle repose présentement au salon funéraire Racicot, de Caraquet, d'où le cortège funèbre partira à 3h15 p.m. Les funérailles auront lieu à 3h45 en l'église de St-Simon et l'inhumation sera au cimetière de St-Simon.

  • [S3101] Emile Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 12 Dec 1968, pg 5.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, December 12th, 1968 pg 5


    CAPE BALD (Special) - The death of Emile Leger of R.R. No. 2 Lower Cape Bald occurred at his home Wednesday following a sudden illness. He was 71. Born in Cormier Village, he was the son of the late Irene and Marie (Gallant) Leger, both of Cormier village. Mr. Leger was a cook retiring in 1955. He attended Cape Bald Roman Catholic Church. He is survived by his wife, the former Bertha Beazeau; one son, Gerald, at home; one sister, Mrs. Alvina Deveau of Meteghan, N.S.; and two brothers, Sigfroid and Didas, both of Cormier Village. The body is resting at Frenettes Funeral Home, Shediac with funeral service to be held from Cape Bald Roman Catholic Church Friday morning at 11:15 a.m. The body will be placed in the parish cemetery vault for interment in the spring.

  • [S3102] Ferdinand Legere - obituary, Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 23 Jan 1907, pg 1.

    Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Wednesday, January 23rd, 1907 pg 1


    Death yesterday relieved the suffering of Ferdinand Legere of Lower Lutz street, after a lingering illness of over four months of cancer of the stomach. Deceased was a highly respected citizen, and one of the oldest machinist in the government shops, having been steadily employed there for over 30 years. He leaves a widow and children to mourn their loss.

  • [S3104] Mme Virginie LeBouthillier - nécrologie, Le Voilier, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, May 1967, pg 26.

    Le Voilier (1965-1983) Caraquet, NB

    Mercredi, 31 mai 1967 pg 26

    Mme Virginie LeBouthillier

    Le 17 mai est décédée à Bathurst, Mme Virginie LeBouthillier née Paulin, épouse de feu Théotime LeBouthillier, autrefois de Bas-Caraquet. Elle la fille adoptive de M. Jos (Alex) Paulin de Caraquet. Elle était âgée de 92 ans.

    Elle demeura pendant plusieurs années chez son neveu M. Alphonse F. Léger à Bas-caraquet et laissa de nombreux neveux et nièces.

  • [S3105] Mme Marie-Hélène LeBlanc - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 Feb 1969, pg 7.

    voir aussi: Death Mrs. W. LeBlanc - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, February 19, 1969, pg 3.

  • [S3106] Phelias Melanson - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 5 Jan 1970, pg 3.
  • [S3107] Mrs Emma Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Jan 1970, pg 3.
  • [S3108] M. Georges A. Léger - obituary, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 14 Jan 1970, pg 3.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Mercredi, 14 janvier 1970 pg 3

    M. Georges A. Léger

    M. Georges A. Léger, de 20 Weldon Square, Shédiac, est décédé à la Providence de Shédiac, hier à l'âge de 80 ans.

    Il était le fils de feu Joseph Léger et de feu Rosalie Landry. Il laisse dans le deuil, son épouse, Alice (Melanson) Léger, et une fille, Mme Paul Melanson (Albertine) de Montréal.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée au salon funéraire Frenette de Shédiac.

    Les funérailles seront célébrées vendredi matin à 10h, en l'église de Shédiac. Les restes mortels seront déposés dans la charnière pour l'inhumation au printemps.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la maison funéraire Frenette de Shédiac.

  • [S3110] Mme Roméo Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 30 Jan 1970, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Mrs. R. Leger - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, January 30, 1970, pg 5.

  • [S3111] M. Emile Légère - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 4 Feb 1970, 12.
  • [S3112] M. Albert Collette - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 4 Feb 1970, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Albert Collette - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, February 4, 1970, pg 3.

  • [S3113] Rosie Mary Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 17 Jul 1971, pg 34. voir aussi: Rosie Mary Legere - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, July 17, 1971, pg 6.
  • [S3114] Raymond E. Leger - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 17 Aug 1972, pg 24.

    voir aussi: Raymond Leger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, August 8, 1972, pg 3.

  • [S3115] M. Leger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 30 Apr 1973, pg 3.
  • [S3116] James T. Goguen - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 May 1973, pg 2.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Thursday, May 10th, 1973 pg 2

    J.T. Goguen -

    The death of James T. Goguen, 155 Robinson Street Moncton. occurred Wednesday at Dr. Georges Dumont Hostipal following a long illness. He was 72. Born in Moncton, he was a son of the late Theophille and Marguerite (Pitre) Goguen and attended the Assumption Cathedral. He was a retired mechanic. He is survived by his wife the former Bella Leger; four daughters, Mrs. Alcide LeBlanc (Rhea) and Mrs. Lionel Boucher (Jacqueline), both of Leominster, Mass., Miss. Doris Goguen of Moncton and Mrs. Gerard Breau (Benoite) of St. Anthony; three sons, Paul of St. Anthony; Normand of Notre Dame and Francis of Fox Creek; two sisters, Miss Elizabeth Goguen of Dieppe, and Mrs. Elvina Hatch of New York; two brothers, Fred of Dieppe and Leo of Grand Falls; a half-brother, David of Shediac, and by 16 grandchildren. The body is resting at Frenette's funeral Home, Moncton. The funeral mass will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at the Assumption Cathedral with interment in the St. Anthony Roman Catholic cemetery.

  • [S3117] Julien Gaudet - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 16 May 1973, pg 2.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Wednesday, May 16th, 1973 pg 2

    Julien Gaudet -

    The death of Julien Gaudet of Shemogue occured Monday at Dr. George Dumont Hospital following a brief illness he was 60. Born at Cap Pele, he was a son of the late Edmond and Sara (Landry) Gaudet and attended the Shemogue Roman Catholic Church. He is survived by his wife the former Emma Brun; a daughter , Miss Irene Gaudet of Moncton; two sons, Ronald of Chartersville and Omer of Moncton; three sisters, Mrs. Syfroid Landry (Rita) of Cap Pele, Mrs. Edgar Brime (Marie) of Shemogue and Mrs.Camille Leger (Bella) of Dorchester Crossing; three brothers, Antoine and Gerard, both of Cap Pele and Emile of St. Anselme and by two grandchildren. The body is resting at his home till time of funeral. The funeral mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Shemogue Roman Catholic Church with interment in the church cemetery.

  • [S3118] Alonzo Léger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 May 1973, pg 2.
  • [S3119] L. J. Leger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 21 May 1973, pg 2.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Monday, May 21st, 1973 pg 2

    L.J. Leger

    The death of Leo J. Leger, 673 Amirault St., St. Anselme occured Saturday on arrival at the Moncton Hospital. He was 65. Born at Memramcook, he was the son of Patrick and Vevine (Leger) Leger. Besides his wife the former Norma Combs, he he is survived by one son Valmore J. Leger, at home; one sister, Mrs. Stanis Richard (Rita) of Moncton; two brothers Alonoz J. and Alfred P., both of Moncton and several nieces and nephews. The body is resting at Tuttle Brothers Funeral Home, The funeral mass will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the St. Anselme Roman Catholic Church Interment will be in the St. Joseph Roman Catholic cemetery.

    The Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    21 May 1973 Monday Page 2

    LEGER-- The funeral service for Mr. Leo J. Leger, 673 Amirault St., St. Anselme, N.B. whose death occured Saturday will be held Tuesday May 22, 1973 at 10:00 p.m. at St. Anselme Roman Catholic Church. Interment will be in Roman Catholic Cemetery, St. Joseph. The body is resting at Tuttle Brothers Funeral Home.

  • [S3120] Mrs. Marie Adele Leger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 23 May 1973, pg 2.
  • [S3121] A. D. Leger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 May 1973, pg 2.

    voir aussi: Leger - funérailles, The Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, 26 mai 1973, pg 2.

  • [S3122] Edmond Doiron - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 28 May 1973, pg 9.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Monday, May 28th, 1973 pg 9

    Edmond Doiron - SHEMOGUE (Special) -

    The death of Edmond Doiron of Shemogue occurred Friday at St. Joseph Hospital in Shediac following a brief illness. He was 81. Born at Little Cape, he was a son of Philip and Adeline (Hebert) Doiron. He is survived by his wife, the former Stella Brine; three daughters, Mrs. Leonard Moreau (Margaret) Mrs. Gerard Turcotte (Theresa) both of Matane, Que., and Willie of Ontario; two sisters Mrs. Ella LeBlanc of Cap Pele and Mrs. Jacob Leger of Little Cape and by several grandchildren and by one great grandchild. The body is resting at Jones funeral home, Port Elgin. The funeral mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. today at St. Timothy Roman Catholic Church, Shemogue, with interment in the parish cemetery.

  • [S3123] Mrs. P. E. Price - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 May 1973, pg 2.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Tuesday, May 29th, 1973 pg 2

    Mrs. P. E. Price -

    The death of Mrs. Philomene Emile Price of Point du Chene occurred Monday morning at the Dr. Georges Dumont Hostipal. Born in Memramcook, she was the daughter of the late Maxime and Ida (Dupuis) Leger. She was 64. She is survived by her husband, Edward O. Price; one son, Henry, Shediac; one daughter, Mrs, Wayne Loftus (Hazel), West Riverview; one sister, Mrs. Clovis A. LeBlanc (Bibienne) Memramcook; one brother. David Leger, Memramcook; two grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. The funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Tuttle Brothers Funeral Home. Interment will be in Elmwood Cemetery.

  • [S3124] Aubin LeBlanc - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Jun 1973, pg 8.
  • [S3125] Theo Auffrey - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Jun 1973, pg 7.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Wednesday, June 13th, 1973 pg 7

    Theo Auffrey

    The death of Theo Auffrey of Pre d'En Haut occurred suddenly Monday night while at work in Moncton 's CN station. He was 54. Employed as a car cleaner, he was born at Ludlow, Mass., son of Eloi Auffrey and the late Rosee (Gautreau) Auffrey. Surviving are, his wife, the former Yvonne Leger; his father; two daughters, Mrs Gerard Dupuis (Doris) and Mrs. Francis E. Leger (Maria), both of Robichaud office; three sons, Yvon of Pre d'en Haut, Donald of West Memramcook, and Roger at home; and four grandchildren. The body is resting at Dupuis funeral home at Memramcook with service to be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Notre Dame d'Announciation Roman Catholic Church, Pre d'en Haut. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.

  • [S3126] Edmée Léger - funeral announcement, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Jun 1973, pg 8.

    Moncton Times Moncton, NB

    Wednesday, June 13th, 1973 pg 8


    The funeral service for Mrs. Edmee Leger, Memramcook, N.B. was held in the St. Thomas Church in St. Joseph, N.B. on Saturday, June 2, 1973 at 10 a.m. The funeral mass was celebrated by Rev Father Louis Boudreau, assisted by Rev. Father Emery Brien. The Eulogy was celebrated by Father Boudreau. Active Pallbearers were; Dollard Leger, Sylvain Leger, Paul Emile Langis, Joseph Boudreau, Charles E. Dallaire, Ulysse Leger. Following the service, the body was placed in Chartersville's cemetery vault to await interment in the spring. Out of town relatives at tending the serivce were Mrs. Ernest Paquin, daughter of Montreal, and Miss Cecilia Cassidy, daughter of Fredericton, as well as relatives and friends from Tracadie, Moncton and surrounding districts.

  • [S3127] Mme J. Aurèle Alain - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 27 Dec 1974, pg 2.

    voir aussi: Mrs. J. A. Alain - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, 1974-12-27, pg 3.

  • [S3128] Elizabeth Legere - obituary, Telegraph Journal, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 30 Jun 1975.

    Telegraph Journal Saint John, NB

    Monday, June 30th, 1975

    LEGERE- At St. Joseph's Hospital, Saint John, on June 30th, 1975, Mrs. Elizabeth Legere of 29 Foley Court, widow of Isaac Legere and daughter of the late Sebastian and Charlotte (Benoit) Rousselle; survived by five sons, two daughters, one sister, 46 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren. Resting at Robichaud Funeral Home, Tracadie. Funeral arrangements to be announced later.

  • [S3129] M. Donat Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 5 Jan 1977, pg 4.

    voir aussi: Donat Léger - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, January 5, 1977, pg 2.

  • [S3130] Mme Marie Pilon - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 Sep 1977, pg 4.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 1 septembre 1977 pg 4

    Mme Marie Pilon

    Mme Marie Pilon (née Allain) de Pointe-Claire, Qué., est décédée mercredi le 31 août à l'hôpital Royal Victoria de Montréal à l'âge de 56 ans.

    Originaire de St-Antoine de Kent, elle était fille de feu Octave P. et feu Marguerite (née Dionne) Allain.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil son époux, Fernand Pilon ainsi que trois filles et un fils: Nicole et Dolorèse à la maison, Mme Luigi Verlingo, (Carole) de Pointe-Claire et Ulric de Dollard des Ormeaux. Elle laisse également trois petits-enfants, François, Marie et Véronique; deux soeurs, Mlle Sara Allain de Boston, Mme Léo Léger (Georgine) de St-Antoine; un frère, Alphonse de Fitchburg, Mass., une demi-soeur, Mme Alban Bourgeois (Germaine) de Shédiac et un demi-frère, M. Judes LeBlanc de Pointe-Claire.

    Les funérailles auront lieu samedi en l'église St-Joachim de Pointe Claire avec inhumation dans le cimetière paroissial.

  • [S3131] M. Albert Boudreau, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Sep 1977, pg 4.

    voir aussi: A. Boudreau - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, September 8, 1977, pg 2.

  • [S3132] M. Léonard Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Sep 1977, pg 4.

    voir aussi: L. Legere - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, September 5, 1977, pg 7.

  • [S3133] Mme Philippe LeBlanc - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 Sep 1997, pg 4.

    voir aussi: Mrs. P. LeBlanc - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, September 19, 1977, pg 2.

  • [S3134] M. Irénée Dupuis - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 22 Sep 1997, pg 4.

    voir aussi: Irene Dupuis - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, NB, September 22, 1977, pg 2.

  • [S3135] M. Désiré Cormier - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 23 Sep 1997, pg 4.
  • [S3136] L. Doiron - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 30 Jan 1978, pg 3.
  • [S3137] Aquilla Richard - obituary, Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 2 Jan 1980, pg 3.

    voir aussi: M. Aquila Richard - nécrologie, L'Évangéline, Moncton, NB, 2 janvier 1980, pg 2.

  • [S3138] Clarence Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 Jun 1980.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 19 juin 1980

    M. Clarence Léger

    M. Clarence Léger, de Pasko Lake Estates, Route 5, Boîte 815, Brookville, Floride, autrefois de Shédiac Bridge, est décédé, le mercredi 18 juin, après une longue maladie, à l'âge de 78 ans.

    Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Geneva (née Boudreau) Léger, ainsi que six enfants: Ronald, de Westminster, Mass.; Camilla (Mme Maurice Bernard), de Tampa, Floride; Jean-Paul, de Montréal, Sr Odette, n.d.s.c., de Moncton; Sr Dolorès, s.b.c., de Granby, Qué.; Jean-Bernard, de Brossard ainsi que 11 petits-enfants.

    La dépouille mortelle est exposée au salon funéraire Turner, à Springhill, Floride. Les funérailles auront lieu samedi, à 10h00, avec service en l'église St. Mary's, à Masaryktown, Floride.

  • [S3139] M. Philias Léger - nécrologie, Evanégline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 May 1981.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Mercredi, 13 mai 1981

    M. Philias Léger

    M. Philias Léger, de Grand-Digue, est décédé le lundi 11 mai à l'hôpital Dr-Georges-Dumont, après une longue maladie, à l'âge de 92 ans.

    Né à Grand-Digue, il était le fils de Jude et Mélanie (Léger) Léger. Il était retiré comme pêcheur et fermier. Il était un ancien combattant de la Première Guerre mondiale et était membre de la Légion de Shédiac.

    Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse, née Eva Léger, une fille et deux fils : Mme Fred Boudreau (Juliette), de Barachois; Roméo et Eloi, tous deux de Grand-Digue; une soeur et un frère : mlle Délia, et Joe, tous deux de Grand-Digue, ainsi que 21 petits-enfants et plusieurs arrière-petits-enfants. Un fils Ulysse et deux frères Aimé et Edouard ainsi que deux soeurs, Judith et Sara l'ont précédé dans la tombe.

    La dépouille mortelle est exposée au salon funéraire Frenette à Shédiac. Les funérailles auront lieu jeudi à 9h30 en l'église La Visitation de Grand-Digue avec inhumation paroissial.

  • [S3140] M. Frédéric Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 23 Jul 1981, pg 4.
  • [S3142] Mme Joseph McLaughlin, Evangéilne, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Oct 1981.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Mardi, 13 octobre 1981

    Mme Joseph McLaughlin

    Mme vve Joseph McLaughlin (Lola), de Bouctouche, est décédée le dimanche 11 octobre à l'hôpital Moncton, après une courte maladie, à l'âge de 81 ans.

    Née à Moncton, elle était la fille de Albénie et Adeline (née Belliveau) Richard. Son mari, Joseph, l'a précédée dans la tombe en 1972.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil une fille, Mme Antoine LeBlanc (Jolène), de Bouctouche; une soeur, Mme Alderic Léger (Jeannette), de Moncton; Henri, de Shédiac et pèrre Robert, trappiste au monastère de Rogersville, ainsi que deux petits-enfants; Michael et Denyse.

    La dépouille mortelle était exposée au salon funéraire Maillet à Bouctouche. Les funérailles ont eu lieu hier soir à 19h en l'église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Bouctouche avec inhumation dans le cimetière paroissial.

  • [S3143] Emmanuel E. Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 26 Apr 1982, pg 16.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, April 26th, 1982 pg 16

    Emmanuel E. Legere - Upper North River, Colchester County -

    Graveside service for Emmanuel Elmer Legere, infant son of Elmer and Heather (McRae) Legere, of Upper North River, was held Saturday in Blackmore Memorial Cemetery. Rev. Darrel Metzier officiated. Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister Laura, at home; maternal grandparents and great-grandparents, Douglas and Ireane MacRae, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond MacRae, all of Nuttby. Paternal grandparents and great-grandparents, Reg and Jean Legere, Salmon River, and Mr. and Mrs. Pacific Legere, Bible Hill.

  • [S3144] Fernand Léger - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 Jun 1982, pg 2.
  • [S3145] M. Aldéric Babineau - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 2 Jul 1982, pg 4.
  • [S3146] M. Alphée Goguen - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Jul 1982, pg 4.
  • [S3147] Joseph Maxime Gaudet - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 Sep 1981.

    l'Evangéline Moncton, NB

    Mardi, 29 septembre 1981

    M. Joseph Maxime Gaudet

    M. Joseph Maxime Gaudet, du no 188, rue Olivier à Dieppe, est décédé le dimanche 27 septembre à l’hôpital Dr-Georges-Dumont, après une longue maladie, à l’âge de 73 ans.

    Né à Fox Creek, N.-B., il était le fils de Maxime et Catherine (Léger) Gaudet. Il s’était retiré comme un employé du CN après 27 ans de service.

    Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse, née Anna Gauvin; trois filles et quatre fils: Mme Peter Kretschmann (Edwina), de Régina, Sask.; Mme Jean-Paul Cormier (Gérène), et Mme Roger LeBlanc (Claudette), toutes deux de Dieppe; George Garland, de Kingston, Ontario; Clarence, de Belleville, Ont.; George, de Montréal; et Alyre, de Moncton. Il laisse également quatre soeurs: Mme Harry Armstrong (Elise), de Moncton; Mme Alphonse LeBlanc (Phimie), de MacDougall Settlement; Mme Euclide Allain (Gérène), de Cocagne et Mme Henry Collette (Lucy), de Dieppe, ainsi que 20 petits-enfants et plusieurs neveux et nièces.

    La dépouille mortelle est exposée au salon funéraire Tuttie Brothers à Moncton. Les funérailles auront lieu mercredi à 10h en l’église Sainte-Thérèse de Dieppe avec inhumation dans le cimetière Notre-Dame-du-Calvaire.

  • [S3148] M. Gérard Bourque - nécrologie, Evangéilne, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 Aug 1982, pg 4.
  • [S3149] M. Francis LeBlanc - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 Aug 1982, pg 4.
  • [S3150] Irene Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 26 Aug 1982, pg 29.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, August 26th, 1982 pg 29

    Irene Legere -

    Irene Legere, 82, of Scotia Nursing Home, Beaverbank, died Wednesday at home. Born in Cap Pele, N.B., she was the daughter of the late Ambrose and Elizabeth (Brun) Legere. The body is in Cruikshank's Funeral Home, Halifax. Funeral will be 12:15 p.m. Thursday in St Mary's Basilica, Halifax, with burial in Gate of Heaven Cemetery.

  • [S3151] Mrs. Mathias (Mike) Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 9 Oct 1982, pg 42.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Saturday, October 9th, 1982 pg 42

    Churchville, Pictou County - Mrs. Mathias (Mike) Legere, 86, of Churchville, died Friday in Aberdeen Hospital. Born in Abney, P.E.I., she was the former Hazel Lillian Giddings, a daughter of the late Joseph and Jennie (Richards) Giddings. She lived in Churchville for the past 37 years, and had previously lived in other parts of Pictou County. She was a member of Bridgeville United Church. Surviving are her husband, Mike, five daughters, Linda (Mrs. Henry Fraser), Upper Plymouth; Helen (Mrs. Donald MacInnis), Stellarton; Vinie (Mrs. Howard Butler), New Glasgow; Ellen (Mrs. Donald Murphy), Pictou Landing Road; and Sylvia (Mrs. Robert Hawboldt), Oromocto, N.B.; 20 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by a daughter, Bessie Eva, in infancy; and 11 brothers and sisters. The body is in H.C. MacQuarrie Funeral Home, Stellarton. Funeral will be 1:30 p.m. Monday in Bridgeville United Church, Rev. Donald Crooks officiating, with burial in Bridgeville Cemetery. Donations may be made to the canadian Cancer Society or the VON.

  • [S3152] Mrs. Chirstine Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 24 Dec 1982, pg 40.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Friday, December 24th, 1982 pg 40

    Mrs. Christine Legere - Sydney Mines -

    Mrs. Christine (Nixie) Legere, 73, of 36 Fraser Avenue, Sydney Mines, died Thursday in Northside General Hospital, North Sydney. Born in Boisdale, she was a daughter of the late Michael J. and Mary (MacMillan) MacNeil. She was a member of St. Puis X. Parish and served as organist there for 25 years. She is survived by her husband Leslie; a son Blair, Sydney Mines; a daughter Mary (Mrs. C.B. Holland), Halifax; two brothers, John Leo, Howie Center; Donald Angus, Sydney Mines; five grandchildren. She was predeceased by four brothers Alex, Roderick, Alloysius and Charles. The body is in George R. Francis and Son Funeral Home, Sydney Mines. Funeral will be 2 p.m. Sunday in St. Pius X Church, Sydney Mines, with burial in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Sydney Mines.

  • [S3153] Mrs. Frances E. Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 12 Nov 1983, pg 54.
  • [S3154] Lorraine Landry - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Jul 1984, pg 2.
  • [S3155] Joseph R. Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 6 Dec 1984, pg 44.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, December 6th, 1984 pg 44

    Joseph R. Legere -

    Memorial service will be held for Joseph Richard (Rickey) Alex Legere, 28, Vancouver, and formerly of Dartmouth on Saturday in St. Peters Church,

    Dartmouth, with Father Casey Officiating. Burial will be at a later date. He died in Vancouver on October 26. Born in Halifax, he was a son of Alex Legere and Inez Rollin. He worked driving taxi in Dartmouth before moving to Vancouver in 1981. He attended school in Dartmouth. He is survived by a brother, Ronald, Edmonton; a sister Karen (Mrs Wayne Evans) Dartmouth; a half brother, Michael, Eastern Passage, Maternal grandmother, Florence Meston, Charlottetown, paternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Pacific Legere, Truro and Several nephews.

  • [S3156] M. Léo Lagacé - nécrologie, Le Voilier / Le Point, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 24 Dec 1984.

    Le Voilier / Le Point Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 24 décembre 1984

    Le 16 décembre à 1'Hôpital l’Enfant-Jésus de Caraquet, à l'âge de 64 ans est décédé M. Léo Lagacé, époux de Thérèse Pinet, domicilié à Trudel. Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil sept fils: Jean-Guy, Adrien, Étienne et Serge, tous de Trudel; Raymond de Pokemouche, Ernest de Bathurst et Daniel de Val-Doucet; sept filles Mme Raymonde Cormier de Paquetville; Mme Albert Léger (Lucille) de Notre-Dame-des-Erables; Mme Léon Kenny (Claudine), Linda, Ghislaine, Yvonne et Yvette, toutes de Trudel; 13 petits-enfants; un frère: Samuel de Caraquet; deux soeurs: Mme Omer Pinet (Delima) de Montréal et Mme Thomas Mercure (Marie) de St-Isidore.

    La dépouille mortelle était exposée au Salon funéraire LeGresley de Paquetville et les funérailles eurent lieu le mercredi 19 décembre en l'église Saint-Augustin de Paquetville. L'inhumation aura lieu au printemps au cimetière de l’endroit. La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire LeGresley de Paquetville.

  • [S3157] Marie Morais - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Apr 1985.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Vendredi, 26 avril 1985

    Marie Morais

    A sa résidence, le 25 avril, à l'âge de 92 ans, est décédée Mme Marie Morais, épouse en première noce de feu Charles Lanteigne et en deuxième de feu John Morais. Domiciliée à Caraquet, elle était fille de feu William Kenny et de feue Louise LeBreton.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil, de son premier mariage, deux filles: Christine (mme Alfred Blanchard) de Caraquet, avec qui elle demeurait, Adéline (Mme Sylvio Albert) de Bathurst; deux fils: Gérald de Caraquet et Raymond de Toronto; deux belles-filles; Mme Lorraine Lanteigne (Léonard) de Caraquet et Mme Anita Cormier (Gabriel) de Moncton; deux soeurs: Mme Julie-Anne Vienneau et Mme Marguerite Vienneau toutes deux de Bathurst ainsi que 20 petits-enfants et 15 arrière-petits-enfants; cinq belles-filles: Yvonne (mme Octave Soucy) et Mme Lina Morais toutes deux de Tide Head, Mme Cécile Allard et Ermine (Mme Armand Légère) toutes deux de Valleyfield, P.Q., Edwidge (Mme Jean-Baptiste Soucy) ainsi qu'un beau-fils: Aurèle de Montréal.

    La dépouille mortelle sera exposée à compter de 19h ce soir, à la Maison funéraire Racicot de Caraquet d'où le convoi funèbre partira dimanche à 14h15 pour se rendre ne l'église St-Pierre-aux-Liens de Caraquet où le service sera chanté à 14h30 et de là au cimetière de l'endroit.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Racicot de Caraquet.

  • [S3158] Norma G. Coombs - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 4 Jun 1985, pg 34.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Tuesday, June 4th, 1985 pg 34

    Norma G. Leger

    MONCTON - Mrs. Norma G. Leger, 69, of Dieppe, died Sunday in Moncton Hospital. Born in Milton, N.S., she was daughter of the late Seward and Bertha (Godfrey) Coombs. She was a member of the Moncton Lions Senior Citizens Association. She was survived by a son, Valmore (Val), Lower Coverdale, N.B.; two sisters, Mrs. Lorna Nickerson and Mrs. Edith Wentzell, both of Milton. She was predeceased by her husband, Leo; a sister, Margaret, a brother, Aubrey. The body is in Tuttle Brothers Funeral Home, Moncton, where funeral service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, Rev. R. Warner officiating. Burial will be in Milton Cemetery, with committal service at 11 a.m. Thursday. Donation may be made to any charity.

  • [S3159] Lionel Andrew Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 25 Jul 1985, pg 42.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, July 25th, 1985 pg 42

    Lionel Andrew Legere - AMHERST -

    Lionel Andrew Legere, 73, of Amherst, died Tuesday at home. Born in Memramcook, N.B., he was the son of the late Hippolyte and Rosalie (Richard) Legere.He worked with Robb Engineering for 42 years and was a member of St. Charles Parish. He is survived by his wife, the former Rosalie Landry; two daughters, Dianne (Mrs. Robert Cormier), Edmonton, Alta; Margaret (Mrs. Charles Brake), Lower Sackville, two sons, Roderick, Pembroke, Ont.; Peter, New Glasgow; three sisters, Rita (Mrs. Johnny Belliveau), St. Paul's, N.B.; Juliette, Amherst, Laurette, Springhill, two brothers, Rev. Gregory, Perth Andover; Anthony, Amherst; 12 grandchildren. He was predecease by a sister Viola; four brothers, Gonzague, Romeo, Alban and Gerald. The body is in Campbell's Funeral home, Amherst. Funeral mass will be 10 a.m. Friday in St. Charles Church, Rev. James Richard officiating. Burial will be in St. Charles Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donation s may be made to the Calasanz-Seton or Canadian Cancer Society.

  • [S3160] Willie Légère - nécrologie, Le Voilier / Le Point, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 3 Sep 1985.

    Le Voilier / Le Point Caraquet, NB

    Mardi, 3 septembre 1985

    Willie Légère

    À l'Hôtel-Dieu de Chatham, le 24 août 1985, à 1’âge de 80 ans et 8 mois, est décédé M. Willie Légère, époux de feue France Ferguson, domicilié à St-Isidore mais autrefois de Tracadie. Il était fils de feu Maurice Légère et de feue Marie Richard. Il laisse dans le deuil deux fils: Walter de Lamè Léonard de Pont-Landry; deux filles: Gloria (Mme Hector Roussel) de Leech et Jeanne-Mance (Mme Yvon Roussel) de St-Isidore; une soeur: Sarah (Mme vve Alphonse Girouard) de Sheila; quatre frères: Fred de Tracadie Beach, Arthur de Rivière-du-Portage, Alphée de Lavilette et Gilbert de Sheila; une demi-soeur: Marie-Anne (Mme vve André Vienneau) de Lavilette ainsi que 20 petits-¬enfants et 12 arrière-petits-enfants. La dépouille mortelle fut exposée à la Maison funéraire Robichaud de Tracadie d'où le convoi funèbre est parti mardi à 15h45 pour se rendre en l'église St-Jean-Baptiste de Tracadie où le service fut chanté à 16h15 et de là au cimetière de l'endroit.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Robichaud de Tracadie.

  • [S3161] Roy Joseph Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 4 Nov 1985, pg 40.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, November 4th, 1985 pg 40

    Roy Joseph Legere - AMHERST -

    Roy Joseph Legere, 81, of 20 Mill Avenue, Amherst, died Friday in Highland View Regional Hospital. Born in Amherst, he was a son of the late Arthur and Marie Delvina (Landry) Legere. He was an employee of Canada Car until his retirement in 1968. He was an active trapper and fisherman and a member of Nativity of Our Lady Parish. He is survived by his wife, the former Emily (Millie) Dupuis. He was predeceased by three sisters, Winnifred, Beatrice and Annie; three brothers, Stanley, Daniel and Edward. The body is in Campbell's Funeral Home, Amherst. Funeral service will be today at 10 a.m. in Nativity of Our Lady Church. Rev. James Richards officiating. Burial will be in St. Charles Cemetery.

  • [S3162] Mrs. Cleo Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 23 Dec 1985.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, December 23rd, 1985

    Mrs. Cleo Legere - GLACE BAY -

    Mrs. Cleo Legere, 74, 2 Kennedy Drive, Glace Bay, died Saturday in Glace Bay General Hospital. Born in New Waterford, she was a daughter of the late John and Mary Jane (MacEachern) McMaster. She was a member of St. Anne's Church,

    Glace Bay. She is survived by her husband, George; a daughter, Annette (Mrs. Daniel MacIsaac), Glace Bay; a son, Raymond, Goodsoil, Sask.; a brother, Archy, New Waterford; six sisters, Alberta and Annie Mae, both of Glace Bay; Sister Andrea Marie, Mother-house, Bedford; Alexandra (Mrs. Ernie Sargent), Kentucky; Frances (Mrs. Gary MacDonald), Vancouver; Mrs. Claire McClelland, New Victoria. The body is in V.J. McGillivray Funeral Home, Glace Bay. Funeral service will be 10 a.m., today, in St. Anne's Church. Rev. Joseph Muise officiating. Burial will be in parish cemetery.

  • [S3163] Mrs. L. Legere - obituary, Telegraph Journal, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 6 Jan 1986. voir aussi: Mrs. L. Leger - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, 1986-01-06, pg 22.
  • [S3164] Barrie R. Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 16 Jun 1986, pg 38.
  • [S3165] Mathias (Mike) Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 25 Jul 1986, pg 40.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Friday, July 25th, 1986 pg 40

    CHURCHVILLE - Mathias (Mike) Legere, 87, Churchville, Pictou County, died Friday in Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow. Born in Little Cape, N.B., he was a son of the late Cyril and Adele (Richard) Legere. He lived in Pictou County most of his life and was a member of Bridgeville United Church. He was an active gardner and farmer, providing produce to many Pictou County residents for a number of years. During the Second World War, he served with the Pictou Highlanders. He is survived by five daughters, Linda (Mrs. Henry Fraser), Upper Plymouth; Helen (Mrs. Donald MacInnis), Stellarton, Vinie (Mrs. Howard Butler), New Glasgow; Ellen (Mrs Donald Murphy), Pictou Landing Road; Sylvia (Mrs. Robert Hawboldt), Oromocto, N.B.; two sisters, Mrs Rose Perry and Marie (Mrs. Leo Ouellette), both of Massachusetts; two brothers, Patrick and Clovis, both of Cape Pele, N.B.; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.He was predeceased by his wife, Hazel; an infant daughter, Bessie Eva, several sisters and brothers. The body is in H.C. MacQuarrie Funeral Home, Stellarton. Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Sunday in Bridgeville United Church. Burial will be in Bridgeville Cemetery.Donations may be made to any charity.

  • [S3166] M. Gérald Dupuis - nécrologie, Le Matin, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Aug 1986, pg 4.
  • [S3167] M. A. Edna Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 25 Oct 1986, pg 69.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Saturday, October 25th, 1986 pg 69

    M. A. Edna Legere - AMHERST -

    M. A. Edna Legere, 92, 70 Winston Ave., Amherst, formerly of Joggins, died Friday at Gables Lodge, Amherst. Born in Barachois, N.B., she was a daughter of the late Benjamin and Elizabeth (LeBlanc) Legere. She was a seamstress by trade and was well known throughout the area as a dressmaker. She was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Joggins. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary Burbine, Cape Cod, Mass.; several nieces and nephews; a great-niece, Judy (Mrs. Rickey Reid), with whom she lived. She was predeceased by two sisters, Georgina Richards and Emma Burke, a brother, Ben. The body will be in Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst, after 2 p.m. Sunday. Funeral service will 10 a.m. Monday at St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Burial will be in Ragged Reef Cemetery.

  • [S3168] Mme Vitaline Léger - nécrologie, Le Matin, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Jul 1987.

    Le Matin Moncton, NB

    Jeudi, 9 juillet 1987

    Mme Vitaline Léger

    Est décédée à la suite d'une longue maladie, le mardi 7 juillet à l'hôpital Dr-Georges¬L.-Dumont de Moncton, Mme Vitaline Léger, du Petit-Cap. Elle était âgée de 84 ans. Originaire du Petit Cap, elle était la fille de feu Philippe et Isabelle Doiron. Elle laisse dans le deuil son époux: M Jacob Léger; trois filles: Mme Ulysse Cormier (Élizabeth), de Robichaud; Mme Gérard Doiron (Ella) et Mme Émile LeBlanc (Corinne), toute deux de Cap-Pelé; deux fils: Alcide et Philippe, tous deux du Petit-Cap, et un frère: Arthur Doiron, du Petit- Cap. Elle laisse également 12 petits-enfants, cinq arrière-petits-enfants ainsi que plusieurs neveux et nièces. La dépouille est exposée au Club d'âge d'or de Shemogue. Les funérailles auront lieu le vendredi 10 courant, à 11h, en l'église Saint-Thimothée de Shemogue; inhumation au cimetière paroissial. La dépouille a été confiée à la maison funéraire Frenette de Shédiac.

  • [S3169] William Légère - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 12 Aug 1987.
  • [S3170] Leslie Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 8 Oct 1987, pg 21.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, October 8th, 1987 pg 21

    Legere, Leslie - 75, 36 Fraser Ave., Sydney Mines, died Wednesday in Northside General Hospital. Born in Sydney Mines, he was the son of the late Nat and Catherine (Clark) Legere. A member of the St. Pius X Church, Sydney Mines, he was employed as a brakeman with the Canadian National Railway. He was a member of the Sydney Mines Pensioners Club and the Memory Lane Fun Band. He is survived by son, Blair, Sydney Mines; a daughter Mary (Mrs. Charles Holland), Halifax; a brother Ted, Halifax; five grandchildren. Besides his parents, he was preceded by his wife, the former Christine (Nixie) MacNeil; a sister, Marjorie (Mrs. John Toomey). The body will be at Francis Funeral Home, Sydney Mines, after 2 p.m. today. Funeral mass will be at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Pius X Church. Burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.


    Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    8 Oct 1987 Thursday, Page 21

    Fire kills Sydney Mines man

    Sydney Mines - A 75-year-old man was rescued by firefighters from a blaze in his home early Wednesday morning but died later in Northside General Hospital. Members of the Sydney Mines Volunterr Fire Department answered the call at 1:30 a.m. and found Joseph Leslie Legere unconcious in bed in the ground floor apartment. Flames were not visable outside the two-unit apartment building but there was a heavy smoke inside, deputy fire chief Paul MacCormick said. Mr. Legere was the owner of the building and was the only occupant at the time of the mishap. An investigation by the provincial fire marshall's office, Sydney Mines police and the fire department determined that the cause of the fire was accidental. The blaze appeared to have started in or around the kitchen garbage area.

  • [S3171] Gérard Légère - nécrologie, Le Matin, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 22 Jan 1988.
  • [S3172] Jean-Paul Robert - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 11 Mar 1988, pg 21.
  • [S3173] Mme Alvina LeBlanc - nécrologie, Le Matin, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Jun 1988.

    Le Matin Moncton, NB

    Mercredi, 15 juin 1988

    Mme Alvina LeBlanc

    Est décédée l'hôpital Stella-Maris de Sainte-Anne¬de-Kent, le 14 juin 1988

    Mme Alvina LeBlanc, de Notre-Dame. Elle était âgée de 75 ans. Originaire de Cocagne elle était la fille de feu Patrick et Locade Cormier LeBlanc. Elle laisse dans le deuil son époux, M. Alfred E. Leblanc; deux. filles, Mme James Eagle (Rita) de Cap de Cocagne; Mme Armand LeBlanc (Gladys) de Notre-Dame; six soeurs: Mme Ernest Gallant (Émilienne)de Notre-Dame, Mme Élie Bourgeois (Aurélie) de Grande-Digue, Mme Ovila LeBlanc (Eva) de Dupuis Corner, Mme Noé Léger (Corinne) de Sudbury (Ont.), Mme Orèle Bourque (Florine) de Moncton et Mme Hélène McKay de Scarborough (Ont.); quatre frères: Edgar et Robert, tous deux de Cocagne, Émery de Notre-Dame et Raymond de Waltham, Massachussets. Elle laisse également dans le deuil, sept petits-enfants. L'ont précédée dans la tombe, deux soeurs, Lucille et Rosée. La dépouille a été confiée à la maison funéraire Maillet de Bouctouche et repose en chapelle ardente dans la salle de l'Église Notre-Dame de Sacré-Coeur de Notre-Dame de Kent d'où les funérailles le jeudi 16 juin, à 10h; inhumation au cimetière paroissial.

  • [S3174] Laurette Margaret Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 9 Jul 1988, pg 22.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Saturday, July 9th, 1988 pg 22

    Legere, Laurette Margaret - 73, MacAloneys Nursing Home, Springhill, formally of Amherst, died Thursday in All Saints Hospital, Springhill. Born in Pre d'en Haut, N.B. she was a daughter of the late Hippolyte and Rosalie (Richard) Legere. She was a member of the St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Amherst. She is survived by two sisters, Rita (Mrs. Johnny Belliveau), St. Paul, N.B.; Juliette Legere, Amherst; two brothers, Father Gregory Legere, Perth-Andover, N.B.; Anthony, Amherst; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a sister, Viola; five brothers, Gonzaque, Romeo, Alban, Gerald, and Lionel. Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Saturday in St. Charles Church, Amherst, under the direction of Campbell's Funeral Home, Father Louie Cassie officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

  • [S3175] Raymond Calexe Leger - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 25 Jul 1988, pg 33.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, July 25th, 1988 pg 33

    Leger, Raymond Calexe - 86, 29 Albion St., Amherst, died Sunday in Highland View Hospital, Amherst. Born in Little Cape, N.B., he was a son of the late Calexe and Eugene (Gagnon) Leger. He was a retired steelworker at Robb Engineering Works. He was a member of the St. Charles Roman Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus. He is survived by three daughters, Theresa (Mrs. Robert Burns), Roberta (Mrs. Mark Corbett) Rosella (Mrs. Gordon Edgett), all of Amherst; four sons, Ronald, Amherst; Lorenzo, Henry, both of Moncton, N.B.; Paul, Chelmsford, Mass.; a sister, Mrs. Ida Comeau, Amherst; 18 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife, the former Lucy Jacob; a sister, Matilda; two brothers, Alphonse, Philip. The body is in Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst, visiting 2-4 p.m. today. Funeral mass will be 10 a.m. Tuesday in St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Father Louie Caissie officiating. Burial will be in St. Timothy Cemetery, Shemogue, N.B.

  • [S3176] Mrs. M. E. Leger - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 Dec 1988, pg 3.
  • [S3177] J.L. Cormier - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 19 Dec 1988, pg 30.
  • [S3178] Yvon Allain - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Jan 2007.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Samedi, 13 janvier 2007

    Yvon Allain (1923-2007) SAINTE-MARIE-DE-KENT -

    À l'Hôpital régional Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont de Moncton, le jeudi 11 janvier 2007, à l'âge de 83 ans, est décédé entouré de sa famille, Yvon Allain, époux de Edith (née Allain) Allain, domicilié à Sainte-Marie-de-Kent. Né à Sainte-Marie-de-Kent le 29 mai 1923, il était fils de feu Gonzague et Elise (née Léger) Allain. Il laisse dans le deuil, en plus de son épouse depuis 56 ans, trois filles: Dorice Cormier (André) de Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, Annette Bourque (Paul) et Marie Allain, toutes deux de Moncton; un fils, Alonzo (Marie-Paul) de Sainte-Marie-de-Kent; cinq petits-enfants: Isabelle, Mireille, Nicole, Chantal et Carole; deux arrière-petits-enfants: Samantha et Jolaine; deux soeurs: Elodie Richard (Antoine) de Notre-Dame et Thérèse Allain de Moncton; un frère, Joseph de Moncton, ainsi que plusieurs neveux et nièces. Un fils, Normand (1959); trois soeurs: Hélène, Evéline et Marie Elodie, ainsi que cinq frères: Lionel, Désiré, Evariste, Thomas et Edouard, l'ont précédé dans la tombe. La dépouille mortelle sera exposée à la salle mortuaire de l'église de Sainte-Marie-de-Kent. Les funérailles auront lieu en l'église Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel de Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, le lundi 15 janvier, à 19h. L'inhumation se fera au cimetière paroissial, au printemps. Heures de visites: le dimanche 14 janvier, de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h et le lundi 15 janvier, de 14h à 16h et de 17h30 à 18h45. À la mémoire de Yvon, des dons à la Fondation Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont seraient appréciés. La direction des funérailles a été confiée aux soins professionnels de la Maison funéraire Maillet de Bouctouche (

  • [S3179] Alphonsine Gallant - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 17 Oct 2006.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Mardi, 17 octobre 2006

    Alphonsine Gallant DIEPPE -

    À l’Hôpital régional Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont de Moncton, le lundi 16 octobre 2006, à l’âge de 89 ans, est décédée Alphonsine Gallant, épouse de feu Arthur "Hardtime" Gallant (Dieppe Marsh Canteen), domiciliée à Dieppe, rue Guy. Née le 1er septembre 1917 à Saint-Charles, elle était fille de feu Arthur et Mélanise (Daigle) Daigle. Elle laisse dans le deuil six enfants: Louis d’Edmundston, Paul (Denise) de Trois-Rivières, Qc, Roger (Clémence) et Stella Pelletier (Reg) de Dieppe, Yolande Gallant de Montréal et Bernard (Dorice) de Moncton; ses frères et soeurs: Régina Casey (feu Clayton) de Barnaby River, Sr Blanche Daigle, h.s.j. de Bathurst, Cecile Reus (Fritz) et Alice Toth (Joe) de Vermont et Huguette Chevarie (Donald) de Dieppe; une fille adoptive, Annette Leger (Louis-Philippe) de Saint-Antoine, ainsi que 13 petits-enfants et plusieurs arrière-petits-enfants. Outre son époux, elle est précédée dans la tombe par un fils, Ronald; quatre soeurs: Irène Arsenault, Jeanne Tremblay, Joséphine «Marie-Marthe» Dubé et Thérèse Daigle, ainsi que par quatre frères: Émile, Gonzague, Albert et Jean-Paul. La dépouille mortelle sera exposée à compter de 14h, le jeudi 19 octobre, au salon funéraire Frenette, 88, rue Church à Moncton (858-1900, Les funérailles auront lieu en l’église Sainte-Thérèse à Dieppe, le vendredi 20 octobre, à 11h. L’inhumation se fera au cimetière Notre-Dame-du-Calvaire à Dieppe. Heures de visites: le jeudi 19 octobre, de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h et le vendredi 20 octobre, de 10h à 10h45.

  • [S3180] M. Emilia (Emilienne) Girouard - obituary, Daily Gleaner, Fredericton, York, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 23 Apr 2005.

    Daily Gleaner Fredericton, NB

    Saturday, April 23rd, 2005

    GIROUARD, M. EMILIA (EMILIENNE) The death of M. Emilia (Emilienne) Girouard of Minto, occurred Thursday, April 21st, 2005 at the Chalmers Regional Hospital. Born in Minto, NB she was the daughter of the late Patrick and Emile (Bastarache) Legere. Emilia is survived by her husband Lionel Girouard of Minto; three sons, Peter Girouard of Gatineau, PQ, Paul Girouard of Fredericton and Andrew Girouard of Minto; four brothers, Oliver Legere (Elva), Amos Legere, Edward Legere (Ella) and Arthur Legere all of Minto; several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by brothers, Luke, Rene, Maxime and Joseph and an infant brother Eddie; two sisters Doreen Bourgeois and Annie Legere. Resting at the Minto Funeral Home where visitation will be held Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9pm. Funeral Mass will be celebrated 11:00AM, Monday, April 25th, 2005 from the Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Minto with Father Peter Stephen officiating. Interment will follow in St. Bridgit's Cemetery, Hardwood Ridge.

  • [S3181] Antoine Chevarie - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 22 Dec 1988, pg 10.

    Times & Transcript Moncton, NB

    Thursday, December 22nd, 1988 pg 10

    A. Chevarie Sherbrooke Que. (Special) -

    Antoine Chevarie, of Sherbrooke, Que. died in Sherbrooke Tuesday following a lengthy illness. He was the son of the late Pierre and Lea (Leger) Chevarie. He had been a Merchant tailor in Moncton for many years, and worked for Tip Top Tailors in Montreal. His first wife, Aline Dionne, died previously. He is survived by his wife the former Claudette Meloche; one son, Pierre of Montreal; one daughter, Mrs Real Beaudry (Diane) of Miniwaki, Que.; his step-mother, Odina Chevarie; two brothers, Gerald of Dieppe and Leo of Montreal; three sisters, Mrs. Edmond Aucoin (Claudia) of Shediac, Mrs. Joseph Doucet (Evangeline) of Notre Dame, Mrs. Raymond Boucher (Marguerite) of Moncton; a grandchild, several nieces and nephews. The body is at Salon Ledoux, Magog, Que., where funeral mass will be celebrated Friday at 2 p.m. Cremation and burial will be in Montreal.

  • [S3182] Mrs. P. LeBlanc - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 27 Dec 1988, pg 16.

    Times & Transcript Moncton, NB

    Tuesday, December 27th, 1988 pg 16

    Mrs. P. LeBlanc Memramcook East (Special) -

    Mrs. Phelonise LeBlanc, 89, of the Jordon Memorial Home, River Glade, and formerly of Memramcook East, died at the home Saturday following a lengthy illness. Born in Cap Pele, she was a daughter of the late Fernand and Rose Anne (Comeau) Cormier. She was a housewife and attended Notre Dame de Lourdes Roman Catholic Church, Memramcook East. Her first husband, Denis Leger, died in 1946. Her second husband, Fred LeBlanc, died in 1985. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Marles of Dieppe and Mrs Leonard Rattray (Kay) of Moncton; four sons, Charlie Leger of Kamploops, B.C., Clarence Leger of Toronto, Edgar Leger of Bloomfield, N.B., and Hugh Leger of Hillsborough; four step-sons, Romuald LeBlanc and Camille LeBlanc, both of Memramcook East, Jimmy Leblanc of Ontario and Joseph LeBlanc of Dieppe; Six step-daughters, Mrs. Lucie Pellerin of St. Antoine, Mrs. Ella Gould and Mrs. Yvonne LeBlanc, both of Moncton, Mrs. Annie Melanson of Ontario, Mrs. Ross Melanson of St. Paul and Mrs. Adrien LeBlanc; a sister, Mrs. Domethilde Vautour of Cap Pele; a brother Emerie Cormier of Cap Pele; three grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. A son, Clovis, died previously. Funeral mass was celebrated Monday at Notre Dame de Lourdes Roman Catholic Church, Memramcook East. Burial will be in the church cemetery in the spring. Arrangements are in the care of Dupuis Funeral Home, Memramcook.

  • [S3183] Mary Alice Burbine - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 28 Mar 1989.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Tuesday, March 28th, 1989

    BURBINE, Mary Alice -

    94, Amherst, formerly of Joggins, died Monday in Gables Lodge, Amherst. Born in Barachois, N.B., she was a daughter of the late Benjamin and Elizabeth {LeBlanc} Legere. She was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Amherst. She is survived by a daughter: Dolores, Mrs. Robert Wood, Wareham, Mass.; two grand-daughters; seven great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, William; three sisters: Georgina Richards; Emma Burke; Edna Legere; a brother: William Legere. The body is in Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst. visiting 2-4. 7-9 p.m. today where parish prayers will be held 8 p m. today. Funeral mass will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church. Rev. Philippe Thibodeau officiating. Spring burial in Ragged Reef cemetery.

  • [S3184] Mary Alice Burbine - obituary, Halifax Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 28 Mar 1989.

    Halifax Herald Halifax, NS

    Tuesday, March 28th, 1989

    BURBINE, Mary Alice -

    94, Amherst, formerly of Joggins, died Monday in Gables Lodge, Amherst.Born in Barachois, N.B., she was a daughter of the late Benjamin and Elizabeth {LeBlanc} Legere. She was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Amherst. She is survived by a daughter: Dolores, Mrs. Robert Wood, Wareham, Mass.; two grand-daughters; seven great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, William; three sisters: Georgina Richards; Emma Burke; Edna Legere; a brother: William Legere. The body is in Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst. visiting 2-4. 7-9 p.m. today where parish prayers will be held 8 p m. today. Funeral mass will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman

    Catholic Church. Rev. Philippe Thibodeau officiating. Spring burial in Ragged Reef cemetery.

  • [S3185] Harry B Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 1 May 1989, pg 44.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, May 1st, 1989 pg 44

    Legere, Harry, B. - 79, Joggins, died Friday in Highland View Regional Hospital, Amherst. Born in Joggins, he was a son of the late Fred and Mary (Bourgeois) Legere. He was maintenance supervisor for C.I.L., retiring in 1974. He was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Joggins. He is survived by his wife, the former Dorothy M. Hardy, a son, Wayne, Hamond Plains; three sisters, Gladys Fife, Mississauga, Ont.; Anna MacDonald, Lismore, Pictou County; Elsie (Mrs. Fred Como), Joggins; two grandchildren. He was predeceased by a brother, Fred. Body is in Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst. Funeral will be held 11 a.m. today, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Joggins, Rev. David MacDonald officiating. Burial in Ragged Reef Cemetery.

  • [S3186] Dorothy May Legere- obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 10 Aug 1989, pg 46.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, August 10th, 1989 pg 46

    Legere, Dorothy May - 71, River Hebert, formerly of Joggins, died Wednesday in Saint John Regional Hospital, N.B. Born in Bridgewater, she was a daughter of the late Victor and Elizabeth (Aulenback) Hardy. She was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Joggins. She is survived by a son, Wayne, Hammonds Plains; two grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Harry. The body will be in Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst, with visiting 7-9 p.m. Friday, and where parish prayers will be 10 a.m. Saturday in St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Joggins, Rev. Pat Cosgrove officiating. Burial will be in Ragged Reef Cemetery, Joggins.

  • [S3187] M. Arthur V. Chavarie - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 Jan 1968, pg 2.

    voir aussi: Arthur Chevarie - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, January 26, 1968, pg 2.

  • [S3188] M. Blair Melanson - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 May 1968.

    voir aussi: Death of B. Melanson - obituary, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, May 9, 1968, pg 3.

  • [S3189] Mme Emma LeBlanc - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 10 May 1968, pg 3.

    voir aussi: Death Mrs. R. LeBlanc, Moncton Daily Times, Moncton, NB, May 10, 1968, pg 3.

  • [S3190] Mrs. M. Richard - obituary, Moncotn Daily Times, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 17 Jul 1968, pg 5.

    Moncton Daily Times Moncton, NB

    Wednesday, July 17th, 1968 pg 5

    Death Mrs. M. Richard Sackville (Special) -

    The death of Mrs. Marie Zoe Richard, widow of Mac Richard occurred at her home in Middle Sackville Tuesday morning following a lengthy illness. She was 87 years of age. Mrs. Richard was born at Cape Bald a daughter of the late Calixte and Marguerite Richard Arsenault. She was a member of the Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church in Middle Sackville. She is survivied by five sons, Tildon Newport, Maine, Adelard, Moncton, Rene, at home, Emile and Joseph, both of Middle Sackville; four daughters, Mrs. Ernest Leger (Alice), of Middle Sackville, Mrs. Alban Leger (Edna) of Oshawa, Ont., Mrs, Roger Gravel (Alvina), of Montreal, and Hazel, at home; one sister, Mrs. John Casey, Port Dufierin N.S.; a number of grandchildren and several great grandchildren. The body is resting at Jones funeral home, with funeral mass to be celebrated Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church. Interment will be in Middle Sackville cemetery.

  • [S3191] Grace Fostina McKay - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 5 Sep 1977, pg 20.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, September 5th, 1977 pg 20

    Mrs. Grace F. Legere - Amherst -

    Mrs. Grace Fostina Legere, 75, of Amherst died Saturday in Lockhart's Nursing Home, Amherst. Born in Shulee, Cumberland County, she was the daughter of the late Amos and Lettie (Cates) Mckay. For years she sang on the Down Memory Lane program on CKCW, Moncton. Surviving are a daughter, Evelyn (Mrs. Fred Thompson), Springhill Junction; a son, Basil Cloney, Moncton; a sister, Mrs. Edith Linkletter, Moncton; and a brother, Merrill, Hamilton, Ont.; nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her first husband, Clarence Cloney, her second husband, Alphie Legere, two sisters and five brothers. The body is at Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst, where funeral service will be held today at 3 p.m., Rev. Donald Linkletter officiating. Burial will be in Highland View Cemetery, Amherst.

  • [S3192] Helen C. Beaton - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 7 Apr 1979, pg 44.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Saturday, April 7th, 1979 pg 44

    Mrs. Helen C. Legere - Moncton -

    Mrs. Helen C. Legere, Moncton, was buried Thursday in Our Lady of Calvary cemetery, following funeral service in Assumption Cathedral. Born in Sackville, N.B. she was the daughter of the late Norman and Katherine (Cameron) Beaton. She is survived by a daughter Isabelle, Cannes, France; two sons, Paul, Halifax; Edward, Moncton; three sisters, May (Mrs. Robert McKay), Eva (Mrs. Arnold Wells), and Kathleen (Mrs. Ralph Hutchinson); three brothers, Norman, Ronald and Gerald; one grandson and one granddaughter. She was predeceased by her husband Alfred in 1976.

  • [S3193] Mrs. Francis Leger - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 19 May 1980, pg 16.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, May 19th, 1980 pg 16

    Mrs. Francis Leger - Moncton -

    Mrs. Francis Leger, 52, of 4 Pleasant Street Louisville, N.B., died Saturday in Moncton Hospital. Born in Halifax, she was the former Evelyn Richards, a daughter of Mrs. Ida M. Richards. Surviving besides her husband are two sons, Bobby and Paul; two daughters, Diane and Rose Marie, all of Louisville; a brother, Gordon, Halifax; four sisters, Margaret, (Mrs. Ben Roden), Halifax; Doris (Mrs. Fred Marshall), Prospect; Betty (Mrs. Pete Davidson), Thunder Bay, Ont.; Alice (Mrs. Joe Goy), Victoria, B.C.; and two grandchildren. Funeral arrangments are incomplete.

  • [S3194] Yvon LeBlanc - nécrologie, Evangéline, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Sep 1982, pg 4.
  • [S3195] Clinton Ralfton Mattinson - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 3 May 1983.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 1983

    Clinton Ralfton (sic) Mattinson, 60, of Little River, died Monday in All Saints Hospital, Springhill. Born in Hansford, he was a son of the late Charles Edward and Annie Leota (Mills) Mattinson. He lived in Cumberland County all his life. He was a construction worker and was coach for many tug-of-war teams. He was an adherent of Oxford United Baptist Church and was a trustee of Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the former Jean Colburne; four daughters, Margaret (Mrs. Russell Doncaster), Stewart, B.C.; Brenda, (Mrs. Michel Doucet) and Inez (Mrs. George Matthews), both of Springhill; Audrey (Mrs. Ronald Leger), Oxford; two sons, Carman, Little River, and Douglas, Springhill; three sisters, Mrs. Sadie Dickie and Mrs. Amy Arsenault, both of Amherst; Mrs. Greta Stultz, Quesnel, B.C.; two brothers, Guy, Little River, and Charles, Quesnel, and 13 grandchildren. He was predeceased by a son Kenneth Charles, and a grandson Thomas Wayne Mattinson. The body is in Allen's Funeral Home, Oxford, where funeral will be 2 p.m. Thursday, Lic. Rayburn MacNeill officiating, with burial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.

  • [S3196] Dennis Joseph Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 27 Oct 1988, pg 69.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, October 27th, 1988 pg 69

    Legere, Dennis Joseph - 78, Joggins, Cumberland County, died Tuesday. Born in Upper Aboujagne, N.B. he was a son of the late Ambrose and Alvina (Gouchie) Legere. He worked as a baker with Canadian Bread of Toronto for over 30 years until retiring in 1976 and returned to Joggins in 1978. He was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Joggins, and the Knights of Columbus Council 2916, Amherst. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 4 and the Joggins Senior Citizens Club. He is survived by his wife, the former Agnes (Noonie) Cormier; two sisters, Mrs. Neta Murphy, Joggins, Mrs. Freda Whittle, Hamilton; a brother Edgar; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his sister, Julia Wheaton; three brothers Philip, Ernest, Albert. The body is at home of his wife Agnes in Joggins where parish prayers will be held today at 8 p.m. The funeral mass will be 2 p.m. Friday, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Father Philippe Thibodeau officiating. Burial will be in Ragged Reef Cemetery.

  • [S3197] Paul Albin Joseph Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 3 Nov 1988, pg 45.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, November 3rd, 1988 pg 45

    Legere, Paul Albin Joseph - 88, 38 Katherine Ave., Moncton, formally of Spuce Street, Springhill, died Wednesday in Moncton Hospital. Born in Dieppe, N.B., he was a son of the late Eldred and Mary Blanche (Roy) Legere. He was a member of St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Springhill. His early working years were spent as a coal miner, and were followed by more than 30 years with the town of Springhill maintenance department. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Florence Cameron, Edith (Mrs. Bert McArthur), both of Springhill; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a sister, Maude; six brothers, Christopherm Leo, Leon, David, Alfred, Oliver. The body is in A. H. Brown Funeral Home, Springhill, visiting 7-9 p.m. Thursday, 3-4, 7-9 p.m. Friday. Funeral will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Rev. Carl Kelly officiating. Burial in Hillside Cemetery, Springhill.

  • [S3198] George Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 31 Aug 1989, pg 50.
  • [S3199] Léo Landry - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 15 Jan 1990.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 15 janvier 1990

    Léo Landry

    À l'Hôpital Georges-L. Dumont de Moncton, le samedi 13 janvier 1990, à l'âge de 90 ans, est décédé Léo Landry, époux en première noce de feue Emilie Richard et en deuxième noce de feue Eva Léger, domicilié à la Maison Kingsmen de Moncton. Il était fils de feu Judes Landry et de feue Sarah Cormier.

    Il laisse dans le deuil trois filles: Muriel Landry, d'Ottawa, Ont., Claudette (Maurice Cormier), et Thérèse (Guy Martin), toutes deux de Moncton; deux fils: Dr Léo Paul, d'Ottawa, Ont., et René, de Moncton, ainsi que quatre petits-enfants.

    Quatre soeurs: Marie-Anna, Emma, Nettie et Julie, l’ont précédé dans la tombe.

    À la demande de la famille, un don à la Fondation du Dr Georges-L. Dumont de Moncton, au lieu de fleurs, serait apprécié.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Maison funéraire Frenette de Moncton. Les funérailles auront lieu ce lundi 15 janvier à 15h en l’église Christ Roi de Moncton. L’inhumation aura lieu au printemps au cimetière SaintJoseph de Memramcook.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Frenette de Moncton.

  • [S3200] Lina LeBlanc - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 Aug 1990.

    voir aussi: Lina LeBlanc - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, 1990-08-30, pg 33.

  • [S3201] Maria Léger - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Nov 1990, pg 35.
  • [S3202] Fred Légère - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Nov 1990.
  • [S3203] Frederick J. (Sonny) Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 2 Feb 1991, pg D20.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Saturday, February 2nd, 1991 pg D20

    LEGERE, Frederick J. (Sonny) -

    57, Ellershouse, Hants County, died Friday in Hants County Hospital, Windsor. Born in Parrsboro. He was a son of Onslow and Carrie (McCully) Legere, Parrsboro. He was employed with Curry's Corner Co-op. Windsor and IGA food stores. He was active in baseball, hockey and golf. He is survived by his wife, the former Clara Babineau; three daughters, Karen (Mrs. Allison Caldwell) Brooklyn, Linda (Mrs. Stephen Harvey) Hillsdale, Rosemary (Mrs. Richard Northrup), Ellershouse, four sons, Stephen, Clayton Park; Daniel Windsor, Andrew, Timothy, both at home; a sister Mrs. Charrlotte Cormier, Amherst, two brothers, Archie, Parrsboro, Stewart, Bass River; six grandchildren. The body is in Smith's Funeral Home, Parrsboro. Visiting 7-9 pm today, 2-4, 7-9 pm Sunday, funeral will be 11 am Monday in St. Brigid's Catholic Church, Parrsboro. Rev Patrick Cosgrove officiating. Burial to follow in church cemetery. Donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Society.

  • [S3204] Alphonse Sonier - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Apr 1991.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Mardi, 9 avril 1991

    Alphonse Sonier

    À l'Hôpital régional Chaleur de Bathurst, le lundi 8 avril 1991, à l'âge de 72 ans, est décédé Alphonse Sonier, époux de feue Alfreda Mazerolle, domicilié à Tracadie. Il était fils de feu Édouard Sonier et de feue Agnès Robichaud.

    Il laisse dans le deuil deux filles : Paulette (Jean-Guy Rioux) de Shippagan, et Marguerite Rose (Fernand Breton) de Charny, Qué., trois fils : Alonzo (Diana), et Élide (Suzanne), tous deux de Sheila, et Bertin (Diane) de Tracadie, six soeurs : Sr Cécile Sonier, r.h.s.j., et Alfreda (Gérard Laplante), toutes deux de Tracadie, Sr Geneviève Sonier, r.j.m. de Lauzon, Qué., Sr Thérèse Sonier, r.j.m. de Montréal, Ernestine (Prudent Robichaud) de Campbellton, et Marguerite (Yvon Léger) de Saumarez, trois frères : Alfred (Estelle), Ned (Simonne) , et Gérard (Gabrielle), tous de Tracadie, ainsi que dix petits-enfants et un arrière-petit-enfant.

    Une soeur et trois frères, Sr Noëlla, Albert, Stanislas et Jean-Baptiste l'ont précédé dans la tombe.

    M. Sonier était un homme bien connu dans la Péninsule acadienne comme vendeur d'automobiles.

    La dépouille mortelle sera exposée à compter de 19h, ce mardi 9 avril à la Maison funéraire Robichaud de Tracadie, d'où le convoi funèbre partira le jeudi 11 avril à 16h pour se rendre en l'église Saint Jean-Baptiste de Tracadie, où le service sera chanté à 16h15. L'inhumation aura lieu plus tard ce printemps au cimetière de l'endroit.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Robichaud de Tracadie.

  • [S3205] Baselice Léger - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Apr 1991.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Jeudi, 25 avril 1991

    Baselice Léger

    À la Villa Providence de Shédiac, le mercredi 24 avril 1991, à l'âge de 92 ans, est décédée Baselice Léger, domiciliée à la villa. Elle était fille de feu Pierre Léger et de feue Dina Bourque.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil trois soeurs: Yvonne (Emile Bourque) de Shédiac, Justine (Willie Bourque) de Cap Pelé, et Lévina Ouellette de Dieppe, ainsi qu'un frère, Napoléon, de Cap-Pelé.

    Trois soeurs et un frère, Marguerite, Emma, Marie Jane et Antoine, l'ont précédée dans la tombe.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Maison funéraire Chartersville de Dieppe d'ou le convoi funèbre partira le vendredi 26 avril à 13h50 pour se rendre en l'église Sainte-Thérèse de Dieppe, où le service sera chanté à 14h. L'inhumation aura lieu plus tard ce printemps au cimetière Sainte-Thérèse d'Avila de Cap-Pelé.

    Heures de visite: ce jeudi 25 avril de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Chartersville de Dieppe.

  • [S3206] Dorilla Melanson - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 May 1991.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 20 mai 1991

    Dorilla Melanson

    À l'Hôpital Dr Georges-L. Dumont de Moncton, le samedi 18 mai 1991, à l'âge de 74 ans, est décédée Dorilla Melanson, épouse de Napoléon (Nap) Melanson, domiciliée à Cocagne. Elle était fille de feu Edward Williams et de feue Marguerite Bastarache.

    Outre son époux, elle laisse dans le deuil deux filles : Gerene (James Maloney), et Odette Harvey, toutes deux de Lunenburg, Mass., un fils, Armand de St. Petersburg, Floride, trois soeurs : Imelda (Camille Léger) de Lunenburg, Mass., Florine Niles de Moncton, et Jeannita (Ulysse Belliveau) de St. Petersburg, Floride, six frères : Robert et Camille, tous deux de Moncton, Armand D'Oakham, Mass., Ulysse Joseph et Paul, tous deux de Lunenburg, Mass., et Gérard de Manchester, New Hampshire, ainsi que huit petits-enfants et plusieurs neveux et nièces.

    Un frère, Laurie, l'a précédée dans la tombe.

    Pas de visites. Un service commémoratif aura lieu le mardi 21 mai à 19h en l'église Saint-Pierre de Cocagne. Mme Melanson seront incinérée et ces cendres seront incinérés au cimetière Notre-Dame du Calvaire de Dieppe.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Chartersville de Dieppe.

  • [S3207] Ida Landry - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Jun 1991.
  • [S3208] John J Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 11 Jul 1991, pg D8.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, July 11th, 1991 pg D8

    LEGERE, John J.-

    81, Point du Chene, N.B., formerly of Debert , died June 28 in George Dumont Hospital Moncton. He was born in Amherst and was retired painting contractor. He was a veteran of the Second World War having served overseas with Cape Breton Highlanders, and a member and past president of Royal Canadian Legion, Debert. He is survived by two daughters, Cherie (Diagle) Clements Point du chene. Carole (Mrs Clyde Luffman), Dartmouth, Six grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife the former Virginia (Birgie) Arsenault. Funeral was held July 1 in Point Du Chene.

  • [S3209] Theodore Joseph Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 15 Aug 1991, pg D8.
  • [S3210] Mary Evelyn, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 4 Oct 1991, pg C14.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Friday, October 4th, 1991 pg C14

    LEGERE, Mary Evelyn (Mae)-

    73, 4 Lorway St., Glace Bay, died Thursday in Glace Bay Community Hospital. Born in Glace Bay, she was a daughter of the late Thomas and Hannah (Flynn) Mckenzie. She was a member of St.Anthony's Church. She is survived by two sons, Roy, Brampton, Ont.; Reggie, Glace Bay; a daughter, Lorraine Matheson, Glace Bay; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband James; a sister, Hazel; five brothers, John, Ervin, Alex, Clenton, Hillary. The body will be in V.J. McGillivary's Funeral Home, Glace Bay, visiting 7-9 p.m. today, 2-4,/7-9 p.m. Saturday, Funeral will be 2 p.m. Sunday in St. Anthony's Church. Rev. Angus Morris officiating Burial will be in parish cemetery.

  • [S3211] Tim C. Legere - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 9 Oct 1991, pg C16.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Wednesday, October 9th, 1991 pg C16

    LEGERE, Tim C.-

    37, Hamilton, Ont. died Oct.1 in Henderson General Hospital, Hamilton. Born in Hamilton he was a son of Jake and Hazel (Matheson) Legere, Pugwash. He is survived by two sons, Tyler, Caleb, both of Hamilton; a brother ,Bill , Lindsay, Ont; two sisters Karen (Mrs. John Eddy), Caledonia, Ont; Trisha, Dartmouth; friend, Janet Legere, Hamilton; many nieces and nephews. The body was cremated. A memorial service was held Oct. 4 in Miller Funeral Chapel, Caledonia, Ont. Donations may be made to Hamilton Minor Foorball Association, 1216 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont. LSM 1G4.

  • [S3212] Marie-Elizabeth Légère Cormier - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 8 Nov 1991.
  • [S3213] Eliza Andrea Leger - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 21 May 1992, pg B4.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Thursday, May 21st, 1992 pg B4

    LEGER, Eliza Andrea (Elsie)-

    86, 198 Pictou Rd., Bible Hill, Colchester County, died May 20, 1992 in Colchester Regional Hospital, Truro. She was a daughter of the late Maurice and Amelie (Doiron) Babin. She was a member of Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Truro. She is survived by a daughter, Janet (Mrs. William Lester) , Dartmouth; six sons, Eddie, Laurie, both of Stouffville, Ont; Norman. Toronto; Alex (Euclide), Dartmouth; Reginald, (Reggie), Robert, both of Truro; two sisters, Clara Gallant, Dieppe, N.B.; Marie Gosselin, Montreal; two brothers, Aimec, Moncton; Edgar, Quebec, Que.; 21 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, J.Pacifique; son, Paul E.; daughter Andrea; sister, Doris Gallant; grandson, Rickey. The body is in Mattatall Funeral Home, Truro, visiting 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today and Friday, where prayers will be 8 p.m. Friday. Funeral will be 2 p.m. Saturday in Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church. Rev. Michael Walsh officiating. Burial will be in Robie Street Cemetery, Truro. Family flowers only. Donations may be made to any charity.

  • [S3214] Bernard Joseph LeBlanc - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 21 Sep 1992, pg D3.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, September 21st, 1992 pg D3

    LeBLANC, Bernard Joseph -

    87, Central Caribou, Pictou County, died September 18, 1992, in Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital, Pictou. Born in Pictou, he was a son of the late Felix and Mary Anne (Legere) LeBlanc. He served with the Royal Canadian Army during the Second World and was a member of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 16, Pictou. He was a member of Stella Maris Roman Catholic Church, Pictou. He worked for Ferguson Industries for 35 years before retirement. He is survived by his wife, the former Marjorie Silver; two daughters, Bernadette, Vancouver; Suzanne (Mrs. Gary Moulton), Central Caribou; five sons, Sandy, Arthur, both of British Columbia; Stewart, Whitehorse, Yukon; Fred, Halifax; John, Sydney; six grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren. He was predeceased by an infant daughter, Mary Catherine; four sisters, Irene, Cassie, Hilda, Eva Mae; two brothers, Stewart, William; half-brother, John. The body is in McLaren Funeral Home, Pictou. Funeral will be 4 p.m. today in Stella Maris Church, Rev. Gerald MacKenzie officiating. Burial will be in Seaview Cemetery. Donations may be made to Nova Scotia Lung Association or Canadian Cancer Society.

  • [S3215] Melvin Robert Pasher - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 31 Oct 1992, pg D22.
  • [S3216] Sr. Lydia Léger (marie-Médiatrice) - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Dec 1992, pg 32.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 7 décembre 1992 pg 32

    Sr. Lydia Léger (Marie-Médiatrice)

    MONCTON - À la maison mère des religieuses n.d.s.c. de Moncton, le vendredi 4 décembre 1992, à l'âge de 79 ans, est décédée S. Lydia Léger (Marie-Médiatrice) n.d.s.c., domicilée à Moncton. Née à Memramcook, elle était fille de feu Albanie Léger et de feu Alexina Gaudet.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil un neveu et deux nièces.

    La dépouille mortelle fut exposée à la Maison mère, au 109, rue King, à Moncton. Les funérailles ont eu lieu en la Cathédrale Assomption de Moncton, le samedi 5 décembre à 9h. L'inhumation a eu lieu au cimetière Saint-Thomas de Saint-Joseph.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Frenette de Moncton.

  • [S3217] Antoine Nowlan - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Dec 1992, pg 28.
  • [S3218] Rosia Belliveau - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 20 Dec 1992.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 21 décembre 1992

    Rosia Belliveau

    MEMRAMCOOK EST - À l'hôpital Dr Georges L.- Dumont de Moncton, le dimanche 20 décembre 1992, à l'âge de 90 ans, est décédée Rosia Belliveau, épouse de feu Camille A. Belliveau, domiciliée au foyer Loretta Arsenault de Lakeville, mais autrefois de Memramcook Est. Née à Sydney, Nouvelle-Ecosse, elle était fille de feu Julien Léger et de feu Olive Bonnevie.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil une fille adoptive, Laurina Thébeau de Dieppe; une soeur, Pascaline Léger de Lynn, Mass., ainsi que deux petits-enfants et plusieurs neveux et nièces.

    Trois soeurs: Anita LeBlanc Fraser (décédé le 2 décembre 92), Huberte, Alisca Léger, l'ont précédée dans la tombe.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Maison funéraire Dupuis de Memramcook. Les funérailles auront lieu en l'église Notre-Dame de Lourdes de Memramcook Est, ce lundi 21 décembre à 19h et, de là, au cimetière paroissial.

    Heures de visite: ce lundi 21 décembre, de 14h à 18h30.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Dupuis de Memramcook.

  • [S3219] Paul-Edmond Melanson - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 22 Dec 1992, pg 32.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Mardi, 22 décembre 1992 pg 32

    Paul-Edmond Melanson

    COCAGNE - À l'hôpital Stella Maris de Sainte-Anne de Kent, le lundi 21 décembre 1992, à l'âge de 30 ans, est décédé Paul-Edmond Melanson, domicilié à Cocagne. Né à Antigonish, N.-E., il était le fils de Paul-Emile Melanson de Moncton et de Huberte Léger de Fort McMurray, Alberta.

    Outre ses parents, il laisse dans le deuil une soeur, Charmaine de Saint-Antoine; sa grand-mère paternelle, Elise (Goguen) Melanson de Shédiac; ses grands-parents maternels; Félix et Anita (LaCroix) Léger, de Saint-Antoine, ainsi que plusieurs, oncles, tantes, cousins et cousines.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la salle de l'église de Cocagne. Les funérailles auront lieu en l'église Saint-Pierre de Cocagne, le mecredi 23 décembre à 16h. L'inhumation aura lieu au cimetière paroissial, au printemps.

    Heures de visites: ce mardi 22 décembre, de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h, et le mercredi 23 décembre, de 14h, jusqu'à l'heure des funérailles.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Frenette de Saint-Antoine.

  • [S3220] Mrs. Genevieve (Jane) Daigle - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 1 Feb 1993, pg 24.

    voir aussi: Geneviève (Jane) LeBlanc - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, 1 février 1993, Caraquet, NB.

  • [S3221] Leo Collette - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 21 Jul 1993, pg 21.

    Times & Transcript Moncton, NB

    Wednesday, July 21st, 1993 pg 21

    L. Collette -

    Leo Collette, 49 of 5 Wildwood Crt. Moncton, died Tuesday at his residence. Born in Bouctouche, he was the son of Mrs. Lea (Larcenaire) Collette of Bouctouche and the late Neri Collette. A self-employed carpenter, he attended Notre Dame de Grace Church. Besides his mother, he is survived by his wife, the former Germaine Mazerolle; a daughter, Rachel; three sisters, Mrs. Antoine Collette (Donalda) and Mrs. Aldora Collette, both of Bouctouche and Mrs. Edgar LeBlanc (Fernande) of Waltham; five half sisters, Mrs. Rodrique MacDonald (Dora) of Bouctouche, Mrs. Yvonne Leger and Mrs. Beatrice LeBlanc, all of Moncton, and Mrs. Leonard Cotton (Irene) of Bouctouche; five brothers , Yvon of Moncton, Dolland of St. Antonie, Claude and Jean-Eudes, both of Bouctouche, and Leopold of Dieppe. He was Predeceased by a brother, Isaiee. The body is at Frenette Funeral Home, Moncton. The funeral mass will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. at Notre Dame de Grace Church , with interment in Our lady of Calvary Roman Catholic Cemetery, Dieppe.

  • [S3223] Laurette Leger - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Jul 1993, PG 11.

    voir aussi: Laurette Léger - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, NB, 26 juillet 1993.

  • [S3224] Times & Transcript, Miss Aline Frenette - obituary, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, (Miss Aline Frenette - obituary).

    Times & Transcript Moncton, NB

    Thursday, November 3rd, 2005

    Miss Aline Frenette, 77, of Villa Providence, Shediac, formerly of Moncton, passed away Tuesday, November 1, 2005 at the Dr. Georges-L. Dumont Hospital following a lengthy illness. Born April 22, 1928 in Fort Francis, Ontario, she was the daughter of the late Jean-Marie and Hectorine (Doucette) Frenette. She was employed at the Dr. Georges-L. Dumont Hospital as a Registered Nurse Aid before her retirement, and a member of the Cathedral Golden Age Club. She is survived by a sister, Élodie Robichaud (Gaspard) of Toronto; a sister-in-law, Dolorèse Beaulieu of Lévi, Qc.; a brother-in-law, Amedée Leger of Grand-Barachois; a niece, Lucie; and a nephew, Daniel, both of Levi, Qc. She is predeceased by a sister, Annette Leger and a brother, Hector. Resting at Frenette Funeral Home, 88 Church Street, Moncton (858-1900). Visiting hours, Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. until time of departure (10:45). The funeral mass will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, November 4, 2005 at Our Lady of Assumption Cathedral Roman Catholic Church, Moncton. Interment will be in Our Lady of Calvary Cemetery, Dieppe.

  • [S3225] Hervé Vautour - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Jul 1993, pg 11.

    Times & Transcript Moncton, NB

    Monday, July 26th, 1993 pg 11

    H. Vautour - SHEDIAC (special) -

    Herve Vautour, 79, of 58 Hamilton St. Shediac, died Friday at the Dr. Georges L. Dumont Hospital, Moncton, after a brier illness. Born in Shediac, he was a son of the late Adolphe and Albina (Boudreau) Vautour and attended the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Shediac. He had been employed with Canadian National Railway as a pipefitter's helper on retirement after 33 years of service. He is survived by his wife, the former Madeleine Leger; two sons, Donald of Australia and Louis of Dieppe; five sisters, Mrs. Edna Boudreau and Mrs. Leandre Caissie (Lumina), both of Shediac, Mrs. Marcel Menard (Regina) of Montreal, Sister Albina Vautour of Loyal, Kentucky, and Sister Clara Vautour, n.d.s.c., Moncton; two brothers, Philibert of Shediac and Rev. Camile Vautour of St. Antoine; two grandchildren. He was predeceased by a brother, Leo. The body is at Frennette's Funeral Home, Shediac. Funeral mass will be celebrated today at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church. Interment will be in the church cemetery.

  • [S3226] Isidore Gaudet - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Jul 1993, pg 11.

    Times & Transcript Moncton, NB

    Monday, July 26th, 1993 pg 11

    I. Gaudet ST. PAUL (Special)-

    Isidor Gaudet, 71 of St. Paul, died Saturday at the Dr. Georges L Dumont Hospital, Moncton, after a lengthy illness. Born in St. Paul, he was a son of the late Nazaire and Odile (Leger) Gaudet and attended the St. Paul Roman Catholic Church. He has been a heavy equipment operator with the Department of Transportation on retirement, a member of St. Paul Volunteer Fire Department, St. Paul divison of St. John Ambulance, St. Paul Golden Age Club and president of the St.Paul de Kent Liberal Committee. He survived by his wife, the former Elise Babineau; three daughters, Mrs. David McGinity (Rhea) of Winnipeg , Mrs. Clarence LeBlanc (Jeanne) of Moncton and Mrs. Ronald Cormier (Louise) of Memramcook; four sons, Leo, Guy and Gilles, all of Ste. Marie, and Rheal of St. Paul; a sister , Mrs. Onesime Melanson (Elise) of Dieppe; a brother, Joseph of St. Paul; 12 grandchildren. He was predeceased by six brothers, Eloi, Marc, Patrick, Frank, Andre and Louis. The body is at the St. Paul Roman Catholic Church where funeral mass will be celebrated today at 7 p.m. Interment with be in the parish cemetery. Funeral arrangements are in the care of Maillet Funeral Home, Bouctouche.

  • [S3227] Mrs. Irene Leger - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 Jul 1993, pg 43.
  • [S3228] W. Lawrence Legere - obituary, Telegraph Journal, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 26 Aug 1993.

    Telegraph Journal Saint John, NB

    Thursday, August 26th, 1993

    LEGERE - The death of W. Lawrence Legere (Chief) of 194 Carmarthen Street, husband of Josephine (Langille) Legere, occurred at St. Joseph's Hospital on Wednesday morning. Mr. Legere was born at Maccan, N.S., a son of the late Abner and Rose Anna (Bourgeois) Legere, and had resided in Saint John since 1967, where he had been employed with Irving Oil Ltd. Until his retirement a number of years ago, he had been Postmaster at Maccan prior to moving to Saint John. He had served with the Dental Corp of the Royal Canadian Army during the Second World War and was a former member of the Royal Canadian Legion in River Hebert and Amherst. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons, Lawrence, W. Alfred and James, all of Saint John, three daughters, Frances, Mrs. William Hunter of Winnipeg, Carol, Mrs. Donald Knudson of Saint John, and Lori-Lee, Mrs. Ross Hall of Musquash, one half-sister, Mrs. Margaret Cormier of River Hebert, N.S., 12 grandchildren, and several great grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

    The body is resting at Fitzpatrick's Funeral Home, 100 Waterloo Street, from where the funeral will be held on Friday morning at 9:30 to St. John the Baptist Church for funeral mass at 10:00 o'clock. Interment will take place at St. Joseph's Cemetery. Visiting on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

  • [S3229] Gerald Joseph Landry - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 12 Oct 1993, pg C3.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Tuesday, October 12th, 1993 pg C3

    LANDRY, Gerald Joseph -

    80, 9 Fullerton St., Amherst, died October 11, 1993, at home. Born in Cap Pele, N.B., he was a son of the late Felicien and Leonie (Arseneault) Landry. He was a crane operator at Robb Engineering Limited of Amherst for 38 years, retiring in 1978. He was a member of St. Charles Roman Catholic Church and former member of Knights of Columbus. He is survived by his wife, the former Margaret Belliveau; two daughters, Rita (Mrs. Bernard Smyth), Berwick; Mary Ann (Mrs. Marshall Landry), Amherst; two sons, Joseph, Riverview, N.B.; Philip, Port Hawkesbury; five sisters, Anita Landry, Phemie LeBlanc, Rosalie Legere, Margaret Moor, all of Amherst; Josephine Belanger, Winnipeg; nine grandchildren. He was predeceased by a son, Raymond; sister, Arzelie Thibodeau; three brothers, Aurel, Ovila, Alphie. Visitation will be 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today in Furlong's Funeral Home, Amherst, where parish prayers will be 7:30 p.m. tonight. Mass of the Resurrection will be 10 a.m. Wednesday in St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Amherst. Burial will be in St. Charles Cemetery. Donations may be made to any charity.

  • [S3230] Mrs. Argentina Fontaine - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 27 Nov 1993, pg 20.

    voir aussi: Argentina Fontaine - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, NB, 30 novembre 1993.

  • [S3231] Thomas A. Haché - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Dec 1993, pg 32.

    voir aussi: Thomas A. Haché - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet NB, 1993-12-08.

  • [S3232] Allard Joseph Legere - obituary, Telegraph Journal, Saint John, Saint John, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 14 Dec 1993.

    Telegraph Journal Saint John, NB

    Tuesday, December 14th, 1993

    LEGERE- The death of Allard Joseph Legere of 29 Foley Ct., husband of Christine (Goble) Legere, occured at the Saint John Regional Hospital on Monday. Mr. Legere was born at Portage River, a son of the late Isaac and Elizabeth (Roussel) Legere. He served with the Royal Canadian Army during the Second World War and was a member of the Saint John Branch 14 Royal Canadian Legion. He was a self employed mechanic, having operated Legere's Garage until his retirement in 1983. He was a member of the Cathedral Parish. He was pre-deceased by one brother, George, and two sisters, Charlotte and Alma. Besides his wife, he was survived by four sons, Norman (wife Betty) of Alberta, Mac (wife Janice) of Quispamsis, and Mike (wife Brenda) , and Brian (wife Cindy) both of Saint John. four daughters, Janet, Mrs. Paul Cosman of Quispamsis, Susan, Mrs. Wayne Dealy of Victoria, B.C. and Margaret, Mrs. Darrell James and Mrs. Tina Wasson, both of Saint John; Four brothers, Alcide of Portage River, Isaac of Memramcook, Donat of Amos, Québec and Alyre of Sheila, N.B.; one Sister, Sr. Mérilda Legere F.M.A. of Campbellton; 21 grand children, 4 great grand children; and several nieces and nephews. The body is resting at Fitzpatrick's Funeral Home, 100 Waterloo St., from where the funeral will be held at 11:45 to the Catherdral of the Immaculate Conception for Funeral Mass at twelve o'clock. Interment will take place in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Visiting on Wednesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Legion service will be held at the funeral home on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.

  • [S3233] Alma Melanson - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Jan 1994, pg 12.

    Times & Transcript Moncton, NB

    Tuesday, January 25th, 1994 pg 12

    Alma Melanson

    SCOUDOUC – Mrs. Alma Melanson, 92, of Scoudouc, died on Monday, January 24, 1994 at her residence after a lengthy illness.

    She was the daughter of the late Philippe and Mélendé (Léger) Melanson. She attended St. Jacques le Majeur Roman Catholic Church, Scoudouc. She was a member of Chapelet en Fraternité and the Scoudouc Golden Age Club.

    She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Alcide Thibodeau (Florine) of Robichaud, Miss Dorice Melanson of Scoudouc; one son, Yvon Melanson and his wife Bernadette of Scoudouc; one adopted son, Joseph Bourque and his wife Stella of Notre Dame; ten grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. She was predeceased by her husband Blair Melanson, in 1972; seven brothers, Antoine, Alphonse, Honoré, Philias, Léandre, Camille, Clorice; and one sister Florine.

    Remains resting at Salon funéraire Frenette Ltée., Shediac with visiting hours Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral service will be held at St. Jacques le Majeur Roman Catholic Church, Scoudouc, on Thursday, January 27, 1994 at 10 :30 a.m. Interment in the Scoudouc Parish Cemetery.

  • [S3234] Marguerite LeBlanc - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Jan 1994, pg 28.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Mardi, 25 janvier 1994 pg 28

    Marguerite LeBlanc

    SAINT-JOSEPH - À l'Hôpital Dr Georges L. Dumont de Moncton, le samedi 22 janvier 1994, à l'âge de 79 ans, est décédée au terme d'une courte maladie Marguerite LeBlanc, épouse de feu Emile LeBlanc (1970), domiciliée au foyer Saint-Thomas de Saint-Joseph. Née à Shédiac, elle était fille de feu Hébert Goguen et de feu Élise Léger.

    Elle laisse dans le deuil une fille, Stella (Ronald LeBlanc) de Memramcook; six fils: Howard et Camille, tous deux de Toronto, Ovila de Waltham, Mass., Lee de Fox Creek, Donald de Vancouver, et Larry de Moncton; trois soeurs: Stella (Jesse Powers) de Salisbury, Phyllis (Curtis Curwin) de Shédiac, et Dora (Éddée Léger) de Grande-Digue; deux frères: Joseph de Toronto, et Desire de Moncton, ainsi que 21 petits-enfants, neuf arrières-petits-enfants et plusieurs neveux et nièces.

    Quatre fils: Peter, Arthur, Joseph et Jimmy; une soeur, Edmée, ainsi que deux frères: Pierre et Marcel, l'ont précédée dans la tombe.

    La famille recevra les parents et amis, en l'église Saint-Thomas de Memramcook de saint-Joseph, le mrecredi 26 janvier, à compter de 18h jusqu'a l'heure des funérailles, à 19h.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Dupuis de Memramcook.

  • [S3235] Jeffrey Roussel - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Jan 1994, pg 27.
  • [S3236] Cyrénus Doiron - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Jan 1994, pg 28.
  • [S3237] Vitaline Melanson (LeBlanc) - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 May 1994, pg 21.
  • [S3238] Lorenzo (Rennie) Metlin - nécrologie, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 29 Jun 1994, pg C3.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Wednesday, June 29th, 1994 pg C3

    METLIN, Lorenzo (Rennie) -

    74, Brookfield, Colchester County, died June 27, 1994, in Colchester Regional Hospital, Truro. Born in Halifax, he was a son of the late Robert and Nancy (White) Metlin. He was a veteran of the Second World War, serving overseas with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders. He was a farmer and lumberman for most of his life and member of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 26, Truro. He is survived by his wife, the former Beatrice May Hawkins; four sons, Raymond, Truro; John, Hilden; Michael, Toby, both at home; five daughters, Kathleen, Linda, Barbara (Mrs. Brian Merritt), Betty, all of Truro; Constance (Mrs. Gary Legere), Hilden; two brothers, Wilfred, Ontario; Robert, Valley, Colchester County; three sisters, Florence, Irene, Enda, all of Dartmouth; 18 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by two sons, Anthony, George; sister, Margaret; five brothers, William, Rubert, Ruben, Percy, Albert; a grandson in infancy. Visitation will be 3-4:30, 7-9 p.m. today in Mattatall Funeral Home, Truro, where a legion tribute service will be 7 p.m. tonight and where funeral will be 2 p.m. Thursday, Rev. Larry Harrison officiating. Burial will be in Hilden Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Society or Victorian Order of Nurses.

  • [S3239] Donald Chisholm Murphy Sr - obituary, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, Municipalité régionale d'Halifax, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, 11 Jul 1994, pg B8.

    The Chronicle Herald Halifax, NS

    Monday, July 11th, 1994 pg B8

    MURPHY, Donald Chisholm Sr. -

    67, Pictou Landing Road, Pictou Landing, died July 10, 1994, in Aberdeen Regional Hospital, New Glasgow. Born in New Glasgow, he was a son of the late Thomas Henry and Flora (Chisholm) Murphy. He was employed with Hawker Siddeley Works, Trenton until his retirement. He was an adherent to First United Church, Trenton and a member of Doric Lodge 91, Trenton. He is survived by his wife, the former Ellen Legere; four daughters, Sylvia (Mrs. Wade Cosh), New Glasgow; Lori, Trenton; Fay, at home; Kelli, Halifax; three sons, Donald Jr., Pictou Landing; John (Jack), at home; Kevin, New Minas; sister, Marie Horton, Pictou Landing Road; four grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by two brothers, John, Henry. Visitation will be 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today in P & K MacDonald Funeral Home, New Glasgow, where a lodge service will be 6:45 p.m. tonight. Funeral will be 2 p.m. Tuesday in First United Church, Trenton, Rev. Stephen Fram officiating. Burial will be in Hillside Cemetery. Donations may be made to Aberdeen Palliative Care Society Pain Pump Fund or any charity.

  • [S3240] Diane Allain - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 23 Jul 1994, pg 14.
  • [S3241] Stella Marie Léger - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 Aug 1994.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 29 août 1994

    Stella Marie Allain

    SAINT-ANT0INE DE KENT - A l’Hôpital de Moncton,le samedi 27 août 1994, à l’âge de 43 ans, est décédée au terme d’une longue maladie Stella Marie Allain, épouse de Gérard Allain, domiciliiée à Saint-Antoine de Kent- Née à Saint-Antoine de Kent, elle était fille de Alyre Léger et de Emilienne Richard de Saint-Antoine de Kent.

    Outre son époux et ses parents, elle laisse dans le deuil trois filles: Tammy Allain et Jessie Allain, toutes deux de Saint-Antoine de Kent, et Mary Ann Allain, à la maison; une soeur, Donalda Belliveau de Dieppe, ainsi qu’un frère, Vital de Saint-Antoine de Kent.

    Une soeur, Alphonsine, l’a précédée dans la tombe.

    Mme Allain fut secrétaire.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Salle mortuaire de l’église de Saint-Antoine de Kent. Les funérailles auront lieu en l’église Saint-Antoine-L’Ermite de Saint-Antoine de Kent, ce lundi 29août, à 16h et, de là, au cimetière paroissial.

    Heures de visite: ce lundi 29 août, de 14h jusqu’au départ pour les funérailles.

    À la demande de la famille, un don à la Société canadienne du cancer, au lieu de fleurs, serait très apprécié.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Maillet de Bouctouche.

  • [S3242] Vitaline Légère - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 29 Aug 1994.
  • [S3243] Anita Léger Deutel - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 7 Sep 1994.
  • [S3244] Elzéar Léger - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 4 Oct 1994.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Mardi, 4 octobre 1994

    Elzéar Léger

    BOUCTOUCHE — À l’Hôpital de Moncton, le lundi 3 octobre 1994, à l’âge de 75 ans, est décédé Elzéar Léger, époux de Estelle (Léger) Léger, domicilié à Bouctouche. Né à Saint-Paul de Kent, il était fils de feu Marcelin Léger et de feu Henriette Gosselin.

    Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil une fille, Camilla (Rhéal Cormier) de Gardner, Mass.; trois fils: Marcel de Gardner, Mass., Euclide de Bouctouche, et Georges de Notre-Dame de Kent; une soeur, Rita (Zéphir Cormier) de Sainte-Marie de Kent; deux frères: Zoël de Saint-Antoine de Kent, et Euclide de Moncton, ainsi que 13 petits-enfants et cinq arrière-petits-enfants.

    Une fille, Denise; une soeur, Marie, ainsi que deux frères: Gérard et Aimé, l’ont précédé dans la tombe.

    M. Léger était un opérateur de machines pour la compagnie Van Huffel Eastern à Gardner, Mass; jusqu’à sa retraite en 1983. Il était président sortant du conseil d’administration de G.F.A. Credit Union, membre du Club social acadien de Gardner, Mass., président du syndicat chez Van Huffle Eastern, président sortant et gérant de la Caisse populaire acadienne de Saint-Antoine Ltée, membre du Club de golf de Bouctouche et président du Club de golf senior de Bouctouche.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Maison funéraire Maillet Ltée de Bouctouche. Les funérailles auront lieu en l’église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Bouctouche, le mercredi 5 octobre, à 19h et, de là, au cimetière Saint-Antoine-l’Ermite de Saint-Antoine de Kent.

    Heures de visite: ce mardi 4 octobre, de 14h à 16h et de 19h à21h, et le mercredi 5 octobre, de 14h à 16h et de 17h30 jusqu’au départ pour les funérailles.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Maillet Ltée de Bouctouche.

  • [S3245] Alban Légère - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 10 Oct 1994.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Lundi, 10 octobre 1994

    Alban Légère

    CARAQUET — Le vendredi 7 octobre 1994, à l’âge de 54 ans, est décédé accidentellement Alban Légère, domicilié à Caraquet. Il était fils de Philippe Légère et de feu Amanda Doiron.

    Outre son père, il laisse dans le deuil deux soeurs: Cyrianne (Adélard Roy) de Hamilton, Ont., et MarieLouise (Don Ivenson) de Vancouver, C.-B.; trois frères: Joseph et Léo (Lucille), tous deux de Hamilton, Ont., et Lucien (Nicole) de Montréal, ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousins et cousines.

    La dépouille mortelle est présentement exposée à la Maison funéraire Racicot de Caraquet. Le convoi funèbre partira le mardi 11 octobre, à10h45, pour se rendre en l’église Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens de Caraquet, où le service sera chanté à 11h et, de là, au cimetière paroissial.

    Heures de visite: ce lundi 10 octobre, de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h, et le mardi 11 octobre, de 9h jusqu’au départ pour les funérailles.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Racicot de Caraquet.

  • [S3246] Rita Belliveau Léger - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 11 Nov 1994, pg 52.

    l'Acadie Nouvelle Caraquet, NB

    Vendredi, 11 novembre 1994 pg 52

    Rita Relliveau Léger

    SAINT-PAUL DE KENT - Au Foyer Saint-Antoine de Saint-Antoine de Kent, le jeudi 10 novembre 1994, à l’âge de 91 ans, est décédée au terme d’une longue maladie Rita Belliveau Léger, épouse de Johnney Belliveau, domiciliée au foyer, mais autrefois de Saint-Paul de Kent. Née à Cap-Pelé, elle était fille de feu Hypolite Léger et de feu Rosalie Richard.

    Outre son époux, elle laisse dans le deuil un fils, Normand de Saint-Paul de Kent.

    Deux soeurs: Juliette et Lorette, ainsi que six frères: Alban, Roméo, Antoine, père Grégoire, Lionel et Gérald, l’ont précédée dans la tombe.

    La dépouille mortelle sera exposée à compter de 19h, le samedi 12 novembre, à la Salle mortuaire de l’église de Saint-Paul de Kent. Les funérailles auront lieu en l’église Saint-Paul de Saint-Paul de Kent, le lundi 14 novembre, à 15h et, de là, au cimetière paroissial.

    Heures de visite: le samedi 12 novembre, de 19h à 21h, le dimanche 13 novembre, de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h, et le lundi 14 novembre, de 13h jusqu’au départ pour les funérailles.

    La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison funéraire Maillet de Bouctouche.

  • [S3247] Cléophas LeBlanc - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 2 Dec 1994.

    voir aussi: Cleophas LeBlanc - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, December 2, 1994, pg 23.

  • [S3248] Aurele Cormier - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 9 Dec 1994, pg 25.
  • [S3249] Odila Léger - nécrologie, Acadie Nouvelle, Caraquet, Gloucester, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 13 Feb 1995.

    voir aussi: Mrs. Odila Leger - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, February 10, 1995, pg 19.

  • [S3250] Lina Bourque - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, Westmorland, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada, 25 Feb 1995, pg 16.

    voir aussi: Lina Bourque - obituary, Times & Transcript, Moncton, NB, February 27, 1995, pg 11.